Which organization do you think is best.

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Re: Which organization do you think is best.


Post by srothstein »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:I'm obviously biased, but I will note that the NRA is the only organization the left is trying to destroy. There is a reason for this.

I agree with everyone who is mentioning the TSRA and the NRA, but Charles has a very good point here. I tend to send my spare cash to TSRA first because more of the anti-gun and pro-gun laws are being fought at the state level. The NRA is the target of the left because they are so effective at the national level that it is forcing the left to fight 50 separate state battles for everything they want. To keep them as divided we need a strong NRA and I might need to start sending some more of my spare cash that way.

I would have told you put TSRA first and NRA second, but I think Charles makes a very good point and they should be split equally. They rest of the groups mentioned plus JFPO are all good groups to support, but the NRA is the most successful at the national level for a reason.
Steve Rothstein
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