How did you learn about CHL?

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How did you learn about CHL?


Post by GreenGuy »

Hi folks, I've been on board here almost a week officially, been lurking for a bit, and been a member of other CHL forums. I've been carrying for about 10 years now, and have wondered how you FIRST found out about a CHL, and that you could legally carry a firearm.

When I was in my early 20's, some of the then "older" guys at work occasionally would talk about firearms, and some of them would set up times to go shooting after work. One time when we went to lunch, I was in the passenger seat and for some reason opened the center console of a friends SUV, inside was a Walther PPK, I was completely surprised that he had that, and started asking him the questions like, "Isn't that illegal?" and he took the time to educate me, and shortly thereafter I got my CHL.

If it wasn't for this guy telling me he had a CHL, and that it was legal to conecal a firearm as long as you followed the law, I'm not sure when I would have found out.

So I have a couple of general questions to the forum.

1. How did you first find out about CHL?

2. Even though it doesn't have any tactical advantage, and the general consensus amongs the CHL crowd is to keep it a secret, what does it hurt to mention CHL to others in the interest of education. I've considered using my CHL as proof of ID when at a store that asks for my DL, thinking it might "inform" someone that it is legal to posess a firearm, by other than a LEO, it may spark a conversation and get one more person interested in CHL.

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Post by longtooth »

Some of us that are as old as dirt were here for the debate & the vote. I have never used my CHL for ID. Never needed to. As far as talking about it, I am very vocal about a few things & never let the opportunity pass. I consider them a RESPONSIBILITY to take a stand for right. My Christ, My Country, my 2nd Amendment, our soldiers & my soldier. I don't go around telling folks, "I have a CHL & be careful not to bump my right hip" but when I take a stand on 2A, personal defense, or such it should not be hard to figure out that I probably do. Every one must decide for themselves if they are to be a concealed CHL holder or a public advocate.
I know there have been those who have come from out of town to the instructor where my whole family has gone so "no one will know that I have one & carry". There must be some in the small town area here that go to the big city for the same reason. I know that I have had several ask me to teach them about guns so they could get one. I have been asked by some that have no idea where I stand on the issue, "preacher what does the Bible say about this".
I have a good friend who has a small shooting range at his house that is also very verbal about it & invites people to the range to introduce them to arms & the Good Guy side of guns & shooting. On about any issue that comes up I am going to fly my flag. Personally, on any issue of importance I want to see yours. I don't like having to watch my back trail. My .02 cents. Some think it is worth about half that. ;-)
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Post by Greybeard »

Yep, like lontooth said, some of us have following the concealed carry issue in Tejas since back before some here were even born. :razz:

Back in the mid 70s, one of the beefcake iron workers I had been supervising evidently got slightly POed at his GF one weekend. He kicked in the front door of her apartment in broad daylight and drug her down the stairs kicking and screaming before sticking her in truck and taking out to in the country - where he cut her head off. Shortly thereafter I aquired a S&W Model 36, my first true "carry gun" (which The Wife now views as "Hers").

Got the Glock 23 when introduced in 1990 - somewhere in the era when Ann Richards was Governor and vetoed our first hard run at a carry law. :evil:

Regarding showing the CHL to strangers, yes, most of us view such as a "no-no", that it should be done on an absolute "need to know" only basis. In many situations in some parts of the state (particularly urban areas), the risks are often greater than the rewards.
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Post by longtooth »

Yes Greybeard, that veto may well have cost her the Gov. mansion. :hurry:
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Post by gigag04 »

I have used it at a bank before for a 2nd form of ID. Wasn't my first choice but it worked.

That said, I wouldn't make a habbit about using it regularly.

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Post by flintknapper »

longtooth wrote:Some of us that are as old as dirt were here for the debate & the vote. I have never used my CHL for ID. Never needed to. As far as talking about it, I am very vocal about a few things & never let the opportunity pass. I consider them a RESPONSIBILITY to take a stand for right. My Christ, My Country, my 2nd Amendment, our soldiers & my soldier. I don't go around telling folks, "I have a CHL & be careful not to bump my right hip" but when I take a stand on 2A, personal defense, or such it should not be hard to figure out that I probably do. Every one must decide for themselves if they are to be a concealed CHL holder or a public advocate.
I know there have been those who have come from out of town to the instructor where my whole family has gone so "no one will know that I have one & carry". There must be some in the small town area here that go to the big city for the same reason. I know that I have had several ask me to teach them about guns so they could get one. I have been asked by some that have no idea where I stand on the issue, "preacher what does the Bible say about this".
I have a good friend who has a small shooting range at his house that is also very verbal about it & invites people to the range to introduce them to arms & the Good Guy side of guns & shooting. On about any issue that comes up I am going to fly my flag. Personally, on any issue of importance I want to see yours. I don't like having to watch my back trail. My .02 cents. Some think it is worth about half that. ;-)

Well said.

A big +1
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Post by GreenGuy »

I come from a not so gun friendly family, Mom and Dad have never seen a need for them. They aren't against them, just not exactly for them either. So it isn't in my blood.

