Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by JALLEN »

dlh wrote:
JALLEN wrote:There is a system maintained by the Federal courts for access to all court filed documents, called PACR. You register, give a deposit and they bill monthly. Less than $10 a month, no charge. It gives access to all Federal courts. IIRC, it's 10 cents a page to download. I used to use it all the time before I retired.
It is interesting to note which courts charge and which do not for court-filed documents. The Texas Supreme Court, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, and Texas Appellate Courts do not charge for their opinions or filed briefs to my knowledge. They are freely accessible on-line. Same with the United States Supreme Court. Trial courts appear to be another animal--most appear to charge whether at the federal or state level. Would be nice if none of the courts charged so retired dudes like me on a fixed income can access various documents and study them. :cool:
The materials available through PACR include everything filed in the case, not evidence, deposition or court transcripts etc which the reporter owns. Opinions are available from some courts but trial courts seldom prepare "opinions."

If they were not online, as in former times they were not, you'd have to get dressed, drive down to the court clerk, or law library, and pay to park, to read them there for free.

There are many claims to the public purse, and we can't be subsidizing "retired dudes" while illegal aliens, rioters and such like go without hot meals, health care and educations, can we.
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by Pawpaw »

LucasMcCain wrote:I like some of Ray LaMontagne's music, but after that statement he won't be getting any more of my money.

It smells a little of a deliberate setup, but it could also be a pro 2A student just trying to get a rise out of the liberals. While I can certainly understand that mindset, it's really not appropriate at this time. We need campus carry to be as much of a non-event as open carry has been.
I disagree. With very very few exceptions, anyone who is legal to carry is over 21. I will submit that they know better than to do something like that.

To me, this smells of some anti-campus carry "activist" planting cases to get some bad press, knowing who the liberal media will pin it on.
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by Jusme »

Pawpaw wrote:
LucasMcCain wrote:I like some of Ray LaMontagne's music, but after that statement he won't be getting any more of my money.

It smells a little of a deliberate setup, but it could also be a pro 2A student just trying to get a rise out of the liberals. While I can certainly understand that mindset, it's really not appropriate at this time. We need campus carry to be as much of a non-event as open carry has been.
I disagree. With very very few exceptions, anyone who is legal to carry is over 21. I will submit that they know better than to do something like that.

To me, this smells of some anti-campus carry "activist" planting cases to get some bad press, knowing who the liberal media will pin it on.


Campus carry has been a non-issue except for those who are against it. The issue is dead as far as the media is concerned, so the only way to keep the spotlight on their temper tantrum is to create, animosity where none exists.
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by LucasMcCain »

Pawpaw wrote:
LucasMcCain wrote:I like some of Ray LaMontagne's music, but after that statement he won't be getting any more of my money.

It smells a little of a deliberate setup, but it could also be a pro 2A student just trying to get a rise out of the liberals. While I can certainly understand that mindset, it's really not appropriate at this time. We need campus carry to be as much of a non-event as open carry has been.
I disagree. With very very few exceptions, anyone who is legal to carry is over 21. I will submit that they know better than to do something like that.

To me, this smells of some anti-campus carry "activist" planting cases to get some bad press, knowing who the liberal media will pin it on.
It may very well be an anti plant. However, you don't have to be 21 or legal to carry to get your hands on a spent casing. Just sayin'.
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by The Annoyed Man »

LucasMcCain wrote:I like some of Ray LaMontagne's music, but after that statement he won't be getting any more of my money.

It smells a little of a deliberate setup, but it could also be a pro 2A student just trying to get a rise out of the liberals. While I can certainly understand that mindset, it's really not appropriate at this time. We need campus carry to be as much of a non-event as open carry has been.
Gee, I wonder if he ever performs on college campuses in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin — all of which allow campus carry in addition to Texas. :roll:
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by mojo84 »

I provided the two authors of the articles the comparison of the crime rates and neither seemed interested in considering or covering the data.
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by v7a »

Anyone going to the Texas Tribune Festival this weekend? If you're a student the ticket is only $50. One of the plaintiffs will be on this Campus Carry panel:
Flawn Academic Center, Auditorium 21
Campus Carry is the Law. Now What?

Jose L. Bañales - Chief of the Texas State University Police Department
Diego Bernal @DiegoBernalTX - State Representative
Mia Carter - Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin
Steven Goode - Professor and Chairman of Campus Carry Working Group at the University of Texas at Austin
Antonia Okafor @antonia_okafor - Southwest Regional Director of Students for Concealed Carry
David Brown (mod.) @DavidBrownTX - Host and Managing Editor of the Texas Standard

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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

bblhd672 wrote:On a side note what does a "rhetoric professor" teach?
Is that a rhetorical question?
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by J.R.@A&M »

An appeal of this case is being heard Wednesday by a panel of judges on the 5th Circuit Ct. of Appeals. ... -carry-law
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by ELB »

J.R.@A&M wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:39 am An appeal of this case is being heard Wednesday by a panel of judges on the 5th Circuit Ct. of Appeals. ... -carry-law
That would be Judge Willet's new stompin' grounds...
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by Lynyrd »

J.R.@A&M wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:39 am An appeal of this case is being heard Wednesday by a panel of judges on the 5th Circuit Ct. of Appeals. ... -carry-law
Renae Hicks, who represents UT Austin sociology professor Jennifer Glass, appealed that ruling to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court.
Just a question. How much does a sociologist make? :biggrinjester:
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by dlh »

Lynyrd wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:14 pm
J.R.@A&M wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:39 am An appeal of this case is being heard Wednesday by a panel of judges on the 5th Circuit Ct. of Appeals. ... -carry-law
Renae Hicks, who represents UT Austin sociology professor Jennifer Glass, appealed that ruling to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court.
Just a question. How much does a sociologist make? :biggrinjester:
My gut tells me that Glass is not paying for this appeal out of her pocket. Think--George Soros, Mother's Demand Action, Bloomberg....etc.
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by Abraham »

Why don't these folk move to cooba or venz.?

Everyone in those locales are so happy...

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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by BBYC »

Can somebody explain what standing they have to sue? And can I sue UT for employing them, based on the same legal principle?
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Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Post by Abraham »

Were I have to children in the college age, I would recommend some Christian college and I'm not a Christian.

Get away from commie based ideology based schools.
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