Students for Concealed Carry on Campus

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Re: Students for Concealed Carry on Campus


Post by melkor41 »

"If I enter a classroom and there are two people with a gun, who do you think is going to die," he asked. "Both people." Dean said.

I hope for his sake he does not have to shoot someone and have this pulled up as evidence against him....

DA : Officer dean.... when you saw the subject hold up the toy gun that was for a school play (which you thought was real...) did you try determine if he was a bad guy? or did you just decide to shoot to stop the immediate threat of this subject or did you intend from the start to kill him?
Officer dean : Shoot to stop...
DA : May I call into evidence a news interview in which you publicly states that if you enter a classroom and there is a person with a gun, he is going to die. as seen here on yadda yadda yadda

INAL so i dont know if this would/could really happen.... just my 0.01c (its not worth 2 these days with the cost of copper...)
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it...kill the captain...and claim it as yours. : Lodge2004

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Re: Students for Concealed Carry on Campus


Post by Aggie_engr »

:iagree: I'm with Russel on this one. Common sense tells you to only shoot the threat, you don't need training for that. I know that I for one, along with every other sane chl holder, would be sure NOT to take aim at an officer/swat team. I am ashamed that with finals coming up and all that I totally forgot about this event until I read this thread. I had plans on buying a t-shirt from sccc and wearing my holster all week... :oops: But I will be wearing it the remainder of today and the next two days for sure, and I ordered my shirt next day mail! :txflag:

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Re: Students for Concealed Carry on Campus


Post by thejtrain »

bdickens wrote:I'd like to ask these idiots who say "more guns aren't the answer" this: Just what, pray tell, is the answer? If more guns isn't, what is? More "gun free zone" signs that advertise the availability of fattened lambs waiting for the slaughter?
My comment on where I saw this story from NH:
"I just know that more guns aren't the answer," Dean said.

This guy obviously hasn't heard/read much about SCCC, whose PR guy gave the best quote ever after the NIU thing went down:
More guns are not a problem if they're being put into the hands of responsible, law-abiding citizens.
Fewer guns are not a solution is they're being taken out of the hands of responsible, law-abiding citizens
5 Feb 2008 - completed online application
1 March 2008 - completed CHL course
5 March 2008 - package delivery @ DPS
28 March 2008 - Day 23, "Processing Application"
12 June 2008 - Day 99, "Application Completed" :thumbs2:
20 June 2008 - Day 107, plastic in hand :txflag:

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Thats right


Post by Briankey »

Part of this post said that there are good points on both sides, Hey, I don't see any good points on the anti-gun side, if all they have are reasons why I shouldn't be carrying my Glock, or even have it, then their point isn't valid, you either have a gun to protect yourself with, or you become a victim, most likely a dead one. And there is no excuse for that.

bdickens wrote:I'd like to ask these idiots who say "more guns aren't the answer" this: Just what, pray tell, is the answer? If more guns isn't, what is? More "gun free zone" signs that advertise the availability of fattened lambs waiting for the slaughter?
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