Lone Star Law
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
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Re: Lone Star Law
I wonder if they only writer the ticket for one, when they could write for many more, because they know if the citizen challenges the tickets, the DA will drop the charges to only one. Also, wonder if they realize citizens are less likely to challenge one ticket, whereas they may fight the tickets if they receive more than one.
Best advice I was ever given- Don't mess with the dog while he's eatin'.
Re: Lone Star Law
My only interactions with game wardens was a few years back. The day before dove season. a couple of pals and I and I went to Cotulla Texas to one of their father's land to do some general cleanup of the buildings and check on/maintain the assorted vehicles he kept there. None of us were into bird hunting (we didn't even know it was right before dove season), but we were all were fans of pistol shooting, and were looking forward to shooting in the great outdoors - something we never get to do in Houston. So, we had all brought several pistols, and after settling in the cabin, set up an impromptu range in an empty field. A couple dozens rounds into it, and two game wardens showed up. They were really excited, since they thought they had caught some major poachers the day before season. Their anger grew slowly, as they realized that, while we didn't have hunting licenses, we also didn't have any birds. Then one of my pals pointed out that we didn't have any shotguns, did they think we were hunting birds with 9mm pistols and a couple of magnum revolvers? He held up a magnum round and asked them if they thought we were planning to lick the bullet if we hit a bird? They spend an hour searching us, the cabin we were staying in, and the surrounding environs before they gave up, angrily told us "don't ever do that again" (they couldn't explain what "that" was), and left. For the next four days, whenever we started doing a little shooting, they'd hear the gunfire and show up, see that we still didn't have any shotguns, and then slink away.
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Re: Lone Star Law
I've been watching the show from the beginning and enjoy it most of the time. But, I saw one episode that had me fuming. A warden stopped a guy in an UTV on a dirt road, more like two tracks in the grass, next to a fence line of some property the man was a guest on. The man had a weapon inside the UTV for snakes and the warden confiscated it and said he was going to check it for "registration". He didn't elaborate whether or not it was "registered" LOL, but he gave it back to the man. He then wrote him a ticket because he had a mixed drink in a glass in the cup holder of the UTV. He said the road was publicly accessible, so he charged him with an open container. The warden's name was Delgado I think and he said his father was a warden, also. I wonder if there are two generations of Game Wardens that are ignorant of Texas Firearms laws.
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