I've read on the surplus rifle forum that the main supplier for Romanian AK rifles has stopped manufacturing. There's already talk on several sites that ther is a finite amount of surplus parts being imported for assembly in US made receivers also. What they're getting at is that the price of AKs are going up. So anyone that has been holding off on getting an AK might want to bite the bullet now since it looks like the market might be drying up. Here's a few links:
Get your AK while you can
Moderator: carlson1
Re: Get your AK while you can
Yeah, this link has already been posted in a previous thread, but good info.
I would urge anybody out there to go ahead and buy as many AK parts/kits/complete rifles as they can soon--that cheap AK you could typically buy at 300-400 will soon be double that because of the CUGIR factory in Romania has decided to go into the Automotive business vs the Arms business. Because of this, American companies will start having to make the bulk of the gun--including receiver. Combine all this with more and more BATF restrictions, bad stuff.
I would go ahead and buy as many SKS's you can find too--they pretty much have dried up except Yugos (M59/66)
I am lucky I own plenty of both right now--I am going to bulk up on any parts I can find, what I cant find I will make myself--that's the beauty of Comm bloc weapons--simple to use and repair.
Stay Alert out there.
I would urge anybody out there to go ahead and buy as many AK parts/kits/complete rifles as they can soon--that cheap AK you could typically buy at 300-400 will soon be double that because of the CUGIR factory in Romania has decided to go into the Automotive business vs the Arms business. Because of this, American companies will start having to make the bulk of the gun--including receiver. Combine all this with more and more BATF restrictions, bad stuff.
I would go ahead and buy as many SKS's you can find too--they pretty much have dried up except Yugos (M59/66)
I am lucky I own plenty of both right now--I am going to bulk up on any parts I can find, what I cant find I will make myself--that's the beauty of Comm bloc weapons--simple to use and repair.
Stay Alert out there.

The final weapon is the Brain, all else is Supplemental.-John Steinbeck