Gender: Male
Profession/school status: School District IT
Marital status: 5yrs in
Years CHL: 1yr
Carry guns/equipment: Kahr PM45 Every Day Carry
Kimber Ultra Crimson Carry II, new, yet to be carried.

Hey hey all...
Moderator: carlson1
Welcome to the Forum! It's always cool to welcome in new guys.frogbones wrote:Age: 32
Gender: Male
Profession/school status: School District IT
Marital status: 5yrs in
Years CHL: 1yr
Carry guns/equipment: Kahr PM45 Every Day Carry
Kimber Ultra Crimson Carry II, new, yet to be carried.
Hey hey all...
GW Wilkins wrote:GW Wilkins Pasadena, Texas
age: 63
Gender: Male
Marital status: Divorced
Occupation: Ist Retired Construction Heavy Equipment Operator, So. Calif. retired 1980
2nd Retired Deputy Sheriff- Criminal Court Bailiff Harris County Texas
Years CHL: I was in the first class of instuctors, gave that up, so I have been a holder since start
I presently carry a Colt Defender, cocked and locked, ready to go