Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Redneck_Buddha wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:20 pm Mattis resigns and insinuates unilateral announcement of draw down in Syria was the last straw. Getting a little harder to put lipstick on this pig. And this from a Trump voter.

Unfortunate for the country. Sad to learn.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by bblhd672 »

philip964 wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:28 pm
Redneck_Buddha wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:20 pm Mattis resigns and insinuates unilateral announcement of draw down in Syria was the last straw. Getting a little harder to put lipstick on this pig. And this from a Trump voter.

Unfortunate for the country. Sad to learn.
I disagree. The President has a plan, Mattis disagrees with the plan so he decided to leave office. Mattis never felt strongly enough to resign about any of the things Obama did to the military that are still negatively affecting the services, what does that say about him?
It's time America takes a step back from military adventures all over the world. We have been at war continuously in Afghanistan since 9/11/01, still no end in sight. We have spent or allocated trillions of dollars to Middle East wars, most of that through additional indebtedness.

Before anyone jumps on me about my stance, let me make it clear I support the men and women of our military 100%. It's just time to quit sending them to die or be maimed in order to project the political agenda of the swamp.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

bblhd672 wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:36 am
philip964 wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:28 pm
Redneck_Buddha wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:20 pm Mattis resigns and insinuates unilateral announcement of draw down in Syria was the last straw. Getting a little harder to put lipstick on this pig. And this from a Trump voter.

Unfortunate for the country. Sad to learn.
I disagree. The President has a plan, Mattis disagrees with the plan so he decided to leave office. Mattis never felt strongly enough to resign about any of the things Obama did to the military that are still negatively affecting the services, what does that say about him?
It's time America takes a step back from military adventures all over the world. We have been at war continuously in Afghanistan since 9/11/01, still no end in sight. We have spent or allocated trillions of dollars to Middle East wars, most of that through additional indebtedness.

Before anyone jumps on me about my stance, let me make it clear I support the men and women of our military 100%. It's just time to quit sending them to die or be maimed in order to project the political agenda of the swamp.
China's military advancement and buildup is of major concern. Russia is rebuilding and modernizing its military and recently unveiled a hypersonic weapon the Pentagon says we cannot defeat. Isolationism will not work with not one but two major-power enemies ramping up for war against us and our allies. The loss of Mattis is a major blow to the country. Bump-stocks won't cost Trump votes in any significant number. The loss of Mattis will reverberate through conservatives. If Mattis runs for President, then . . .

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Pawpaw »

bblhd672 wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:36 am I disagree. The President has a plan, Mattis disagrees with the plan so he decided to leave office. Mattis never felt strongly enough to resign about any of the things Obama did to the military that are still negatively affecting the services, what does that say about him?
Actually, it speaks very highly about his character. A general resigning has exactly zero political impact. It wouldn't have even rated a footnote. As long as he stayed in uniform, he had a chance to do some good for his men, in spite of Obama. Being SecDef is a whole new ball game. If he feels he can't do any good without directly opposing Trump, resigning is the only option. Anything else would just harm the country he spent a lifetime serving.

I hate to see him go, but this is one more instance of him serving the country.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... dure-.html

Cancerous growth removed from RBG’s lung.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... fears.html

Trump owned the stock market rise. Never a good idea since the President isn’t the reason the stock market goes up or down.

Obama had a great stock market record, so did Clinton.

Obama’s market went up because it was down so far.

With Clinton it was Al Gores invention of the internet.

Economy seems good at the moment. Not sure of the reason for the big sell off.

Republicans losing the house? Business usually likes a divided government. Government shutdown? Rising interest rates? Trump’s potential tariffs? Maybe.
Trump impeachment? Maybe.

Or is it going from 6000 to 26000 without a correction at some point is impossible. Could be.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Alf »

philip964 wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:42 pm Trump owned the stock market rise. Never a good idea since the President isn’t the reason the stock market goes up or down.

