The link and article I posted was directly from the Houston Chronicle web site. The title of this posting was taken directly from the Headline of the article.
Many of the comments posted on the Chonicle web page were about the use of "Brandish" and "pack heat" comments that were included in the web article (see below).
I checked the link to the article today and noticed they have removed the article as it was posted on the website Saturday morning.
I did a google search and found a copy of the article that was published at 9:19 PM, Friday night: ... 39518.html.
Though the headline title was different, the word "brandish" remains as does "pack heat" in the article.
Proposals would let licensed owners tote guns more easily
Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau
Jan. 30, 2009, 9:19PM
AUSTIN — Michael Guzman, a 25-year-old Texas State University senior and Marine veteran, takes his Kimber Ultra Carry II handgun just about everywhere he goes. Except to school.
Texas lawmakers, however, are crafting ways to allow licensed handgun owners to tote their guns more easily. One proposal would let guns be carried on campuses, and another would allow licensed handgun owners to openly
brandish their guns in public.
Together, the two issues are likely to be the most contentious gun-related laws of the session.
State Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, is preparing the campus concealed-carry gun measure. He calls it a “safety protection bill” for students and faculty.
“I don’t want to wake up one morning and hear on the news that some madman went on a Texas campus and picked off Texas students like sitting ducks,” Wentworth said. “I’m doing what I can to prevent that from happening in Texas.”
A national debate over guns on college campuses was sparked almost two years ago after the fatal shootings of 32 students at Virginia Tech.
Since then, 17 states have introduced legislation to let students and faculty
pack heat on campus. None has passed.
A Texas House study conducted by the Law Enforcement Committee — which noted only 11 U.S. universities allow concealed guns on campus — recommended passing a campus gun bill.
It wouldn’t be the first time the Legislature considered an open-carry measure. In 1997 and 1999, then-state Rep. Suzanna Hupp, a Republican from Lampasas whose parents were shot and killed in the 1991 Luby’s massacre in Killeen, authored similar legislation. The bills didn’t pass.
Wild West attitude feared
Gov. Rick Perry is among those supporting the notion of letting adult students bring handguns on campus if they are licensed to carry them.
The issue has been met with opposition from gun-control advocates, university officials, campus law enforcement and some lawmakers.
Earlier this week, the University of Texas at Austin’s student government overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting their campus gun ban and calling on “elected officials in Texas to oppose attempts to eliminate campus weapons bans.”
“I don’t want to return to a 19th-century Wild West urban atmosphere for Texas,” said state Rep. Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth. “I oppose both concealed-carry on campus and open-carry, but psychologically open-carry is the worst by far because of the implications it has when you’re walking down the street.”
Rep. Garnet Coleman, D-Houston, said he has not seen the bills but would not be inclined to support guns on campuses. “I think it’s an issue of safety,” he said. “Will that improve or diminish the safety of students? My gut instinct is most members would say it actually diminishes the safety of faculty and staff. … They didn’t pass it before, and they don’t have as good a chance for passing it now.”
Texas State Rifle Association lobbyist Alice Tripp said the group is “not forwarding the issue.”
At present, people with handgun permits have to keep their weapons concealed.
Online push for change
Ian McCarthy, a 22-year-old online marketing entrepreneur in Austin, wants to be able to
brandish one openly.
“Criminals want an easy target. When they see you can fight back, they’re going to go somewhere else,” McCarthy said.
He is a member of the national pro-gun group, which has raised more than $10,000 online to buy radio and billboard ads across the state and has collected more than 53,000 online Texas signatures in favor of changing the law.
Coleman doubts it will get the nod from fellow lawmakers.
“Open-carry, I think that for most members that would be going too far,” he said.
There are 585 comments related to this article on the Chronicle web site:
The link is located at: ... 39518.html
Proposals would let licensed owners tote guns more easily
Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau
Jan. 30, 2009, 9:19PM
585Comments 16Recommend
State Sen. Jeff Wentworth is preparing the campus concealed-carry gun measure, and calls it a “safety protection bill” for students and faculty. (Return to story)
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Oldest First Newest First
LarryBarry wrote:
Was 'brandish' the words they used? Or was it Open Carry? There is a big difference.
1/30/2009 9:21:07 PM
Recommend: (214) (48) [Report abuse]
Texean wrote:
Now WHY would the chronicle choose to use the word BRANDISH? That is NOT what the law would allow...
Pronunciation: \ˈbran-dish\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English braundisshen, from Anglo-French brandiss-, stem of brandir, from brant, braund sword, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English brand
Date: 14th century
1 : to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly
2 : to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner
I believe the report by the Chronicle is one that is designed to create a menacing feeling... Shame on the Chronicle.
1/30/2009 9:25:42 PM
Recommend: (414) (83) [Report abuse]
tubbythetuba wrote:
Guns don't kill, people do. If guns kill, then matches burn down buildings, and pencils and pens mispell words! You can not legislate morals.
1/30/2009 9:26:57 PM
Recommend: (334) (86) [Report abuse]
bandjagree wrote:
Hmmm, that could lead to some pretty wild spring break parties.
1/30/2009 9:33:48 PM
Recommend: (17) (34) [Report abuse]
MizzMillie wrote:
An armed society is a polite society.
1/30/2009 9:34:16 PM
Recommend: (74) (20) [Report abuse]
endsnear wrote:
Texean did you expect anything else from a liberal rag?
1/30/2009 9:35:36 PM
Recommend: (263) (92) [Report abuse]
1rightguy wrote:
That's a very nice pistol for such a young man, but he has passed an extensive background check and trained to the satisfaction of a licensed instructer so he should be able to carry it anywere that he might need it.
1/30/2009 9:44:05 PM
Recommend: (269) (69) [Report abuse]
elvyra wrote:
Texean (16)
Texean wrote:
Now WHY would the chronicle choose to use the word BRANDISH? That is NOT what the law would allow...
The Chronicle does not report the news, the Chronicle reports their opinion of what the news should be....sensationalizing sells more papers...
1/30/2009 9:45:43 PM
Recommend: (70) (21) [Report abuse]
badlandsbabe wrote:
If the Virginia Tech students had been armed, there would have way fewer deaths. He shot them down like ducks in a row. We all, including college students need to be able to defend our lives.
1/30/2009 9:45:54 PM
Recommend: (79) (19) [Report abuse]
HI2007 wrote:
I'm a veteran...We don't need GUN in any school. People do kill. I could take gun from anyone that could conceal it. Like taking a candy from a baby. lol
1/30/2009 9:47:36 PM
Recommend: (34) (107) [Report abuse]
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