Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show

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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by rtschl »

ajwakeboarder wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 9:51 am
Were they being compensated? If not, It would be hard to argue that they were carrying in course of employment. I honestly don't really care about antifa carrying. They have a right to carry as long as they don't break any other laws. I have an issue with the venue inviting children to this event.
A few things...

They do not have to be compensated to be considered illegal security. But I didn't see any photos where they used the word "security" on any of their black bloc. But if they were providing "security" and the venue or they claim it was security, then they are most likely in violation of the state law regarding private security. If proven, I think that it would result in fines not jail time.

I do care about Antifa carrying as what they have done to the Northwest and other major cities with their tactics clearly make them at a minimum a gang, but I would classify them as terrorists. Law abiding citizens should be able to carry in public as per the Constitution. But not thugs, gangs, or terrorists who destroy businesses, attack peaceful gatherings, police, and government buildings and courthouses. Antifa is an oxymoron as they ARE the fascists.

But I do agree with you and have an issue with that business inviting children to an event that is clearly harmful to them and intended to groom them. They should be prosecuted for endangering minors - as should the Antifa members that were there.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by PUCKER »

From the owner (on facebook):

Anderson Distillery and Grill
UPDATE: We did not hire or pay for security services from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club for this event. They were present of their own volition and cooperated with us to peacefully make sure our patrons and performers remained safe from protestors, who attempted to destroy property and threatened violence. We made every effort to hire an off-duty law enforcement officer for the event, but due to staff shortages, none were available. We are grateful to the City of Roanoke Police Department for responding quickly when protestors became aggressive towards our patrons.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by PUCKER »

BTW - the owner said this will be a monthly thing.


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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by Bolton Strid »

ajwakeboarder wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 9:51 am I honestly don't really care about antifa carrying. They have a right to carry as long as they don't break any other laws.
You don't say. Considering the sort of conduct they engage in they shouldn't be able to legally carry as little as a slingshot. This is the SAME bunch that has been engaging in bullying and terrorizing a young lady just for exercising her 1st Amendment rights. ... -in-texas/

"If you think Antifa are not operating in large numbers in Texas, you are sadly incorrect. I’m a 22-year-old from Denton, Texas and an unapologetic conservative activist. I spent much of my time at the University of North Texas, from which I just graduated, leading its main conservative student group, the Young Conservatives of Texas. And for that, Antifa and the far-left here have sought to intimidate me into silence by doxxing me and my family, and threatening me with violence and even death."

"My first experience with far-left extremists from the Dallas-Fort Worth area was during my senior year at UNT when I began to speak about my political and religious beliefs. In October 2021, I organized a pro-life prayer vigil on campus. But what was intended to be a quiet and somber evening quickly turned into a nightmare."

"After that second event, the far-left escalated their targeting by going after me outside of campus. That semester the Daily Beast published a smear piece against my brother and me titled, “The Conservative Twins Behind Transphobic Campus Hate Campaigns in Texas.” The hit piece was co-written by socialist activist Steven Monacelli, a far-left radical himself who is currently being sued for libel by a Texas newspaper. He has had his own history of violent extremism reported by The Post Millennial."

"After the article was published, threats against me increased exponentially. Most of the targeted harassment and threats were aimed at making me feel unsafe wherever I was. I also became a victim of identity theft and bank fraud. Doxxing, where one’s personal information including address, phone number, or banking information is released, is part of the modus operandi of Antifa."

One UNT student and a member of the John Brown Gun Club, Garrett Lee, threatened me on Twitter: “For legal reasons, this is a direct threat. Enjoy your kneecaps while you’ve still got them.” I reported it t­­­o campus police, but again, nothing happened.


Still think they're responsible enough to be carrying firearms around?
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by Bolton Strid »

PUCKER wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:56 am From the owner (on facebook):

Anderson Distillery and Grill
UPDATE: We did not hire or pay for security services from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club for this event. They were present of their own volition and cooperated with us to peacefully make sure our patrons and performers remained safe from protestors, who attempted to destroy property and threatened violence. We made every effort to hire an off-duty law enforcement officer for the event, but due to staff shortages, none were available. We are grateful to the City of Roanoke Police Department for responding quickly when protestors became aggressive towards our patrons.
Hilarious. Some serious projection going on there. Free speech and having an opposing opinion are threats and violence to that sort. What's going on is hipsters are opening up these little micro-brewery operations and coffee places, think it's a wonderful strategy move to go full woke with their business model. And then you get this stuff.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by Bolton Strid »

PUCKER wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:31 pm BTW - the owner said this will be a monthly thing.


