"Tired old arguments we hear from the gun banners[?]" "Inventing reasons . . .[?]" I have admitted that my opposition to open-carry is in the minority, but my opposition is not based upon "inventing reasons . . ." it is based upon a very rational and well-reasoned concern about the backlash we likely would see from the Texas business community and, to a lesser degree, from the Legislature. Nor have I ever heard "gun banners" argue that they should allow open-carry because it will help them (anti-gunners) achieve our goal of limiting or abolishing civilian-carry in any forum. That's not something they would admit publicly. Counting those who disagree with you among the anti-gunners simply because they do not share your view on this issue would be tantamount to me accusing you of trying to sabotage concealed-carry by supporting open-carry.HerbM wrote:Again and again, the behavior we see is that people who either don't want, or don't understand open carry retread the tried old arguments we hear from the gun banners.
". . . with expert and experienced people?" Experts on Texas? Experts on the Texas Legislature? I don't think I have to go to a national organization to seek expertise on Texas or the Texas Legislature. I don't post my opposition to open-carry in Texas on OpenCarry.org out of respect for the forum's founder and their mission and because it is working for open-carry in all states and I only care about Texas. If the NRA takes on this issue, then I will be concerned about other states. Additionally, my opposition to open-carry would be as well received at OpenCarry.org as would be an anti-gunner's opinions here on TexasCHLforum and I don't start any discussion solely to create an argument. Well, not outside of a lawsuit that is.HerbM wrote:If you are one of the ones inventing reasons not to do this, ask yourself why you are having an emotion reaction and not going over the OpenCarry.org and discussing the technical and tactical details with expert and experienced people?

I have read OpenCarry.org in an attempt to get a feeling for the frequency with which handguns are openly carried in various states, but I found a lot of generalizations but no hard evidence that could be used. I'm not critical of OpenCarry.org for this, as I am quite certain that the evidence simply doesn't exist. I would also point out that I have a link to OpenCarry.org here on the TexasCHLforum, so I have no bias against it or their mission.
As for emotional responses, I haven't seen anything from the loyal opposition other than well-reasoned discussions why they oppose open-carry. For the most part, I've seen equally well-reasoned opinions from people who support open-carry. However, phrases like "Why would anyone with a CHL or who even owns a firearm at home favor gun control[,]" are high on emotion and insult and low on facts.
A good many of the TexasCHLforum members either weren't in Texas in the 1995 to 1997 time frame, or they were too young to care about the then-new CHL law. As soon as SB60 passed in 1995, small ghostbusters "no gun" decals started appearing on the doors of businesses all over the State. It was nothing short of an anti-CHL epidemic! Had it not been for the BOMA meeting in Houston in the later part of 1995 and the famous "BOMA Letter" that was issued as a result of that meeting, the vast majority of commercial buildings would have been posted against concealed-carry. That letter stemmed the growing tide of anti-CHL postings and bought us time to create a statutory impediment to barring armed CHLs. (The problem was so bad, it resulted in the creation of TPC 30.06.) So when people from other states that have always allowed open-carry argue that their state's experience for the last 100 years is relevant to how Texans would respond, I can't help be think back 13 years and wonder if they have any idea what we went through just a little over a decade ago.
I want to point out that I have stated my concerns about the potential backlash to open-carry in Texas. I have also acknowledged that it is not a certainty. I can no more guarantee my fears would come true than proponents of open-carry can guarantee they won't come true. To me the question comes down to this, "are you willing to risk a drastic increase in 30.06 signs that will impact 280,000 CHLs to obtain open-carry that will be exercised by a relative handful of CHLs?" My answer is "no."