Obama: Don't stock up on guns

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Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by ttorion »

Chicago Sun-Times: Obama: Don't stock up on guns

"I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment," Obama said at a news conference. "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven't indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word."

We can all rest easy now. The Messiah has spoken.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bdickens »

First: Osama - I mean Obama - is a liar. Let's get that out of the way first.

Second: "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear...." That's the key. Once the Obamessiah makes them into unlawful gun owners, things will be different.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bpet »

"Anyone who thinks they need to rush out and buy a firearm clearly has not been paying attention to how quickly we make progress on this issue. We don't think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more."

Ok, I give up. Their logic is overwhelming and I, for one, intend to post on this forum, every gun I own that I believe is more than I need to protect my home and myself. You guys and gals keep your eyes open for the good deals to come.

Oh, by the way, I'm gonna keep those that I believe I have a "right" to own as well (even though they may be in excess of what the donkey's in Washington think are needed).

Come to think of it, I guess I won't be posting much in the "for sale" threads. :patriot: :fire
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by Keith B »

bpet wrote: Come to think of it, I guess I won't be posting much in the "for sale" threads. :patriot: :fire
Aww, come on bpet, don't back down now. I have seen a couple of your guns I would like to have in my collection! ;-)
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by jimlongley »

If the same proportion of people who made negative comments on the blog following the article had voted against bambam, then he not only would not have won, his candidacy would merely have rated a footnote in election history as one of the most lopsided elections ever.

He believes in the Second Amendment, and actually so claim the Bradys, the problem is just exactly what he believes it says. He won't take away our guns, he'll let congress and "the people have spoken" do that. And he'll find many other ways to weasel around what he appeared to say. :waiting:
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by mr.72 »

I think it's more like, he doesn't intend to take away:

1. guns we already own
2. our ability to buy new guns, provided they meet with whatever "commonsense" requirements that new gun purchases are going to be subjected to in the future

And I believe that Mr. Obama also does believe in the 2nd Amendment, defined as the right we all have to own, if we choose, at least one gun. Restrictions on what type of gun that is, how many, if any, more than one, the means by which it must be bought, the method of storage, and whether we can carry that gun outside of our homes besides on a bona-fide hunting trip, are all subject to regulation as "commonsense restrictions".

So in this case, when he says "gun owners have nothing to worry about" is a half-truth. It's probably true that he doesn't intend to take away guns we already own legally. However if you might want to purchase another gun (that is, you may not already be a gun owner, or you are already a gun owner and would like to have >1 guns), then you might have something to "worry about".
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by gmckinl »

BHO probably does believe in the Second Ammendment. As in he would round them up in a second if he could. :rolll
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bpet »

bdickens wrote:First: Osama - I mean Obama - is a liar. Let's get that out of the way first.

Second: "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear...." That's the key. Once the Obamessiah makes them into unlawful gun owners, things will be different.
I think that bdickens first point is the basis for my concern but it does identify a weakness. Even the Dems are now trying to figure out why he preached one thing and is now it's obvious that his intent is to do something different.

It is clear that this man is driven by a "a need to be respected and loved". From that perspective, he is not much different than most politicians (read, he'll say anything to get elected then do what ever is needed to get re-elected). I continue to be amazed at the naivete of those who voted for this guy thinking he had any chance of delivering on all that he promised.

We simply must continue to "respect and love" his hunger for political acceptance and apply "reasonable" and overwhelming pressure to make sure he understands the incorrectness of any decision to mess with 2A including "reasonable" restrictions.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by boomerang »

bdickens wrote:Second: "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear...." That's the key. Once the Obamessiah makes them into unlawful gun owners, things will be different.

If constitutional gun owners have nothing to fear, he should encourage people to buy guns and ammo to stimulate the economy. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by bradfromearth »

Please people think about what is actually going on TODAY as in Right here and Right now. The truth cannot hide any longer. This issue has been under the microscope for too long now and the truth is coming out clear as day and it is coming out in our favor!

