TAM got me to thinking.

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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by jason812 »

DEB wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:31 pm When one reads how many companies made their money during the 1930-1945 time period, almost all had pretty dirty hands.
Just like almost every American company was supporting the war effort, the companies in the countries we were fighting were doing the same thing.
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by Tejas59 »

Jusme wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:37 am ... we must put down our iPhones, laptops, and keyboards, and get involved.
This is the only part I'll disagree with. Social media is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, especially to the younger generations that don't truly understand how our liberties are being eroded and why that is important. Some amazingly unqualified people are moving into powerful positions because they have learned how to use that tool. We don't need to put down the iPhones, laptops, and keyboards...we need to learn how to use them (without it turning into mindless rock throwing).

I'm not a fan and I'll be the first to admit that most 10 year olds know more about social media than I do. But I think we have to acknowledge the capability of the internet to reach and influence massive numbers of people in an almost mind-boggling short time period.
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by Jusme »

Tejas59 wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:25 pm
Jusme wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:37 am ... we must put down our iPhones, laptops, and keyboards, and get involved.
This is the only part I'll disagree with. Social media is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, especially to the younger generations that don't truly understand how our liberties are being eroded and why that is important. Some amazingly unqualified people are moving into powerful positions because they have learned how to use that tool. We don't need to put down the iPhones, laptops, and keyboards...we need to learn how to use them (without it turning into mindless rock throwing).

I'm not a fan and I'll be the first to admit that most 10 year olds know more about social media than I do. But I think we have to acknowledge the capability of the internet to reach and influence massive numbers of people in an almost mind-boggling short time period.

I agree, that the left has weaponized social media, and electronic devices. That's the problem, they also control the content. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.. are all controlled by the left. Our message gets lost, edited, censored, delayed, and there is no repercussions. We can scream, pound, the table, demand equal time, but it's not happening. It's easy, to get your side of the story out, when your side is the only one out there.
Sure there are voices, but, the numbers are against us. You can't compete, and tell, the youth, that they need to put in hours, days, years, of hard work to achieve their goals, when it's 1000 to 1 telling them, they can do whatever they want, and someone in the the government will take care of them.

They are convinced they are victims, and entitled to the same benefits, that those who work are afforded.
Voices, in the opposition, are shouted down, and called racist, sexist, homophobic, mysogynists, or worse. Not having any life experience to fall back on, their desire to fit in, overwhelms their ability, to think for themselves. All of this is reinforced, in our so called educational system. Our only chance, is to separate them from their devices, let them see what it really takes to survive in the real world.
I know it sounds like I'm blaming the outside world for these problems, but I lay all of the blame at the feet of their parents. They give birth, and start looking for someone else to take responsibility, for raising them. JMHO
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by Jusme »

On my line of Toxic Masculinity products, I thought I would run some ideas by the members here and see what they think. How about a cologne called "Triggered" it would have the essence of Hoppes#9 and gun powder.
"Deplorable" would be a combination of liberal tears, and the awesome fragrance of winning.

This is still in the prototype phase so, suggestions are welcome. :biggrinjester:
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Jusme wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:13 pm On my line of Toxic Masculinity products, I thought I would run some ideas by the members here and see what they think. How about a cologne called "Triggered" it would have the essence of Hoppes#9 and gun powder.
"Deplorable" would be a combination of liberal tears, and the awesome fragrance of winning.

This is still in the prototype phase so, suggestions are welcome. :biggrinjester:
How about a men’s talcum powder product for our nether regions called “Smokeless Powder”. The tag line would be “guaranteed not to puff dust when you fart.”
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by Liberty »

Jusme wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 4:48 pm
That was part of the point I was trying to make and you put it much more succinctly, than I did. Ranting and raving about businesses, that either publicly come out against want you stand for, is a waste of time. It is a non-starter for me. I'm sure if you look back through history, every major corporation, at one point or a other was on the wrong side of history. However, this nation was builtt on capitalism. Our very livelyhood, depends on jobs created by businesses, large or small. They hire people, from all walks of life, with different political views, religious beliefs, etc. I have no issue with anyone using their buying power, to make their point, but eventually, we will all be naked, hungry, on foot, and homeless, because there are people, at every company with whom we disagree. I simply don't have time to research all of them, because as I said, my meager contributions, won't change the way they do business, or what causes they support.
Emphasis mine

If We look back in history most of us who have lived long enough may have been on the wrong side of history. We adapt, adjust and move on.

I personally don't jump into the an organized boycott blitz. How ever there are some products that I avoid because of their political stance. The first one that I remember is the Boston Globe, They made an awful anti-gun editorial that turned my stomach. I chose not to participate. I don't think their business has suffered because of this.

I refuse to support Apple, not because of their political stance, but because of their litigation practices, and their practice of locking people into their environment. I haven't hurt their business at all.

I was disgusted by the kneeling and the NFL. I stopped watching them and tossed my limited gear supporting them. ( Base ball cap and a couple of T-shirts) Apparently they did feel some of the pressure by those of us who chose to not participate. A couple of weeks ago I did watch the Superbowl though. There was no stomach churning kneeling and I enjoyed the game.

My point is your millage may vary, but typically boycotts aren't very effective, but sometimes they just might put enough pressure to affect some change.
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by Jusme »

Well this is what happens, when I don't move quickly enough. Someone has already taken my men's products idea.:
https://toxicmasculinitytribe.com/Shop/ ... 3MEALw_wcB

I can't vouch for their products, but, they get an A+ for marketing.
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by crazy2medic »

How come there are no Conservative/Right leaning alternatives to the Current Social Media? What would it take to create a Social Media Web site that could challenge Facebook and their ilk?
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by WildBill »

Jusme wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:57 pm What? No potential partners, in my Toxic Masculinity men's products? :mrgreen:
Again, TAM beat you to it. A couple years ago he suggested Argan oil for beards.
I still use it. :mrgreen:
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by WildBill »

There has been some good posts and discussions in this thread. That is one of the reasons I still participate in the forum.
As for boycotting, etc I try to use common sense and follow my conscience in dealing with people and corporations.
Now that I am retired the decisions are usually easier.
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Re: TAM got me to thinking.


Post by jason812 »

The Annoyed Man wrote: Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:06 am
How about a men’s talcum powder product for our nether regions called “Smokeless Powder”. The tag line would be “guaranteed not to puff dust when you fart.”
How did I not see this post 6 weeks ago. My wife doesn't know why I laugh at fart and poop jokes. I just tell her because I'm a man.
WildBill wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:56 pm As for boycotting, etc I try to use common sense and follow my conscience in dealing with people and corporations.
This is one of the reasons I drink Black Rifle Coffee. I fully support what they stand for.
In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law to pursue a natural justice.
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