A most excellent link, thanks for sharing it! I now feel much better about carrying in shul, not only on Shabbat but for the High Holidays as well. It's a mitzvah!! Of course between two rabbis there will be three opinions. Another rabbi (maybe from a JPFO link?) said it's okay to carry on Saturday, but it's not okay to holster the gun, so you have to put on the holster with the gun already in it. I don't think that's very safe.
I do know of a couple of Texas rabbis who carry. At least two of the rabbis at my shul don't seemed too thrilled about gun proliferation and I don't want to ask their opinions on carrying in shul lest they get any wrong ideas. However the one whom I believed was the most strongly opposed also wrote my daughter a very lovely note congratulating her on her medal at Camp Perry this year.
We have a large congregation so I have no idea how many may be packing and I don't think it's good manners to ask someone if they're packing. One other regular attendee always carries so there's at least two of us. He said that this week he was carrying SOB and the folks sitting behind him, who he didn't know, kept asking him to cover up his Glock as it kept peeking out from under his suit jacket everytime he'd stand up. Said those folks seemed entirely unconcerned that he was carrying, they just didn't want him exposing himself that way.
I guess a CHL forum isn't the right place to survey for folks that are opposed to carrying in church or shul.