Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Speaking for myself: thank you for writing a letter, it’s folks like yourself who are stetting things right for all CHL holders in terms of correct signage and public acceptability.jimlongley wrote:I have been a "loyal" member of AAA for a whole bunch of years.
A few years back I went to the local office to get something, I don't even recall what at this point, and noticed a "gunbusters" sign on the door. I wrote a letter to AAA about their sign being improper to stop CHLs from carrying, and having little or no effect on criminals, and questioned their purpose in posting it in the first place. I also pointed out that posting the proper sign would entail having a big (2 foot by 3 foot) sign on the door that would effectively show that they intended to disenfranchise me and other members like me who are law abiding citizens. And I told them that I would resign my long term membership and encourage any other AAA members who agreed with me to vote with their feet too.
Elb - did you observe the same sign at the San Antonio office ?ELB wrote:I am going to one of the AAA offices in San Antonio tomorrow, will keep an eye out to see what they have.