Bad range night and my son outted me in a restraunt

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Bad range night and my son outted me in a restraunt


Post by dws1117 »

Tried to go to the range in Conroe. Trip was cut short by a fatality accident near FM242 and all traffic was being diverted off the freeway. I finally got off of the freeway and headed back home. Trip shot I'll try again tomorrow.

Went back home picked up the family and went to Taco Bell. While waiting in line my son was playing around by running around my legs. Well, he ran head first into my side and my gun. He started crying and yelled, "I hurt my head on your gun." :oops: I've now turned bight red, the table of LEOs was on the ground laughing as well as the fortunately small number of others. I picked up my son and made a quick exit.

The night concluded with grilled cheese, a lesson about why not to say anything about daddy's gun, and no shooting.

There's always tomorrow.

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Post by KinnyLee »

Kids say the darnest things don't they? :lol:

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Post by KBCraig »

I sometimes worry about my very verbose 3 year old piping up in a quiet restaurant. But, he no longer pays any attention to my pistol, just considers it part of me.

Once I was standing beside Mary, who was sitting down and leaned over to smooch my belly. I barely noticed, but she suddenly recoiled and was holding her head and making faces. She'd found the hammer with her eyebrow, hard enough to leave a mark. Owwie!

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Post by Paladin »

Ouch! Bad night.

My wife and I used to have problems discussing my carry gun in public. One time, in a crowed place, 2 people were seriously about to get into a fight and my wife got worried and asked me "are you carrying your gun?" :shock:

I just cringed, because I knew a lot of people heard...

Since then she decided to call my gun 'Pete'.... so know if we ever have to talk about my carry gun we talk about 'Pete' instead. :cool:

Like... Do you have Pete? Is Pete with you? Are you bringing Pete?
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Post by DMG »


If you were heading for Thunder, we missed you, but you got a good story out of the situation. Coming home at around 9 p.m. the freeway was still backed up.

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Post by Lumberjack98 »

Oh man....

Funny from my stand point, but I understand the embarassment at the time.
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Post by gigag04 »

Paladin wrote:"are you carrying your gun?" :shock:
This has almost turned into a rhetorical question with my roommates and I.
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Post by Kalrog »

My son likes to wrap himself around my leg and have me go walking around that way. I try to steer him towards the right leg because I usually have a piece on the left ankle, but I'm not always sucessful. He has wrapped around more times than I can count and has never said ANYTHING about the lump on my ankle. He doesn't know I carry because he is too young to really understand that he shouldn't do things like the above yet. This is one of the main reasons I use a thumb strap on my ankle rig.

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Post by longtooth »

dws, If we carry long enough I guess it will happen to all of us sooner or later. I have been made one time too. In a busy, small, tight quartered, & full of people cell phone store. The young lady helping me walked away from the counter one way & I leaned against the wall on the side where I was. I carry at 3:30 so in a crowd I can cover awfull well by keeping my elbow against my side. I expected her to return the way she left. Walked up behind me & put her hands on the small of my back & said, 'scuse me OhOOO. Quietly she asked, "was that what I think it was?" Depends on what you think it was. She grinned & said I have one too. Good job young lady. In my case no one knew. Like Paladin above, I know many that have a code for talking in public about their weapons. Ours is "hardwear". The wife does know who Kim(ber) & Kelly(Tec) are but we don't make that a part of public conversation. The grandkids know Papa always has his. It is part of me as said above. Mamaw's is in her purse so that has never come up w/ the grandones. They know she shoots at the range when we all go. It is so ordinary I am sure they think everyone else has theirs on too. You know, with that attitude, when they turn 21 they will just go get their CHL so they will be like everyone else that is normal. ;-)
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Post by Chris »

whenever we get ready to leave, my wife takes the kids outside and starts to load them up so they don't see while i pick out a weapon to wear.

have to find one to go with my shoes. :cool:
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Post by gigag04 »

Chris wrote:whenever we get ready to leave, my wife takes the kids outside and starts to load them up so they don't see while i pick out a weapon to wear.

have to find one to go with my shoes. :cool:
Must be nice....
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Post by dws1117 »

Chris wrote:whenever we get ready to leave, my wife takes the kids outside and starts to load them up so they don't see while i pick out a weapon to wear.

have to find one to go with my shoes. :cool:
I believe it's fashion law that if your dressing up the carry piece must be a 1911 or nice revolver. If dressing casual a 1911, revolver, or anything polymer is acceptable.
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Post by RoundRock_Gun_Fan »

A couple of summers ago we were driving to Las Vegas. There were about 14 of us in a 15 passenger van and just before you go over the Hoover Dam there is a federal check point. As i'm pulling up to it my 7 year old son yells, "Dad do you have your gun?! Well not everyone in the van knew i was carrying, but they did NOW. :shock: Luckily my wife was next to him and was able to quiet him real quick. Nobody said anything to me so I guess it didn't bother anybody. Oh well to bad if it did :grin:

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Post by longtooth »

It is the 1911 that completes any outfit. No well dressed man is w/o one. :patriot:
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Post by gigag04 »

longtooth wrote:It is the 1911 that completes any outfit. No well dressed man is w/o one. :patriot:
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
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