S&W Sigma, M&P, or Ruger SR9?

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Re: S&W Sigma, M&P, or Ruger SR9?


Post by brewster »

Sigmas are good guns, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Yes, they have a heavy trigger, but they do smooth out a bit and are reliable. With S&W's current offer, you can get one at a gun show for $279 and subtract the $50 rebate and get the two free mags. Great deal.

However, let Sigma be your choice for one of these two reasons: Either you need a reliable gun and don't have much cash, and you're OK with learning to fire a gun with a heavier double action; OR you are looking for a good choice for a second gun to stick in the nightstand or another part of the house so you have that area "covered".

Those who complain on here, constantly slamming Sigmas miss the point...NO, they don't fire like a $1,000 gun; THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO. Sigmas are like a Honda Civic...no flash, no luxury, but RELIABLE. You want a Lexus, then go buy one. I'd rather have two Sigmas on opposite ends of the house than one Sig or Kimber that I might not be able to get to. In addition, when you're in a self defense situation, the trigger pull can be 20 pounds but because of this little thing called adrenaline, YOU WON'T CARE. The clip will empty just as fast as your $3,000 Wilson tactical. Got it? :nono:

Now, on to the M&P. They are pheonominal to say the least. I own two. For a hundred bucks more than a Sigma, you can get one of these. You get twice the quality for that extra hundred, maybe more, especially with the rebate and the two free mags. I cannot recommend these guns more; I own the 9c and the 45, but I have shot the full-sized 9mm as well. At the gun show last weekend, these were running about $350-$375 after rebate, and you have four mags. Incredible deal.

I have not shot the SR9, but I have held one. Not bad in the hand; I'd like to shoot one. It is a big step up for Ruger, their guns normally feel like a brick. The SR9 is competitive for sure; but ergonomics are not quite as good as the M&P. I would imagine the M&P would have scored equally on that torture test, which I have read. I can't put the SR9 down, but the M&P .45 did get handgun of the year (the .45 is based on the same frame as the .40 and only slightly larger that the 9mm). I do give Ruger props for the low profile external safety, which is something M&Ps dont have. My .45 has an external safety, but it sticks out like Dumbo's ears. I think this is the only M&P caliber that has that. Look for this Ruger safety to be copied, along with the chamber indicator, which is more noticable that the M&P's chamber indicator that is hard to see in low light.

Two last factors to consider: Since the SR9 is new, you will pay a bit more right now. You can get an M&P cheaper right now, plus four mags. Also, Smith offers a lifetime warranty on M&P models, compared to a one-year on the Sigma. I had to use this warranty on my 9c after I failed to read the booklet on field stripping it (I assumed it was like a Sig) and I broke a small piece of metal off the slide. Totally my fault. They replaced the slide, and paid for overnight shipping both ways, even though it wasn't Smith's fault. Not sure if you'd get that with the SR9, you'd have to check. Even my Berettas (Px4 and Cx4) came with a one year warranty (three years if I registered), so a lifetime warranty is a big deal, especially for a price this low.

The full sized 9mm M&P is the most comfortable gun I've EVER shot. I've shot a lot of guns, and everybody has a different preference. This is a subjective opinion, of course, but the SR9 would have to be one of the greatest inventions ever to make me choose it over the M&P, especially while Smith has the promotion going on through the 31st.
Last edited by brewster on Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: S&W Sigma, M&P, or Ruger SR9?


Post by Bluedot 40 »

I own an M&P 40 and an XD 40. A friend of mine just bought a Sigma 40.
We took it to the range last week. The Sigma does surely have a "different" trigger pull.
The first time I shot it, I thought something was wrong, I pulled the gun back to check it out. Then I remembered reading reviews about this gun. They all commented about the hard trigger. I then fired a round....first shot was dead on the center....I was impressed!! Once you realize the pull is harder on this gun, it was fun to shoot.
I think it is a great gun for the money. My friend paid $299 at Cabela's in Ft.Worth, with the Smith and Wesson $50 mail-in rebate.
As for me, I still prefere my XD and M&P, but I would love to have a Sigma to keep in my truck.
The Sigma is my friend's first pistol, so I think the hard trigger pull might be good for him to have.
He loves it and has been calling me this week to go shooting again!!
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Re: S&W Sigma, M&P, or Ruger SR9?


Post by jhearne »

I was in no means "Slamming" Sigmas...I was just commmenting on the 2 and only 2 firsthand experiences with them.
I would say that I wouldn't buy a Sigma just from the experience that I have seen with them. Cheaply priced yes they are, reliable, not from what I have seen first hand. Granted I am very Ruger biased, I love my SR9. Taking it apart is a snap, and the ergos are great, where you able to try it with the backstrap flipped both ways, Brewster?

The M&P is a great gun, and for only 100 bucks more, you get that noted performance over its lesser sibling. If it didn't feel so chunky in my hand I would probably own one too. I doo like the fact that its looks are less Glocky.

And normally on Ruger's "warranty/lack of one" they do have excellent customer service, normally. You will however catch a person on a bad day every now and then, but if you can climb that corporate ladder you can find the person you need to talk to in order to fix your problem. If there is a problem with your gun, call them and they will send you a box to ship your gun in, fix/replace whats bad, and ship out, on their dime.

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