hello all, well i live in deep south texas and was thinking of opening an indoor range. anyone have any idea as to what all has to be done and what kind of "fund-age" we are talking about. i am sure that at some point atf has to get involved. anyone does this yet? thank you in advance for any info and pointers.---rob---
life is a diesease for which there is no cure---me
First (expensive) step that bankers will likely want is a professional feasibility study/business plan. And a good idea anyway if funding totally with your own money. Costs highly variable with size, inventory, etc.
BATF involvement not necessarily required unless you plan to buy/sell/trade guns, which some ranges do, some don't.
Not to be too negative, but a reminder of one of Murphy's Laws: "Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work."
Talking with the owner of the range that use, he states that the insurance alone just about puts him out of business. I think you would have to have a very active clientelle to make ends meet, unless of course you ar eselling guns and accessories as well.
"Water's, wet, The sky is blue. And old Satan Claws, He's out there, and he's just getting stronger." Joe Halenbeck
"So what do we do about it?" Jimmie Dix
"Be prepared, Junior, That's my motto, Be Prepared". Joe Halenbeck
The "NRA Range Source Book" is a good place to start...
Also, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and National Association of Shooting Ranges http://www.nssf.org
You'll find alot of good info at rangeinfo.org.
Also the SBA is a good reference. You'll need a good business plan as well...