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137,000 world, 5000 dead, 1700 in the US. Almost 15,000 in Italy. China is still holding near 80,000. What the graph shows is that the infection in China has leveled off while the rest of the world is increasing. The infected in the rest of the world is reaching the number in China. Of course this is if you believe China's numbers.
A news report said we exchanged missiles with Iran last night. That would normally be a big deal.
There was no meat in the meat department at HEB last night. People figured out they cannot eat TP or live on water alone.
Trump has been exposed to the virus by meeting with the president of Brazil.
My 401k is down 37% (not all of that is the Coronavirus's fault as oil is not having a good week either)
My email basket this morning was full of "how Chic fil A is responding to the Coronavirus" type stuff. It's good to see the CEO's are keeping busy.