‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening

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‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by bblhd672 »

https://amgreatness.com/2018/10/05/but- ... awakening/
For two years, NeverTrump has united with the Left to sabotage Trump’s presidency, smear congressional Republicans who support him, and ridicule Trump voters. Led by Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large-and-getting-larger of the Weekly Standard, this group is as culpable as the news media and Democratic politicians for the smoldering hellscape that now is American politics.
I have zero respect for Never Trumpers. Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Erick Erickson and all the rest of the "conservative media" who oppose Trump are Democrat appeasers and complicit in the socialist progressives' campaign to destroy the President.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

bblhd672 wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:21 am https://amgreatness.com/2018/10/05/but- ... awakening/
For two years, NeverTrump has united with the Left to sabotage Trump’s presidency, smear congressional Republicans who support him, and ridicule Trump voters. Led by Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large-and-getting-larger of the Weekly Standard, this group is as culpable as the news media and Democratic politicians for the smoldering hellscape that now is American politics.
I have zero respect for Never Trumpers. Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Erick Erickson and all the rest of the "conservative media" who oppose Trump are Democrat appeasers and complicit in the socialist progressives' campaign to destroy the President.

If you want to push for alternative views, then by all means, go right ahead. But just opposing everything that someone does, simply because you don't like that person, is childish. It is wrong whether it comes from the left or the right.

I welcome the "Never Trumpers" ideas. If they oppose specific actions of our President, then by all means they should state their case. I also oppose some of our President's actions, like his recent unprecedented gun grab by pressuring an agency to call a piece of plastic a "machine gun". I also oppose some (make that most) of the things that the left would like to do. At the end of the day, I look at the candidates that have a chance to win and decide which of those candidates is closest to me on the things I care about the most. That's an adult way of viewing the world.

Heck, even Hussein and Slick Willy did a few things I agreed with.

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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by flechero »

I have no respect for people who's identity is rooted in being against things. (or people) You have to be for something.


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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by MaduroBU »

I find Trump to be a despicable human being whose absolute best is to be a)not HRC and b) do a few good things. His trade deals have been needed for years, and will pay dividends. I worry that despite that, larger forces at work in the economy will trigger a large correction soon and that Trump's reliance upon the stock market for validation will cause that event to drown him and possibly the Republican congressional majority with it.
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by PriestTheRunner »

MaduroBU wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:22 pm I find Trump to be a despicable human being whose absolute best is to be a)not HRC and b) do a few good things. His trade deals have been needed for years, and will pay dividends. I worry that despite that, larger forces at work in the economy will trigger a large correction soon and that Trump's reliance upon the stock market for validation will cause that event to drown him and possibly the Republican congressional majority with it.
Growth after 2008 was slow. Reaaaaaaallllly slow. I'm not sure we are in for 'the big one' just yet.

As a visual example:

But honestly, 'Market Timing' is bull. innovation and growth in the future are not a known element. People in 1975 and 1985 couldn't really know to what extent the computer would develop (and the massive market that technology would open). We don't know now what the next big development will be. Thats why you can't judge the president by the current market, only after history can look at the full financial affects of a president's (and congress') decisions can their approach be viewed. We are barely to the point where we can accurately evaluate Obama's real financial impacts.

Will Trump get burned by his market rhetoric? Maybe, but history will ultimately decide the truth.
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by PriestTheRunner »

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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

MaduroBU wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:22 pm I find Trump to be a despicable human being whose absolute best is to be a)not HRC and b) do a few good things. His trade deals have been needed for years, and will pay dividends. I worry that despite that, larger forces at work in the economy will trigger a large correction soon and that Trump's reliance upon the stock market for validation will cause that event to drown him and possibly the Republican congressional majority with it.
I don't know that I'd call the man "despicable". He hasn't fed anyone into a wood chipper or gassed a whole race of people, as far as I know. I would say that he is a bit of a jerk and is definitely rude and obnoxious. He also has a remarkably thin skin for someone who has been in the public eye most of his life.

I also think he is doing a good job by any honest measurement in all of the key areas that I care about for a President (economy, national security, etc). Then again, I am a devotee of Locke when it comes to the role of government. His one notable failure, IMHO, has been to cave to pressure in restricting our RKBA, specifically when it comes to so called "bump stock machine guns".

I can separate whether someone is a nice person from whether they are good at their job. And since I'm not planning to have the President of the US babysit my kids anytime soon, I really don't need them to be a nice person. Just get government out of the way of the economy and my personal life, and keep us from being defeated by our enemies, please. Do those two things, and I'll be just fine with a complete jerk as our President.

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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by MaduroBU »

Soccerdad1995 wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:14 pm
MaduroBU wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:22 pm I find Trump to be a despicable human being whose absolute best is to be a)not HRC and b) do a few good things. His trade deals have been needed for years, and will pay dividends. I worry that despite that, larger forces at work in the economy will trigger a large correction soon and that Trump's reliance upon the stock market for validation will cause that event to drown him and possibly the Republican congressional majority with it.
I don't know that I'd call the man "despicable". He hasn't fed anyone into a wood chipper or gassed a whole race of people, as far as I know. I would say that he is a bit of a jerk and is definitely rude and obnoxious. He also has a remarkably thin skin for someone who has been in the public eye most of his life.

I also think he is doing a good job by any honest measurement in all of the key areas that I care about for a President (economy, national security, etc). Then again, I am a devotee of Locke when it comes to the role of government. His one notable failure, IMHO, has been to cave to pressure in restricting our RKBA, specifically when it comes to so called "bump stock machine guns".

