3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions

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3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by jpierce30 »

OK, I am now addicted to the 3 gun game. I would like suggestions for a defensive shotgun. I have a Mossberg 500 but it has a cylinder bore barrel. While this will be good behind a door late at night, it is terrible for 30 to 40 yards. I would like to invest in a gun that could be dressed up and modified to suit my wim and as I (hopefully) improve. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. After all there is a gun show coming up this weekend.


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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by sskimber »

Have you considered putting a new barrel for your current shotgun?
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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by jimlongley »

I can't imagine a decent three gun stage that would involve that sort of distance.
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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by mr surveyor »

you can get whatever barrel you want for just about any 870 or Mossy....it's like having a bird gun, turkey gun, slug gun and defensive gun... all with the change of a barrel in most cases.....

very versatile weapons
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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by Ranger+P+ »

Shotguns--that wonderful versatile weapon--one of my true passions.

I have several--the one I admire the most is my Standard 870 from Wilson Combat with Vang Comp mods. My most recent is the Mossberg SPX Semi-Auto--really affordable and all the bells and whistles for a PD shotgun.

Your problem can be solved by putting a rifled barrel on that Mossy--I did this on my 590A1 and turned it into a slugster. Ofcourse you will have to replace that bead sight with rifle sights, or Ghost rings-- overall not a very big job.

Enjoy. :thumbs2:
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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by jpierce30 »

I have thought about replacing the barrel, but then I might not get to buy another gun. The 500 was purchased for my daughter when she was apartment living alone. Now she has a roommate and a pistol, so I have the 500 on loan to play the 3 gun game.
I looked at the Bennelli Super Nova yesterday, I really liked it but it did not have a interchangeable choke and the sales guy told me that you could not change to a adjustable stock. Have not investigated this further yet.
I do like the looks of the 870 tactical on the Remington website, I really like the tactical choke. Anyone have one of these?

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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by fm2 »

Well, that being the case.
Why not a Tromix competition Saiga-12?

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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by jpierce30 »

That Saiga shot gun looks great. I would just have to sell a one of the kids or the wife to afford that right now. I need to be more economical, but will be saving up for the Saiga

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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by LCplMustafa »

I want to get a home defense shotgun, but I don't know where to start. I've looked up a couple things online, and I wanted to get some advice from the more experienced folks. I was looking at the Benelli M4 (MSRP $1200-$1400), and a Remington 870 ($ A lot less). Now, when it comes to shotguns, I'm pretty much lost. Never fired one, though I did clean one once, years ago, in Iraq. It just seems like the benelli is a lot of money for as much gun as I can get from remington for what cheaper.
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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by asleepatthereel »

LCplMustafa wrote:I want to get a home defense shotgun, but I don't know where to start. I've looked up a couple things online, and I wanted to get some advice from the more experienced folks. I was looking at the Benelli M4 (MSRP $1200-$1400), and a Remington 870 ($ A lot less). Now, when it comes to shotguns, I'm pretty much lost. Never fired one, though I did clean one once, years ago, in Iraq. It just seems like the benelli is a lot of money for as much gun as I can get from remington for what cheaper.
I cant find the link to the ad, but I saw the Carter Country ad in yesterdays paper and they had a New England Arms Defender pump shotgun that might fit the bill. It was on sale for $199.99 if my memory serves. If you just want a basic home defense shotgun, I cant see how you can go wrong. Ive been thinking of getting an 870 myself, but I am going to take a good look at this one before I make up my mind. Now if you are looking for something to hunt with or compete at the range, then I would consider paying more for the Remington or the Benelli that will have a longer barrel and interchangeable chokes. In case you dont know, a choke is something that is threaded into the end of the barrel that squeezes (for lack of a better word) the shot before it exits the barrel, improving the pattern so you can increase the effective range of the shotgun. Since you are looking for a home defense weapon, you are looking for something with a shorter barrel and little to no choke. You wont be taking long shots with it. :txflag:
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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by Bob Wolff »

The type shotgun you decide to get for 3 gun matches should be based upon what matches you are going to shoot.
If you are going to be shooting USPSA 3 gun matches, which class do you want to shoot in Open, Tactical, etc. Things like comps can move you into a class you might not want to be in.
If you are going to be shooting in local matches, what are their rules.

At our MultiGun matches (local rules) we all shoot in one class. I myself stated with a Mossberg 590A1 and now shoot a benelli M1. We have lots of 870's in a variety of configurations, several FN semi autos, several Benellis, one Saiga that is box magazine fed, and several "hunting guns".

Read the shotgun forum on Brian Enos Forums in the 3 gun section for more information on gun selection.

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Re: 3 Gun Shotgun Suggestions


Post by LCplMustafa »

Thank you for your input gentlemen. Now, to do the shopping. I'll let you know what I decide.

And thanks for the definition of a choke, I honestly did not know.
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