Maybe shutting down the government will help. :lol:

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by rotor »

I don't know if Mattis is right or wrong but if one disagrees with the president than resigning is the right thing to do. My personal experience with generals is that they are not necessarily the smartest men in the world and that their self interest is not to wind things down but to keep things going. We also have a civilian commander in chief and one follows his orders in our system. The U.S. can not be the policemen of the world. We have enough men and women put in body bags over this fight and not enough of our "allies" doing their fair share. At least we won't have one of the guys we are training turn around and kill one of us.
We pulled out of Viet Nam and I believe history has shown that it was a smart move and that relations with that country are at least acceptable now. Time will tell how this move goes but I don't see that our generals have been overly correct in the past.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by bblhd672 »

rotor wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:08 pm I don't know if Mattis is right or wrong but if one disagrees with the president than resigning is the right thing to do. My personal experience with generals is that they are not necessarily the smartest men in the world and that their self interest is not to wind things down but to keep things going. We also have a civilian commander in chief and one follows his orders in our system. The U.S. can not be the policemen of the world. We have enough men and women put in body bags over this fight and not enough of our "allies" doing their fair share. At least we won't have one of the guys we are training turn around and kill one of us.
We pulled out of Viet Nam and I believe history has shown that it was a smart move and that relations with that country are at least acceptable now. Time will tell how this move goes but I don't see that our generals have been overly correct in the past.
:iagree: ... r-is-hell/
Finally, the dismount was struck with this solemn lament: we should keep our troops in Syria and get them off the US border where they don’t belong. Where do troops belong? That’s actually a fundamental question more than a political one. As such, why does a country form an armed forces? To defend foreign ethnostates? I mean, an additional foreign ethnostate? Is it foreign democracy? Foreign freedom? Foreign trade? What does the military do for us? Given the Pentagon’s $676 billion price tag, it’s a question to which many more non-foreigners should be demanding an answer.

The obvious fact is that the core function of militaries is to prevent invasion of their sponsoring nation. If they do nothing else, they have served their purpose. If they do not serve this purpose, then nothing else they do matters.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Justice Roberts sided with the Liberal judges including RBG who voted from the hospital to affirm an "Obama judges" ruling that Trump could not require asylum seekers to enter the country through legal ports of entry. Thus asylum seekers could continue to try and sneak in to the country through dangerous routes and if caught could then raise the asylum defense after caught. This policy will stand until the lawsuit weaves its way through the courts which could take years.

Justice Roberts vote in favor of Obamacare as a tax didn't work out too well for him, if his plan was to allow Obamacare to continue.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Trump is Right to Withdraw from Syria
But James Mattis and other failed analysts are still pushing their failed policies and demanding we stay there. ... rt-spencer

Pull Out of Syria and Afghanistan, Use the Money to Build a Wall
Take the $50 billion we spent arming Jihadis, and use it to build a big wall to keep them out of America. ... greenfield
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Government is shut down. Depending on the outcome. Trump may have a chance in 2020.

Dems seem as dug in as the President.

They want unfettered immigration to the US.

It is an interesting plan. Get as many new citizens as possible into the US. Make sure they all understand that Dems got them into the country and citizenship. They will be poor and in need of services. Make sure their are plenty of services via the Dems. Dems will then control the country forever. (it appeared that if HIlliary was elected they would control the country hook or crook forever anyway).

Its not a bad plan, especially if your in a leadership position with the Dem party. The leaders always do well. Even in Venezuela the leadership does well.

The plan ends up with the US as a third world country, but that wouldn't be for fifty years, so why not.

I'm figuring medicare for all will be the first item on the Dems list. Medicare will decline and mom and dad will get worse care, so they will die off earlier helping Social Security. Much hIgher taxes for everyone who has a better job, Corporations will pay the most, they will be nationalized when they try to relocate outside the US. Double the minimum wage (they will pay no taxes). They will want all former prisoners to vote. Let violent prisoners out of jail more room for political prisoners. Means testing for Social Security, so they can have more money for free stuff. Everyone on Social Security will get the same, no more, more you put in, more you get out. Lots and lots of new federal workers to hand out all the free stuff. At some point moving money or yourself out of the country will have to be restricted. Freedom of movement is not in the Bill of Rights so that will easy. Probably somewhere along here we will have a few Supreme Court Justices have bad accidents or a heart attack. The US will become friends with China, North Korea and Venezuela, the US will be all interested in all that new citizen spying and tracking gear they are working on right now.

And most important - Got to get all the guns, that will be near the top. Can't have anyone threatening to fight back.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Suri wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 6:15 pm
rotor wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:08 pm I don't know if Mattis is right or wrong but if one disagrees with the president than resigning is the right thing to do.
Really, don't you think a leader needs input from differing points of view and debate?
Of course. And Trump had two full years to listen to General Mattis and to evaluate him as a team member. Eventually a reasoned decision was made.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... of-defense

Trump kicks Mattis out early, appoints new acting Defense Secretary. I guess I’m hearing Obama fired Mattis first.
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