Private Range (my range) issues

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Dan20703 »

Target1911 wrote:You should take turns standing guard with a camera. It would give you some evidence against her.
I like the game camera idea. No flash so they don't see it and steal the camera. Then send the photos to the local LEO.
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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

It's all fun and games until she uses her money and power to change the ordinances out there. I realize it may be fun taunting her and all, heck, I almost broke a rib laughing at the "crack cooking" recording. But a couple thoughts for you. Many a legitimate gun range has been shut down when the neighborhood becomes developed. Developers and home owners can put together quite a force. I wouldn't be so quick to get the media involved. The media may see your range and activities as harrassment and public opinion is going to go against you. You may be so close to this situation that your only seeing it as "your right to do what you want on your property". What I am seeing is that the law enforcement community is getting tired of getting complaints and I bet the ultimate solution is not going to be issuing ear plugs for the folks in that development. I bet that they will start proceedings to change the rules out there. Quite frankly, if I had a neighbor that was ruining my every Saturday morning by having a band of merry men out for a shoot, I would not be too happy about it either. Like I said, legitimate firing ranges get shut down all the time over far less disturbance than you fellers are creating. I bet your range doesn't stand a chance of surving. You might want to rethink your tactics if you want to continue to have a place to shoot.

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Pinkycatcher »

03Lightningrocks wrote:It's all fun and games until she uses her money and power to change the ordinances out there. I realize it may be fun taunting her and all, heck, I almost broke a rib laughing at the "crack cooking" recording. But a couple thoughts for you. Many a legitimate gun range has been shut down when the neighborhood becomes developed. Developers and home owners can put together quite a force. I wouldn't be so quick to get the media involved. The media may see your range and activities as harrassment and public opinion is going to go against you. You may be so close to this situation that your only seeing it as "your right to do what you want on your property". What I am seeing is that the law enforcement community is getting tired of getting complaints and I bet the ultimate solution is not going to be issuing ear plugs for the folks in that development. I bet that they will start proceedings to change the rules out there. Quite frankly, if I had a neighbor that was ruining my every Saturday morning by having a band of merry men out for a shoot, I would not be too happy about it either. Like I said, legitimate firing ranges get shut down all the time over far less disturbance than you fellers are creating. I bet your range doesn't stand a chance of surving. You might want to rethink your tactics if you want to continue to have a place to shoot.
Well, as long as his property is over 10 acres they can't do anything save incorporate him into a city, which is not likely seeing where he is (iirc where he lives) County's have no power to regulate firearms on any property over 10 acres in the State of Texas. I respectfully disagree with you in nearly every fact, he should continue to press this matter, keep the law enforcement involved, because they know that he is obeying all applicable laws and she is continuing to make false statements (and possibly trespass) of him. Legitimate firing ranges get shut down over less disturbance when they are in a city, and they still must be grandfathered in, so he's still going to be able to have a range if a city ever annexes his property.

If I had a band of merry men ruining every Saturday with a shoot out....I would join on in! Or if I were here, go to one of my other multiple properties one day out of the week.

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by longtooth »

Pinkycatcher wrote:
Fourman wrote:
Pinkycatcher wrote:Give it to the SO, tell em she was trespassing :anamatedbanana
I don't know if it is her or a friend of hers.....I am researching that info.


It is someone that is not supposed to be on your property, just have them start a file on her, put her calls in it, this picture, and an affidavit from you, and anything else you can think of.
THis is exactly what you need to do. I had to do this in the late 1980s due to a double BAD dog that was a registered high dollar dog in a day that dogs had more rights than people.
I actually told a Counstable that if a man had stood between me & my house armed to the teeth like that dog was & refused to let me in they would arrest him & yall wont even go tell them to keep the dog up. His response was I"m telling you, you better not shoot that dog." I had been to the folks & others had been there too.

Bottom line w/ documentation on file at the SO on visits to the folks, others that had been kept in a vehicle & out of their house, kept in the house & could not get out, pets killed, ...
I shot him one day when he would not let me out (arms acessable now.) instead of in.
I was no billed due to the file.

It is a pain to do & takes time but it really works.
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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by KBCraig »

Fourman wrote:That is picture of her leaving my property downrange while we are shooting.....
Where is she? You mean the truck sitting on a public right of way? Or is there a person in there somewhere that I'm missing?