I can separate whether someone is a nice person from whether they are good at their job. And since I'm not planning to have the President of the US babysit my kids anytime soon, I really don't need them to be a nice person. Just get government out of the way of the economy and my personal life, and keep us from being defeated by our enemies, please. Do those two things, and I'll be just fine with a complete jerk as our President.
I agree that he has taken on several very important and overlooked issues, and I don't need him to be a saint. I find his philandering to be off putting, but i think that it's part of a larger issue of extreme narcissism. Im not sure that Trump can admit to being wrong, which could influence decision making that affects me.
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by Jusme »

Trump is not the guy, I would want my son to become. That being said, I think he is exactly what we need, to defeat, or at least slow down, the downward spiral, the left, the spineless RINOS, the MSM, and our bastions of higher education, have been rapidly racing towards. Trump is not a politician, but politicians, are what got us to where we are now. The general populace, has allowed, our, Republic, to disentigrate, into, a special interest ATM. With no user fees, and no limit, on withdrawals. We have allowed ourselves, to be told how to vote, by the MSM, and told that we were (insert durogatory insult here) if we dared, to express a differing opinion. Will the current economic boom last? History tells us no. Will we be able to reverse the slowly boiling pot of water, we find ourselves? I don't know. But, right here, right now, we have the opportunity, to say to those, who want to shame us into submission, ( forum rules prohibit the true response) JMHO
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by bblhd672 »

Jusme wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:30 pm Trump is not the guy, I would want my son to become. That being said, I think he is exactly what we need, to defeat, or at least slow down, the downward spiral, the left, the spineless RINOS, the MSM, and our bastions of higher education, have been rapidly racing towards. Trump is not a politician, but politicians, are what got us to where we are now. The general populace, has allowed, our, Republic, to disentigrate, into, a special interest ATM. With no user fees, and no limit, on withdrawals. We have allowed ourselves, to be told how to vote, by the MSM, and told that we were (insert durogatory insult here) if we dared, to express a differing opinion. Will the current economic boom last? History tells us no. Will we be able to reverse the slowly boiling pot of water, we find ourselves? I don't know. But, right here, right now, we have the opportunity, to say to those, who want to shame us into submission, ( forum rules prohibit the true response) JMHO
:iagree: I’m tired of nice Republicans loosing our Republic to communists.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by PriestTheRunner »

bblhd672 wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:57 pm
Jusme wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:30 pm Trump is not the guy, I would want my son to become. That being said, I think he is exactly what we need, to defeat, or at least slow down, the downward spiral, the left, the spineless RINOS, the MSM, and our bastions of higher education, have been rapidly racing towards. Trump is not a politician, but politicians, are what got us to where we are now. The general populace, has allowed, our, Republic, to disentigrate, into, a special interest ATM. With no user fees, and no limit, on withdrawals. We have allowed ourselves, to be told how to vote, by the MSM, and told that we were (insert durogatory insult here) if we dared, to express a differing opinion. Will the current economic boom last? History tells us no. Will we be able to reverse the slowly boiling pot of water, we find ourselves? I don't know. But, right here, right now, we have the opportunity, to say to those, who want to shame us into submission, ( forum rules prohibit the true response) JMHO
:iagree: I’m tired of nice Republicans loosing our Republic to communists.
And selling our job overseas by refusing to have trade agreements that protect American workers...

This train of sentiment, however, is exactly what elected Trump. In December of 16 I was hopeful that the left would realize that and swing much more centrist but the opposite has happened. Oh well. Maybe a massive Red Wave can happen and further reject socialism to all those who spout it.

Maybe while we are at it we can repeal the NFA... Sigh.

We need another WATSON vs. US case to come forward and fix that.
https://www.ammoland.com/2016/05/courts ... z5TOKj7Yis
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by The Annoyed Man »

bblhd672 wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:21 am https://amgreatness.com/2018/10/05/but- ... awakening/
For two years, NeverTrump has united with the Left to sabotage Trump’s presidency, smear congressional Republicans who support him, and ridicule Trump voters. Led by Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large-and-getting-larger of the Weekly Standard, this group is as culpable as the news media and Democratic politicians for the smoldering hellscape that now is American politics.
I have zero respect for Never Trumpers. Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Erick Erickson and all the rest of the "conservative media" who oppose Trump are Democrat appeasers and complicit in the socialist progressives' campaign to destroy the President.
I have not had much respect for Bill Kristol for a while now. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing ... t-my-inner
"The GOP tax bill's bringing out my inner socialist. The sex scandals are bringing out my inner feminist. Donald Trump and Roy Moore are bringing out my inner liberal," Kristol tweeted, adding, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?"
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by Abraham »

I'm a fan of President Trump - You're darn right I voted for him.

He gets the job done.

When he calls people names they generally reflect the truth like 'Crooked hillary' or 'Pocahontas'...

He's proud to be an American something the left would like all of us to hang our heads in mock shame.

I don't think President Teddy Roosevelt was warm and cuddly either, but he sure got things accomplished.
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by Maxwell »

Yes, I voted for him. Trump is a businessman, and one most people would call very successful. He didn't get there by being nice, or even considerate. He's a jerk, and yes I was surprised at how thin skinned he seems to be and I could care less about anything he did in his private life before his presidency. That said he's an intelligent man and in business or in politics I would not want to be on the opposite side of the table from him behind closed doors.

However, what I saw from the Democrats and their supporter over the last few weeks (and ongoing) makes me so sick at how low they will go and how little they care about anything but their own power that if needed I'll probably vote for him again.
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Re: ‘But, Kavanaugh!’ NeverTrump’s Awakening


Post by flechero »


Remember the people referred to as the "Greatest Generation" in American history? What do they all have in common? Tough, hard working and patriotic... they put America and their communities first. (yes there was more to them but this is all I need for this point)

Trump [although younger] embodies these things and sees them as key to our collective success. And arrogance - in the President's case, is a driving force that keeps him from ever being finished working and fighting for the common man.
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