At what point will I break even?

For those who like to roll their own.

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At what point will I break even?


Post by DeterminednTX »

First off I apologize if this has been covered already, but thought I would ask the experts here for a bit of advice. I shoot 800 - 1000 rounds of 40 S&W and .380 a month. Sometimes I will take a .32 with me to keep the cobwebs from getting too thick. I am thinking of getting into reloading (again) and was thinking about using a Dillon. I have about $1000 that I can spend on the equipment and was hoping to get dies for all 3 calibers. I have looked online and read in forums about the best priced dealers for brass, powder, bullets and I am getting a major headache. Can someone give me an estimate, considering the amount I shoot and the calibers, of when I might break even on my investment?
Like I mentioned I used to reload several years ago and remember really enjoying it. With football season almost over and before the wife comes up with a list of home improvements I would like to start this again.
I appreciate any help.
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by nuparadigm »

I believe that there are several of these around, but here is a "reloading savings cost calculator".
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by Jeremae »

It depends on calibre and what you're paying for factory ammo.....

But in the end, you won't save any money, you'll just shoot more :evil2:
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by DeterminednTX »

Jeremae wrote:It depends on calibre and what you're paying for factory ammo.....
I have been paying around 9 - 13 box of 50. I buy in bulk online. Someone posted a website on this forum that gives daily prices and I will generally go with that.
Jeremae wrote:But in the end, you won't save any money, you'll just shoot more :evil2:
Well even if I just break even it will give me an excuse not to spend my winter weekends doing one of my wife's great ideas. Last year it was ripping out the carpet in the house and putting in wood floors. Reloading has got to be easier on the back than that.

Thanks for your replies.

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by JLaw »

Jeremae wrote:
But in the end, you won't save any money, you'll just shoot more :evil2:
So true!

Six for sure.
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by flb_78 »

It's like buying a motorcycle to save on gas. If you like it, then you'll ride it more and end up spending more on gas and tires." onclick=";return false;

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by Jeremae »

I only load 2 pistol calibres, on 45 acp I get about a 50% savings from factory ammo and on 9mm I get about a 20-25% savings.

I'm not sure on the 3 you listed but 40 s&w is pretty cheap factory ammo so your savings would probably be closer to 25% than 50%, 380 would probably be cheaper to reload and you might even beat 50% savings but I have been told it is a real finicky round to load(I think Venus Pax reloads 380s and can give you a better idea of savings)

My savings are based upon using range pickup brass, win 231 powder, cci primers and the cheapest bullets I can buy in bulk (several thousand at a time) and not including the cost of my time.

I was only half joking when I said you won't spend any less money, I recooped the cost of my reloading gear (Lee and a lot cheaper than the dillon you and I want) in less than 6 months but my records show I am spending almost the same amount of money on ammo now as when I bought bulk factory ammo, I just shoot more.....
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by sskimber »

It all depends on how you calculate. I for one will admit I am now spending more per month to reload than I did to purchase factory loads. However cost per round is lower. I just shoot a lot more :woohoo And I love it. In addition reloading is a enjoyable past time as well.
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by HighVelocity »

You reload, so you can shoot more. Then you have to reload more to continue to shoot more. You'll go from 1lb cannisters to 8lb cannisters so you can save 5 bucks and load more so you can shoot more. You'll get in on group buys of bulk bullets and get 10,000, so you an load more and shoot more.

Better start being extra nice to your mail carrier. Those flat rate boxes will break their backs. :mrgreen:
I am scared of empty guns and keep mine loaded at all times. The family knows the guns are loaded and treats them with respect. Loaded guns cause few accidents; empty guns kill people every year. -Elmer Keith. 1961

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by DeterminednTX »

HighVelocity wrote:You reload, so you can shoot more. Then you have to reload more to continue to shoot more.
I believe that I have seen this commercial a few years back. No wait, that commercial was for another addiction.

Thanks all for your helpful information.

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by bent sights »

I don't know yet. Started this in mid '65 and figger I ought to start turning a small profit pretty soon now.

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by dukalmighty »

My name is Steve and i'm a reloader,I wasn't raised to be a reloader nobody else in my family reloaded,oh sure dad had a couple guns he hunted with but wasn't into target shooting and i don't think mom ever touched a gun in her life.I noticed one day i liked the looks of handguns ,sure dad said handguns are only good for one thing ,and i'm thinking yep to shoot.I went in the military and fired my first 38 special it was a S&W mod 15 combat masterpiece,I also qualified expert on thw M16,and shot the M60 and various 40mm grenade launchers.Ever since then I have always owned a handgun,now I own a few and to feed them I found out I had to start reloading,I know at first it was only a 100 rounds a week then it became 200 now I feel like if i'm not reloading I start sweating and go into convulsions,I tried RA "reloaders Anonymous" meetings but that 1st step admitting it's a problem is hard the only problem I have is running out of powder and primers.I think i might be reloading too much the other day i broke wind and found powder burns in my titey whiteys.
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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by wheelgun1958 »

Image You've not been doin' this long have ya boy?

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by 50bmg »

i started reloading cause i had hand guns when i was 18 years old. and at that age i could buy ammo for rifles but not for pistols. so i started reloading pistol ammo. at the time it was cheaper to reload then buy factory ammo. but after awhile i started to like it just like shooting. and now i'm into long range shooting so i get to work up my own loads. and i can reload 50bmg for 2 bucks around instead of 4 buck buying them at the gun shows.

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Re: At what point will I break even?


Post by striker55 »

I cant really say I'm saving money reloading, I think you can buy factory ammo on sale for less (the cheap stuff like Blazers). If you are going to shoot paper Blazers are the way to go. If you want to load jhp's then loading your own will save you money. Years ago I loaded for my 7br, I was shooting in competition and needed the customized loads. Now I've just started reloading for my 9mm and 45acp and punching paper. Cant say I'm saving any money doing that. Anyone want to buy my Lee turret press and all the fixing's?
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