TX Rancher wrote: Pro’s:
Easily carry large frame pistols.
Can be used when wearing outfits that do not use a belt
Meets the legal definition of concealed
Most packs represent a high level of weapons retention
If you have to de-arm in public, your weapon is never visible while you secure the pack
A lower level of concealment when compared to traditional carry
Reduced speed of presentation
Con, cons:
I've got less than a second in presentation, going from ready. Gun hand is going in as the weak hand opens the compartment. The draw is longer if using only one hand though.
I would disagree about lower level of concealment. Belt packs are so popular around here (maybe everyone's carrying
Other than that, I have never noticed anyone, cop or sheeple giving it a second glance, my SA is pretty high so i should notice being checked out.
Pro:-Will try to be different
Good carry alternative for fat people (ask me how I know).
Wearing with casual clothes, I.E. a long un-tucked shirt, the pack won't be noticed, much less the carry.
Very secure (but I think that was covered).
A pack truly goes well with casual and light summer attire.
Can be repositioned within a second by simply pushing or pulling it to the side when you need to work bent over.
When visiting at family gatherings, unless I am using a belly band I disarm. It is uncomfortable when holding grand babies on the lap and such. Also if I find myself soporific, a nap is difficult with the pack and I wouldn't feel comfortable taking it off (not maintain positive control} in their house; especially with so many kids. As a note, going armed to my in-laws does not cause any alarm. They and my family are all good with it and assume I am, whether the reality bears the assumption or not.
Does not go well with formal or even church wear. Usually resort to a belly band in those instances.
Tendency to overload it.
Well, that's my $.02