But, hey, it's only common sense, right? So what if it's provably useless to law enforcement and costs millions and millions of dollars and consumes the already very limited amounts of law enforcement officer time and training. It's just common sense that the government would want to know where all the guns are, right? And it isn't just the guy living on rural property who has a circa 1980 double-barrel shotgun to take birds. No, what we really need to know about are the people who have arsenals of two or more guns and over 100 rounds of ammunition. After all, domestic extremism is the number one threat to our democracy--the government has been telling us that over and over throughout the Biden administration--and we need to keep track of all these right-wingers. It's only common sense.Paladin wrote: ↑Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:54 am John Lott weighs in:
Democrats Pushing Gun Registry as Precursor to Gun Ban
Confiscation is the only thing registration is good for:Two-thirds of Republicans believe the policy will lead to gun confiscation, and even 40 percent of Democrats believe the same. Confiscating legally owned firearms, it seems, is not merely a right-wing conspiracy theory.In a 2001 lawsuit, the Pennsylvania state police could not identify any crimes solved by their registration system from 1901 to 2001; however they did claim that it had “assisted” in a total of four cases, for which they could provide no details.
In a 2013 deposition for District of Columbia v. Heller II, the plaintiffs recorded that the Washington, D.C. police chief could not “recall any specific instance where registration records were used to determine who committed a crime, except for possession offenses.”
During testimony before the Hawaii State Senate in 2000, Honolulu’s police chief stated that he couldn’t find any crimes that had been solved due to registration and licensing. The chief also said that his officers devoted about 50,000 hours to registering and licensing guns each year. This is time that could have been spent on traditional, time-tested law enforcement activities.
New York and Maryland spent tens of millions of dollars putting together a computer database on all new guns sold in the past 15 years, even recording the ballistic fingerprint of each gun. But even these states, which strongly favor gun control, eventually abolished their systems because they never solved a single crime.
Wait. What? I thought there were about 300 million guns in civilian hands in the United States. What do you mean there could be as many as one billion?! How are we ever going to confisca... I mean, how will we be able to understand who has them without a federal database?