Starts w/ a 4.


Moderator: carlson1
Thanks! I don't own a leather sewing machine.thankGod wrote:Welcome to the forum. Nice job on the holster. Do you have a special machine that you stitch it on?
Nice gun-- Nicer holster!!ReluctantPaladin wrote:Hey,
New to the group. Thought I would combine the "Introduce yourself" and "Pics of your Daily Carry" in one fell swoop.
I'm 43 years old. Got my CHL this past spring. Carry everywhere its legal to do so. My wife took the course at the same time. I originally carried a nickel Beretta 86FS, but since I have kind of short fingers, I was never completely comfortable with the double stack thickness of the grip. So... sold the gun and bought the single stack version. Love it!
Here's my primary carry at this time:
Beretta 85FS, .380 caliber. Loaded with Federal Hydrashock. Being budget minded, I wasn't able to find an IWB rig that I both liked and could afford. The holster and mag pouch in the pics I made myself, since I had leather from making knife sheaths.