I did see a bumper sticker once on the way to an IDPA match that made me feel fairly aggressive but I was able to save it for the range.

Moderators: carlson1, Keith B, Charles L. Cotton
Or James?Purplehood wrote:Ayn?
PerzactlyPurplehood wrote:Ayn?
Just be sure you put the Obama sticker on the right, and the McCain sticker on the left, you know, for full comedic effect.nitrogen wrote:
In fact, I'm considering getting an Obama and a McCain sticker, and putting one on either side of the car.
Who cares about changing their minds? Change their voting eligibility with a conviction for road rage aggravated assault.flynbenny wrote:I also had numerous incidents where individuals sped up to pass me, solely for the purpose of flipping me off and screaming obscenities at me...all because of my bumper stickers.
Anyway, has a bumper sticker ever changed your mind about a political canidate or any issue?
Still in court. Here's the ruling on motions for summary judgement: http://www.aclufl.org/pdfs/Kilpatrick-SJ.pdfDoubleJ wrote:Wonder whatever happened to that lawsuit.
I saw one at a range too, but it was hard to identify, as it had been shot so many times!FightinAggieCHL wrote:I saw an Obama sticker at an indoor gun range/store that is right down the street from my school.
I was thinking, 'wait a minute...'