Gun ownership and the carrying guns by law abiding citizens REDUCES CRIME. These people, who are ANTI GUN think they are right. They honestly think they are right in their position on the issue. Those remaining hanging out that far left on the Gun issue are going to be hard pressed to sell the old school Anti-Gun ideals. There is too much information that shows they are wrong.

Look they are NOT Nazis in hiding or evil socialists collaborating in some secret society to remove guns and control the people. They just think they are right and guess what?? They don't want to be mugged, or shot, beat up or raped either. Yes, it is true, they also want a peaceful and safe world to live in.

If we lose our guns then it is our own fault.
It is our own fault for not spreading the truth an a manner that others will listen to us.
It is our own fault for berating and belittling people who think differently than us, making them hostile to our understanding of the issue.

Did you ever buy a car because the salesman was berating you, insulting you, and giving you a hard time. I didn't think so.

In general the attitudes and derisive rhetoric I see on all gun message boards is only the kind that causes polarity on the issue and does not help the cause at all.

Please consider what I am trying to say here I think it is important. We should all try to be a part of the solution and not the problem.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by Keith B »

bradfromearth wrote:Please people think about what is actually going on TODAY as in Right here and Right now. The truth cannot hide any longer. This issue has been under the microscope for too long now and the truth is coming out clear as day and it is coming out in our favor!

Gun ownership and the carrying guns by law abiding citizens REDUCES CRIME. These people, who are ANTI GUN think they are right. They honestly think they are right in their position on the issue. Those remaining hanging out that far left on the Gun issue are going to be hard pressed to sell the old school Anti-Gun ideals. There is too much information that shows they are wrong.

Look they are NOT Nazis in hiding or evil socialists collaborating in some secret society to remove guns and control the people. They just think they are right and guess what?? They don't want to be mugged, or shot, beat up or raped either. Yes, it is true, they also want a peaceful and safe world to live in.

If we lose our guns then it is our own fault.
It is our own fault for not spreading the truth an a manner that others will listen to us.
It is our own fault for berating and belittling people who think differently than us, making them hostile to our understanding of the issue.

Did you ever buy a car because the salesman was berating you, insulting you, and giving you a hard time. I didn't think so.

In general the attitudes and derisive rhetoric I see on all gun message boards is only the kind that causes polarity on the issue and does not help the cause at all.

Please consider what I am trying to say here I think it is important. We should all try to be a part of the solution and not the problem.
Don't you have a post that is going to get a lawyer because you haven't gotten your CHL in 60 days?? I personally think this is a threatening move.

Guess I am confused at your tactics in one case vs. another. :confused5
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by anygunanywhere »

If I am mistaken, please correct me, but if you think I am going to validate the gungrabber's feelings and sit around the campfire with them and sing kum-by-yah (sp?) then don't hold your breath.

The anti's vitriolic message about gun owners being the problem and that we need restrictions to keep us in-line is fightin' words.

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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by Captain Matt »

There's no reason for anyone except criminals and despots to support restrictive gun laws. I know why Pelosi wants to disarm her intended victims and nothing will change her power mad mind. Disarming law abiding gunowners has as much effect on crime as prohibiting law abiding Muslims from praying has on terrorism.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by mr.72 »

Actually, I think Pelosi probably professes support for anti-gun legislation because her support results in votes. If all of the sudden the people in her district were to start voting against anti-gun candidates then she would flip like Shamu. I think this is probably true for 99% of all politicians, at least incumbents. They are elected in districts or parts of the country where the constituents in majority are aligned with one or the other party platforms, so within the context of that platform, they will support whatever fires up the base. They will do whatever necessary to stay in office. Very few will stand on principle, simply because generally speaking standing on principle, if that happens to depart from the opinion of your constituents, results in a career change for politicians. Standing on principle only matters if it is is counter to the polls. I think this is why you don't see people like Rush Limbaugh not running for public office, and people like Jesse Jackson losing when they run.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that most career politicians actually have firmly held beliefs. That's the wool you are seeing before your eyes.
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Re: Obama: Don't stock up on guns


Post by anygunanywhere »

Mr.72, if what you said was true the bailout would have never passed because IIRC over 60% of us did not want it.

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