Obama: Don't stock up on guns

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bradfromearth »

Don't you have a post that is going to get a lawyer because you haven't gotten your CHL in 60 days?? I personally think this is a threatening move.
Guess I am confused at your tactics in one case vs. another. :confused5
One post is an inquiry about dealing with a faceless government entity. The other is about dealing with individual people and their views on guns.

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by mr.72 »

anygunanywhere wrote:Mr.72, if what you said was true the bailout would have never passed because IIRC over 60% of us did not want it.
Really? Which bailout?

When it was happening, there was definitely a tone nationally of "we need to do something NOW". I was in D.C. that week. I spoke with my Congressman after I got back. Trust me, they thought that the bailout was a winning move.

However it is a moot point since mostly these politicians only honor those desires of their own party. It was easy at the time of the bailout, final months of a campaign, etc. to misinterpret what is a split opinion that did not occur along party lines. The bailout issue was supported in large numbers (if not majorities) by both Democrat voters and Republicans. It was not supported in large number by Libertarians. The bailout only had one alternative, which was no-bailout, which, in the minds of our mostly economically-uneducated citizens, equated to collapse of the financial institutions.

Yeah sure in retrospect I think most of us think the bailout was a bad idea.

But this is really drifting off the thread. Some politicians may pay for their bailout vote in 2, 4 or 6 years. But Pelosi and most other career politicians have a longstanding history of being re-elected and knowing exactly what position to take to ensure that it continues to happen. Some can get away with murder or at least manslaughter, grand larceny, fraud, prostitution, and a host of other things without it costing them their office. Clearly there is something they are doing to support the voters' will. I think Pelosi et. al. positions on gun control are an absolute reflection of their constituency.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by anygunanywhere »

I agree with you with regards to Pelosi.

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bradfromearth »

mr.72 wrote:Actually, I think Pelosi probably professes support for anti-gun legislation because her support results in votes. If all of the sudden the people in her district were to start voting against anti-gun candidates then she would flip like Shamu. I think this is probably true for 99% of all politicians, at least incumbents. They are elected in districts or parts of the country where the constituents in majority are aligned with one or the other party platforms, so within the context of that platform, they will support whatever fires up the base. They will do whatever necessary to stay in office. Very few will stand on principle, simply because generally speaking standing on principle, if that happens to depart from the opinion of your constituents, results in a career change for politicians. Standing on principle only matters if it is is counter to the polls. I think this is why you don't see people like Rush Limbaugh not running for public office, and people like Jesse Jackson losing when they run.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that most career politicians actually have firmly held beliefs. That's the wool you are seeing before your eyes.
All the more reason that we should all do our best to convince anti gun folks of the truth as opposed to making an enemy our of them. The more poeple we convince the more the politicians constituency will be pro gun. Lets not forget this is a government "By the people, for the people". We need MORE PEOPLE. The ambivalent all the way to the extreme left.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by anygunanywhere »

Are you an NRA member, Brad?

Are you a TSRA member Brad?

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by mr.72 »

Well, bear in mind, people are not, generally speaking, single-issue voters.

In fact I think those who vote are more likely no-issue voters. I think they tend to vote based on name recognition and also upon a great misunderstanding as to the intended role and effect of government. If there are any "issues" that people vote, they are things like this:

1. What is this politician going to do that will specifically and temporarily benefit ME
2. What did this politician succeed in doing, or claim to do, in the past that did or would have temporarily benefited ME
3. Is this politician a likable person, or do they effectively oppose other politicians whom I find less likable?
4. Does this politician profess philosophical agreement with me on one or another moral issues which stand almost no chance of ever actually impacting public policy?

So as close as most people get to voting issues is #4. Sad to say, gun rights are in #4, along with abortion, stem cell research, taking "God" out of all parts of public life, the death penalty, repealing the income tax, privatizing this or that (notably schools), so-called "gay rights", etc.

So for example, let's say Candidate X supports abortion, government funding of stem cell research, increasing taxes on "corporations" and lowering taxes on "the poor", gay marriage, and supports an assault weapons ban. Candidate Y supports school vouchers, across-the-board tax cuts, overturning Roe V. Wade, and RKBA. Well who is the gun-owning, gay, pro-abortion welfare recipient going to vote for?
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by galvestonredneck »

My Daddy told me; “Actions speak louder than words”The “actions” of BHO when he was a legislator in his home state of Illinois tells me all I need to know on how to expect him to rule from the White House.

This kinda like looking at a mad dog snarling at you; You gona relax if he happens to wag his tail?