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Pinkycatcher »

KBCraig wrote:
Fourman wrote:That is picture of her leaving my property downrange while we are shooting.....
Where is she? You mean the truck sitting on a public right of way? Or is there a person in there somewhere that I'm missing?

If I'm correct she's the big blue smudge that looks human-esque in the middle of the photo coming out of the tree line.

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Fourman »

KBCraig wrote:
Fourman wrote:That is picture of her leaving my property downrange while we are shooting.....
Where is she? You mean the truck sitting on a public right of way? Or is there a person in there somewhere that I'm missing?
Yes, you are missing something. To the left of the road you can see her walking out of my property. I do have more pictures. :mrgreen:

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Pinkycatcher »

Fourman wrote:
KBCraig wrote:
Fourman wrote:That is picture of her leaving my property downrange while we are shooting.....
Where is she? You mean the truck sitting on a public right of way? Or is there a person in there somewhere that I'm missing?
Yes, you are missing something. To the left of the road you can see her walking out of my property. I do have more pictures. :mrgreen:

Brian Faure

BTW, Ryan has me hooked on IDPA.....darn it.... :smilelol5:

Well post em! Or at least e-mail me them, I'm curious! :lol::
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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Fourman wrote:
Yes, you are missing something. To the left of the road you can see her walking out of my property. I do have more pictures. :mrgreen:

Brian Faure
She might have been putting one of those "crack cookers" on your property to set you up. :eek6


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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Fourman »

Well post em! Or at least e-mail me them, I'm curious! :lol::[/quote]


Another pic
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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by KBCraig »

Fourman wrote:Another pic
Ah, much more clear that there's a human in the picture!

Does your property straddle the creek, or border against it? Where's your berm (and direction of fire?)

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Fourman »

KBCraig wrote:
Fourman wrote:Another pic
Ah, much more clear that there's a human in the picture!

Does your property straddle the creek, or border against it? Where's your berm (and direction of fire?)
I own past the creek to the treeline. My berm is behind the camera and to the left. Just because my fence is up does not mean that is the property line.

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Re: Private Range (my range) issues


Post by Fourman »

Okay team I now have a schedule of future events:

Aug 9th, 10th each morning I will be clearing trees

Aug 16th, 17th Son B-Day or very little work done

Aug 23rd, 24th Maybe some work each morning (will need to check this weekend)

Aug 29th, 30th, 31st, Sept 1 Labor Day weekend is Backhoe and all equipment if possible weekend. This weekend we plan to move tons of dirt!

WILCO called me and he has "quoted" some state law about putting anything in a point source discharge Texas Water code Ch. 7??? I have yet to find anything there that says anything about what I am doing. I can only guess this is his way to make me move the range faster?? Due to this no shooting at the current location, however he is okay with the new location. He also admit that when we start up again that they will complain yet again I also cleared any rules with driving the backhoe the 20-30 feet to get more dirt.

So with this let the emails/IM begin with people that can start to give a hand if possible.

Thanks a ton.

BTW when done......HUGE shoot will be planned right after. After all we have to test the new range

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Post by Fourman »

This weekend we are going to finish a big part of the range with backhoe and a bobcat


Yes, but I am working in Dallas all this week. My brother did talk to them and I did also on the phone. They are out on a machine gun complaint that was called in a few weeks ago and they were checking to make sure they were all NFA.

Since my brother and I do not have the NFA guns we let them know that we do not have them and any that do come are all NFA. They were very nice (careful with the tiger), but this now means I will have to do some more shooting.

There will be more updates.....

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Re: ATF!!!!


Post by flintknapper »

Fourman wrote:This weekend we are going to finish a big part of the range with backhoe and a bobcat


Yes, but I am working in Dallas all this week. My brother did talk to them and I did also on the phone. They are out on a machine gun complaint that was called in a few weeks ago and they were checking to make sure they were all NFA.

Since my brother and I do not have the NFA guns we let them know that we do not have them and any that do come are all NFA. They were very nice (careful with the tiger), but this now means I will have to do some more shooting.
There will be more updates.....

Brian Faure

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