YES!!! i guess this means that i will be getting mine plastic in a few days.

Moderator: carlson1
thejtrain wrote:Congrats ed3 - hopefully it won't be too much longer for the rest of us who are approaching (or already over) 100 days.
Sent an email (the first) on Monday (Day 96) politely requesting status, if it isn't too much trouble. Hoping to hear back that all is well (fingerprints good, etc.) and they're just waiting on the & the background check.
CONGRATS longhorn_92!!! I know we were parallel processing so hopefully I'll get the "ding" any day now! I'm firmly in the habit of carrying around the house when I get home from work, and it stinks when (as happened last night) my better half asks me to zip to the store for something and I have to stash my G30 in the console of the car (leaving my IWB tucked holster in place) while I dash in and back out. Sure will be nice when I can just waltz from the house to the car to the store and back without having to untuck/unholster/stash/re-tuck/de-stash/untuck/re-holster/re-tuck.longhorn_92 wrote:I looked this morning and guess what?........
Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
That was quick! Mine was mailed 4/18, and I can't even get a PIN.JDKRIEK wrote:Success!![]()
Simply amazing what a simple email does (Representative)
The DPS website changed to "Processing Application" today around 10:30 AM
Lee Williams from the DPS called me @ 10:00 AM today and informed me that my application was good and that it was currently at the manufacture being made and that it would be done in 7-10 days. He left his phone number so I could reach him directly and said he would keep me updated if anything changed.
He did mention something I never thought about though. He said once it gets back from the manufacture they have to check its quality, which made him leery to speculate on the 7-10 day time period.
thejtrain wrote:Today, on Day 99, I was treated to a most welcome sight:
I'm off to post in Chas's data point thread...
Oh, and watching the mailbox like a hawk!
Quick question for those who've recently received their plastic. How "plain white" is the envelope? Does it at least say TX DPS on it somewhere? My wife is always the one who checks the mail and I don't want her accidentally tossing it thinking it's another credit card offer.BOHagan05-G23 wrote:Who knew a plain white envelope could bring so much happiness.