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by Keith B »

bradfromearth wrote:
Don't you have a post that is going to get a lawyer because you haven't gotten your CHL in 60 days?? I personally think this is a threatening move.
Guess I am confused at your tactics in one case vs. another. :confused5
One post is an inquiry about dealing with a faceless government entity. The other is about dealing with individual people and their views on guns.
The people you are talking converting about are no longer individuals when they represent an anti-gun organization or the government; they become the whole group.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bpet »

anygunanywhere wrote:Mr.72, if what you said was true the bailout would have never passed because IIRC over 60% of us did not want it.


While I agree with what you say from a logical sense, you must remember that we are dealing with politicians. They are influenced by not only popular majorities but also by political action committees and contributors. Nancy "Sweet Thing" Pelosi certainly has her share of political debt, but has demonstrated her sensitivity to the popular majority in changing her position on off-shore drilling... so there is hope that given enough pressure, even she can be swayed.

BMO has now demonstrated that he is acutely aware of the sensitivity of the issue of 2A and I would suspect that he will someday use the increase in gun sales as a feather in his economic stimulus cap.

He will, no doubt, say that he knew all along that by using the fear of increased gun control on us commoners he could increase gun sales (and as a bonus, church attendance) while maintaining reasonable controls on firearms. He, of course, won't take this position until it seems most advantageous. But, given enough pressure, he has demonstrated that he will alter his view of what is proper to meet the current political crisis.

Much of this response is tongue-in-cheek but I wouldn't be surprised at anything this political animal does.

He would make a great car salesman - No offense to any of you guys that sell cars.
Last edited by bpet on Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by nitrogen »

I really don't like this atitude that supporting the NRA is the ONLY thing you can do to support RKBA.

It's not.

Not to say it's not important, but remember what Obama taught us?
A ton of people on the ground working for you can accomplish almost anything.

We need to remember that.

In my opinion, every anti-gunner you convert is worth a life membership in the NRA.
Not to brag I've got 4 under my belt in 2008 alone. I need to do better in 2009; we ALL do.

THATS what everyone needs to be working on. Giving your $30 to the NRA is important, but PLEASE don' think you're done once you write that check. You're not, not by far.

I know many people here are Christians. Even though I'm not, I think the model many have of witnessing is a model we all need to follow.

Sure, Bradfromearth should be at LEAST a TSRA member, and probably an NRA member.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by asleepatthereel »

"We don't dispute [the gun sales hike] because the numbers from the federal system certainly confirm that there is increased activity out there. We just think it's a bit stupid," said Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign against Gun Violence.

"Anyone who thinks they need to rush out and buy a firearm clearly has not been paying attention to how quickly we make progress on this issue. We don't think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more."

Ok, so now in addition to being bitter and clingy, Im stupid. Thanks Peter. I guess I was stupid for voting, Speaking my opinion, and excersising all my other rights granted to me in the Constitution. I suppose that makes you stupid too.

The last statement just shows this guy has closed his eyes to any kind of discussion concerning the rights of law abiding citizens. What kind of issues have they "quickly made progress" on? He needs to open his eyes if he thinks only people who are already gun owners are buying guns. Hopefully the new gun owners are taking the extra step of joining the NRA. He is smarter than I am if he knows exactly how many guns someone needs to defend their home. Im gonna have to send him an email and ask how many I need to hunt with, and another to see how many I need just for practice at the range. He is obviously the one to ask, since he is such an expert on the issue.

What he should have said is 'Anyone who has been paying attention should rush out and buy firearms'

I dont trust BHO when it comes to my 2A rights, and quoting gun grabbers like this guy does nothing to change my mind.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by lrb111 »

I don't know about ya'll but I talk to folks in stores. Let them know that that new weapon they are purchasing may have free NRA membership in the box.. Just send it in. I have been remiss on this, this is as much a reminder to myself.
Let's start reminding store clerks too. Suggest they use it as a selling point. We need everyone we can get.
I got a new card from the NRA yesterday and I can sign up family members for a $300 lifetime. Been waiting for that one.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by Weg »

I feel so much better now after hearing from Obama and reading all these posts, I just want to go out and buy a big fuzzy bunny and hug it.

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by asleepatthereel »

Maybe we can start to afford ammo now. Cant wait..... :waiting:
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

asleepatthereel wrote:Maybe we can start to afford ammo now. Cant wait..... :waiting:
Don't bet on it. The instant it becomes affordable, myself and every other gun nut in the country, will buy up every last round to add to our already over abundant stash. :biggrinjester:
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