Sling mount question

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Sling mount question


Post by rtschl »

I am switching from a single point sling to two point sling (from Warrior Poet Society). Trying to figure out how to attach it to the back of the butt stock instead of the QD end plate on the buffer tube that I was using with my single point sling.

I don't want to change the butt stock, but I can't thread the end through because of the triangle shape unless I use the plastic slider as a stop on the other side. I don't want to depend on plastic and would like a metal QD on the end of the stock. But what would I need to add to the hole so I could mount hardware like a QD swivel or to be able to thread it. Not having luck searching for how others do this with this type of stock.

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Re: Sling mount question


Post by carlson1 »

I am a long way off from a rifleman, but I have seen soldiers wrap it all the way around the stock?
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Re: Sling mount question


Post by Sidro »

Isn't the hole at the back of the stock for a quick connect sling swivel?
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Re: Sling mount question


Post by rtschl »

OK, I feel stupid now. I couldn't get the new QD swivel I bought with the sling to connect in the hole last night. So this morning I used my older QD swivel from my one point sling and it worked. I popped it in and out several times and it holds firm. The new QD swivel button is pretty rigid, I guess it needs breaking in but I was able to get it to connect now. I knew it should have worked but that's what I get for trying to do two different things at the same time.

By the way this is the sling I bought from Warrior Poet Society (John Lovell). I have watched his videos for a long time and really liked his sling he created with the bungee in it and the magnetic Jedi buckle for quick disconnect and reconnect. It holds the weapon close and does not bounce around when walking. The bungee in it makes it easy to bring up into firing position. Can't wait to try it out on the range.
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Re: Sling mount question


Post by Jose_in_Dallas »

Not really a fan of any sort of bungee action on a sling. My personal preference is the Vicker's Blue Force Gear 2 point sling. I like being able to push out on the gun and have the tension to steady the gun. Not sure if that makes sense or not. Also I like the ability to adjust that tension with the Vicker's sling. I have a Magpul sling and it's not so easily done.
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