Disgusting is an understatement -
Get to see the woman in the white SUV again - she certainly has issues. ... 7272894465

Nothing GRAPHIC on these vids, just disturbing. Exposing young children to adult sexual matter of any kind is messed up, also potentially illegal. It appears that a few public school teachers need investigating (Keller ISD are you listening?)
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by wheelgun1958 »

PUCKER wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:31 pm BTW - the owner said this will be a monthly thing.
Give them 6 months at best before they go bankrupt.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

We just withdrew my grand daughter from Plano ISD. They have gone WOKE! We are putting her in a private school.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by Bolton Strid »

wheelgun1958 wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:43 pm Give them 6 months at best before they go bankrupt.
A public reputation of a business is everything - you roll out the red carpet favoring a certain clientele, they're going to be inclined to patronize even beyond the event(s) that first drew them in. That can consequently dissuade other customer demographics from doing business there, making the business reliant on what customers they have left who will show up, putting a deep cut on potential earnings. Under the current economic conditions that's a pretty suicidal business decision.

Other considerations in play - there are laws on the books concerning exposing children to perverse and adult sexual materials and situations. There are also things known as Texas Nuisance Abatement Statutes, where the state attorney general's office has latitude. If the TABC pulled their licensing over nuisance behaviors, that'd be the end of the road for sure. Maybe they can then continue on as a simple bistro, cooking up grilled cheese sandwiches for their new antifa buddies. But any of that would be reliant on if local, county and state officials could find their spines or not. If people got busy lodging complaints those authorities could probably be compelled to do their jobs.

Extra, extra, read all about it - ... isance.pdf
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by PUCKER »

I also saw mention of them being over the capacity limit at one point (I think it was the owner posting on facebook where he said that in a bragging way)...all it takes is for the Roanoke Fire Marshall to come in and shut it down if they truly are over the legal capacity as it's a safety issue.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by Bolton Strid »

PUCKER wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:31 pm I also saw mention of them being over the capacity limit at one point (I think it was the owner posting on facebook where he said that in a bragging way)...all it takes is for the Roanoke Fire Marshall to come in and shut it down if they truly are over the legal capacity as it's a safety issue.
Why am I not surprised. Lawless birds of a feather flock together. Bet that isn't the only rule, regulation, procedure or law those belligerents are giving the middle finger to. Certain to be awkward if an inspector/investigator or two would go to snooping around there. Awkward indeed.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by wheelgun1958 »

The slow swirl down the drain begins.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by chasfm11 »

Yesterday, I spoke with someone who personally was present outside the venue for this event. He was on the side of the street with the protestors. He is a former LEO and was watching the armed individuals whom he termed "Antifa" because of their attire. He looked at their rifles, looking for consistency (meaning that they might have been issued from a common store) but said that each rifle looked different, suggesting individual ownership. He was aware of some of these individuals who were in a nearby parking garage but showed up as soon as things started to heat up. There was discussion of a sniper among them.

His opinion was that the most obnoxious attendees were on the protestor side, with one woman being the most provocative. If the purpose was to point out how the event was inappropriate for children, repeatedly shouting the F-bomb is hardly the way to make that point. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies.

His observation was that he did not know the armed counter-protesters who were fitted with comms/ear pieces and obviously communicating electronically among themselves. He pondered while standing there that the whole thing could have gone South in an instant and that he was not well prepared if it did. For me, his comments point up the major difference between ordinary citizens trying to bring attention to something and those who are determined to shove such things down our collective throats. Rarely are we organized and coordinated at that level. That implies funding which is also lacking on our side.
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by RoyGBiv »

chasfm11 wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:11 am Yesterday, I spoke with someone who personally was present outside the venue for this event. He was on the side of the street with the protestors. He is a former LEO and was watching the armed individuals whom he termed "Antifa" because of their attire. He looked at their rifles, looking for consistency (meaning that they might have been issued from a common store) but said that each rifle looked different, suggesting individual ownership. He was aware of some of these individuals who were in a nearby parking garage but showed up as soon as things started to heat up. There was discussion of a sniper among them.

His opinion was that the most obnoxious attendees were on the protestor side, with one woman being the most provocative. If the purpose was to point out how the event was inappropriate for children, repeatedly shouting the F-bomb is hardly the way to make that point. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies.

His observation was that he did not know the armed counter-protesters who were fitted with comms/ear pieces and obviously communicating electronically among themselves. He pondered while standing there that the whole thing could have gone South in an instant and that he was not well prepared if it did. For me, his comments point up the major difference between ordinary citizens trying to bring attention to something and those who are determined to shove such things down our collective throats. Rarely are we organized and coordinated at that level. That implies funding which is also lacking on our side.
Thanks for sharing this.

We plan to do business elsewhere for a while.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Armed Antifa at Roanoke’s drag show


Post by anygunanywhere »

Regardless of one's opinion on obnoxious behavior, the fact that parents are supporting their children in attending these satanic exhibitions is far worse than what the protesters did. Anyone who can't fathom this truth needs to rethink their morals.
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