OP's original post started
I am curious as to how often you break down your EDC gun and clean the dust and lint out of it. Obviously it could rain and soak you and you have to do it sooner but just on a regular basis how often do you?
To clarify my earlier post, I don't have a "rotation" and don't carry "precious" self defense ammo. I have one pistol secured; my original every day carry. I haven't decided to keep it or sell it. I find it useful as a tertiary pistol.
I clean my pistols when they get dirty to help prevent malfunctions. For example, after a day of flying rockets in the AZ desert (is that redundant?) or CO high plains, I field strip and clean out as much of that fine grit as I can. If I am caught in the rain and my pistol gets wet, I field strip, clean, and lube it ASAP. This is the tool with which I defend myself and mine.
I clean my pistol after each firing session because that is the way Drill Sergeants SSG Austin and SGT Jett raised me at Ft Leonard Wood in 1973. The tool with which I defend myself and mine will always be ready.
My preferred self defense weapon, the M109 155mm self-propelled howitzer's barrel "should be cleaned at the conclusion of the day's firing and 3 consecutive days after, making a total of at least four cleanings. If the weapon is not to be fired withing 24 hours after the fourth cleaning, it should be wiped dry, inspected, and lubricated with oil, lubricating, preservative, special. If the tube continues to sweat after the fourth cleaning, cleaning should be continued until the sweating stops. When the weapon is not being fired, the tube should be cleaned weekly and then wiped dry, inspected, and reoiled."
Old habits. Hard to break.
O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
Safety Ministry Director, First Baptist Church Elgin
NRA, NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Instructor, Rangemaster Certified, GOA, TSRA, NAR L1