Marilyn and I went to the Texas City Range to try it out and discovered it shoots nice and VERY accurate!
Now for the BAD NEWS.... I blew up my Kimber TLE! I never felt anything or seen anything! I had shot 4 or 5 rounds from that particular magazine and when I got ready to fire the next round nothing happened but the gun appaered to be jammed in some manner. I removed the magazine and was still not able to rack the slide so I turned it upside down and seen this....
When I got home I held a light to the busted portion of the frame and while looking down the barrel of the gun I can see the light!
Since I was shooting my reloads I suspect a bad round. I really dislike days like this and to make it seem even more weird last night I somehow knew this was going to happen, I just felt it! Last night I also felt like I was going to win the lottery tonight...I guess I should go buy some lotto tickets!