The only way I becaeme educated was from another permit holder. Had they kept it a secret, I would still be one of those who think that is is unnecessary.

I just wonder if there is a time and a place to try to educate others that may have been raised as I was, but would consider carrying if they knew they could.

I know at least on person who now has a CHL because I took a risk and mentioned it to them that I carry. That is one more person that would vote in favor to keep a CHL if it ever came to that.

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Post by j1132s »

One of my coworkers got me back into shooting when his wife threw him a suprise birthday party at the shooting range. Once I got back into shooting, looking into CHL was just a natural extension.

I never tell anyone that I have a CHL. I think the only person beside my family who knows is that coworker because I asked him about Texas CHL when looking it up.
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Post by quidni »

I don't remember exactly how the topic came up that particular morning, but I learned about CHL from a friend during Bible School one Sunday, shortly after it was signed into law. Dan had one of the very first permits issued in Texas. I'd grown up around firearms (Army Brat) but hadn't handled one since the early-mid '70s. (Long story as to why not...) But, I remember thinking, "Neat! That's something I could do...."

Took a few more years of percolating before I actually was ready to act on the idea, though. Finally got back into shooting, and got my permit, with my husband's and son's full support, in 2004. And I've been kicking myself ever since for missing out on all those years I could have been having fun on the range! :banghead:
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Post by night4creeper »

well, when I started at my current job 7 years ago (age 20) I was asked on the 1st day by the guy that was to train me "Do you have a good rifle and a 1000 rounds?" That was the beginning. it took me 5yrs to finally get around to taking the class, (I had the packet about a month after I turned 21). Needless to say I'm glad I finally did it and now I feel naked if I leave the house with out my PPE (personal protective equipment).

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Post by longtooth »

GreenGuy, sometimes the RISK can be minimized w/ some forethought & perception.
1. Is the individual you are thinking of talking to a died in the wool blissninnie or a person of reason?
2. Do they respect you in other areas of reason & do you have a friendly influience in their life?
3. Where do they stand on other but semi related issues?
4. Are they a gossip or do they know what topics should not have names attached to them?
Answer these 4 Q's before you stir the pot & you will usually be able to know whether to speak or keep silent whether in the country or the big city. Set your goal to educate with truth, not to "streighten them out" & let them decide. With your attitued & the desire of your heart you will do well. See you in print. :seeya:
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Post by RPBrown »

I too remember spineless Richards veto. And I agree it cost her the mansion. Although I have been around guns all of my life, I just got My CHL 3 years ago. I usually had a long gun with me.
I was robbed at an intersection in Mesquite a few years back and the LEO actually sugested a CHL. Next day had a class scheduled and as they say, the rest is history.
I do not volunteer the fact that I carry, but with NRA and TSRA stickers on my truck, one can only assume.
On the other hand I am vocal about 2A
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Re: How did you learn about CHL?


Post by lrb111 »

GreenGuy wrote:I've considered using my CHL as proof of ID when at a store that asks for my DL, thinking it might "inform" someone that it is legal to posess a firearm, by other than a LEO, it may spark a conversation and get one more person interested in CHL.
I looked around and can't find the exact place where i read it, But,, The state has said, "anyone that accepts the Texas drivers licence as I.D. has to accept the CHL as I.D.

It struck me as really odd, since, I thought as others here, that flashing the licence would be "breaking concealment".
Either the state does not think that way. Or, the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing in this instance. :nono:
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Re: How did you learn about CHL?


Post by GreenGuy »

lrb111 wrote:
GreenGuy wrote:I've considered using my CHL as proof of ID when at a store that asks for my DL, thinking it might "inform" someone that it is legal to posess a firearm, by other than a LEO, it may spark a conversation and get one more person interested in CHL.
I looked around and can't find the exact place where i read it, But,, The state has said, "anyone that accepts the Texas drivers licence as I.D. has to accept the CHL as I.D.

It struck me as really odd, since, I thought as others here, that flashing the licence would be "breaking concealment".
Either the state does not think that way. Or, the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing in this instance. :nono:
Are you saying that using a CHL as an ID, is in someway breaking concealment. Granted 99.99999% of the time, if you have your CHL on you then you are packing.

I'm certainly not advocating doing this, I was mostly just wondering how we can educate other about their rights. I certainly would not try to convice them that they should carry, more or less letting them know that it is fine to do if one desired.

I never knew I had the option until someone told me, coming from a not gun friendly family, I'm not sure how I would have learned otherwise..
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Post by Paladin »

After the shooting at the Luby's in Killeen, I was firmly convinced that we needed citizens to be carrying guns. At the time I had never heard of Suz. Hupp, but it was obvious to me what the solution was.

I would talk to people about my thoughts and they said "It'll be like the wild west" :roll:

Really I learned about the Texas CHL program through the efforts of the anti's. They made such a fuss over it in the beginning, people were talking about it all over.

I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. It just seemed like an obvious solution to me.

I found out how to get a CHL over the internet. Should have done it earlier.
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