Paper towels. Nobody's mentioned paper towels.
I've found myself using Militec more and more lately. My other oils are getting lonely. Tetra grease when I want something of a heavier consistency.
I also sorta fell out of the habit of using C&S's Dunk-Kit. Seemed like a great idea, but I often find myself cleaning two or three (or four) guns at a time, and it isn't as efficient for multiple guns ('course, someone might have a really big container). What I did start doing, though, is something similar: I got a tupperware container (square, about seven inches a side) with a good, tight lid, then dumped a 16oz bottle of Hoppes 9 into it. When I get home from a range trip, I field strip the pistols and drop the barrels into the Hoppes. Then if I don't get around to cleaning for a while, no problem. The barrels are taking a nice, safe bath. An hour's soak--I've even let them go overnight--and they clean out very nicely with only patches. I sometimes use nylon barrel brushes, but never brass unless I absolutely have to...and that's usually on the small caliber rifles, never pistols.
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I’ve contacted my State Rep, Gary Elkins, about co-sponsoring
HB560. Have you contacted your Rep?
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