April Applications

So, your CHL Application has been filed and the clock has slowed to a crawl - tell us about it!

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Re: April Applications


Post by ericsu19 »

Good point I had mentioned the counties being a problem in one of my post. I agree that the counties are just at fault I have spoke with a couple guys that have there CHL in my county and they had to wait 4 to 5 months

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Re: April Applications-I have officially given up!!!


Post by The_Vigilante »

Let's see. I sent my application on April 17th. It arrived in Austin on April 21st. I received my PIN number in May. Since then it has been a nightmare and I have now officially given up on the DPS getting my license to me ever. I received a letter from DPS at the end of June advising one of my fingerprint cards hadn't been signed-stupid me. I returned it posthaste and it was received on July 7th. Two weeks later status was changed to Processing Application. On Monday, August 4th I called and spoke to Matthew who advised me my background check had been completed and my image had been sent off for printing. Now I figure I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. "NOT." After reading the horror stories here in the Waiting Room I called back again on Tuesday and spoke with none other than the infamous/famous Simone. Bad News: Matthew was wrong and will be corrected by Simone. They are still waiting on my background check-county. My FBI came back fast. Simone advised my application was only entered into the system on June 27th. So it sat in someone's stack for 2 months + gathering dust. One inconsistency: After I received my PIN in May my status changed to Processing Application-how could they be processing my application if it never had been entered? Another one of those mysteries that will never be solved. She told me the background checks average 60-180 days depending if something is found and needs follow-up. She also told me the background investigations were handled by a private investigative firm where I live-she wouldn't provide me the name. With that news I told her I would be lucky if I ever receive my license and officially gave upon the process at that time
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Re: April Applications


Post by ericsu19 »

Your story sounds like mine I spoke with Mathuew and he said the same thing I then called the next day and simmon told me background check was not complete that was 2 weeks ago My Application was received April 16 and I am going on 120 days I did my online application on March the 29th and the credit card was charged on the March 31st so if I add those days it 128 days. Looks like we are going the distance.

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Re: April Applications


Post by ABN556 »

I can't think of anything I could of done that would be more frustrating that this. Day 106 for me today and still the dreaded "processing application". Phone calls are a waste of time and e-mails the governor (twice), calling his office once, and e-mailing representatives has had zero effect. A while back I jokingly said halloween would be the target date on a application they rec'd April 25th. I am now thinking that Thanksgiving may be a more accurate prognostication.

I would really like an answer as to why people who applied over a month after me are getting their cards and mine is still processing.
04/19/08 - Took Class
4/25/08 – Packet received by DPS
5/1/08 – Check cleared my bank
7/21/08 – Rec’d PIN
08/28/08 - Heather called - license being mailed out today.
08/29/08 - web site updated:

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Re: April Applications


Post by ericsu19 »

Hang in there it will come I beleive these counties are just as guilty of hanging on to the application to long. One thing I have a problem with is when I go to purchase a firearm I am either put on hold or need mor reveiw. I always get the firarm but there must be someone with the same name that has problems making them reveiw me everytime. This may be what is holding me up. You may have the same problem. As far as people geting there plastic ahead of us I am guessing that they are pretty younge 21-26 years of age not much background to check. Good luck

Application received April 16

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Re: April Applications


Post by taurus4007 »

Just checked the mail today and still no plastic. It has been 11 days for me since status changed to completed application and still no plastic!! Is there anyone else out there for whom it has taken that long to get plastic in hand? I am about to lose my mind here waiting on the mail. I called yesterday they confirmed that it was mailed July 30th?!! Am I the only one or are others having the same issues.

Let me know!!
Class completed 4/27
Application received by DPS 4/30
Check Cleared 5/05
State Rep Inquired 6/28
PIN received 7/15
Application "In Process" 7/17
Application Completed 7/30 90 Days
August 15- PLASTIC IN HAND!!!!!

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Re: April Applications


Post by ABN556 »

Got a letter today from the Thomas Davis, Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, stating that the agency is in receipt of my e-mail to the Governor's office regarding my application for CHL. The basics:

"We regret the delay in processing your application. During the past six months we have received a significant increase in applications, which created a backlog in processing. We will make every attempt to expedite the processing of your application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jan Coffer, Manager, Concealed Handgun Licensing Bureau." Phone # and e-mail were included.

Well - at least I found out that the Governor's office acted on my e-mail and phone call. Now I am wondering if this is going to help or hurt..........
04/19/08 - Took Class
4/25/08 – Packet received by DPS
5/1/08 – Check cleared my bank
7/21/08 – Rec’d PIN
08/28/08 - Heather called - license being mailed out today.
08/29/08 - web site updated:

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Re: April Applications


Post by Truck »

I guess we are the last of of the April crew waiting, I'm on your timeline but I don't call or e-mail because I have blood pressure issues.

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Re: April Applications


Post by plantop14 »

Truck wrote:ABN556
I guess we are the last of of the April crew waiting, I'm on your timeline but I don't call or e-mail because I have blood pressure issues.
I'm still with ya'll! :waiting: Heck, I could just as well be in May's though, wouldn't make much difference! My timeline is:
4/26 - Class Completed
4/28 - Mailed App. To DPS
4/30 - App. Rec'd By DPS
7/28 - Rec'd. PIN

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Re: April Applications


Post by RichardJ »

Still waiting here too... :totap: :waiting: :banghead:
Took class 4/5/08
Mailed packet to DPS 4/7/08
Packet received @ DPS 4/8/08
PIN received 7/26/08
9/6/08 Appication Complete
9/9/08 Plastic in hand

151 Days

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Re: April Applications


Post by ABN556 »

Just chekced again. Still "processing application". 108 days and counting.

I know I probably didn't help myself by escalating to the Governor's office, but if my status doesn't change this week, I am going to do it again.

This has been one of the most frustrating things I can remember in decades.
04/19/08 - Took Class
4/25/08 – Packet received by DPS
5/1/08 – Check cleared my bank
7/21/08 – Rec’d PIN
08/28/08 - Heather called - license being mailed out today.
08/29/08 - web site updated:

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Re: April Applications


Post by The_Vigilante »


Is your application pending results of your County background investigation? Which county is it?
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Re: April Applications


Post by ABN556 »

Harris County. I'm sure they are probably slower than just about every other county.
04/19/08 - Took Class
4/25/08 – Packet received by DPS
5/1/08 – Check cleared my bank
7/21/08 – Rec’d PIN
08/28/08 - Heather called - license being mailed out today.
08/29/08 - web site updated:

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Re: April Applications


Post by The_Vigilante »

Have you ever spoken with Simone or Heather to determine why your application is taking so long?
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Re: April Applications


Post by jmorris »

I'm still here, although part of it is my own stupid fault, not signing the fingerprint cards. Thing is, it's been almost three weeks since they got them back and the "you did something stupid" message is still on my status page. I emailed them about it and the reply was "check back in a few weeks". After my heart started back up I emailed back "do you mean the status page takes that long to update, or my prints will be sitting around for that long?" The response was the status page. More data that the status page is worthless.
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