Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?

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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by rotor »

bblhd672 wrote:
Abraham wrote:Rotor,

Of course you're math is spot on, but those who resist are weak.

Why, I know FB is leftist, but I have to stay with it because...I'm a weakling.

I'm hopelessly hooked and need to join some 12 step program to rid myself of FB.

Here's a start, quit worrying and using FB.

Pretty simple.

FB needs to die.

Fewer users, quicker death to a leftist monster.
You should get back on FB and be obstinate with people who don’t share your views rather taking out your anger on us who aren’t meeting your expectations for our lives.
Here is the fallacy of that argument. You don't change the snowflakes with the logic of your argument. So that is not a reason to be on FB. What you do though is continue membership in an organization that can only survive by membership numbers and FB is not on the side of the 2a either. If you want to hurt FB you need to decrease their membership numbers, not to continue to use them. If you really want to help preserve the 2A you will become an NRA member and donate to them. We preserve the 2A by feeding our own, not feeding those that want to destroy us.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by Jnazee »

TexasFlash wrote:
AndyC wrote:
rotor wrote: Arguing 2A issues is your thing. You are just being datamined into another group, until they stop allowing you to argue your thing. Are you changing any snowflake minds or is it just making you feel better?
It makes me feel a lot better that they're not going to get away with lies unchallenged; I'm not ceding that ground to them, and I'm going to make it sting. I don't care about changing THEIR minds - I'm reaching the larger audience.
Andy; I'd like to follow you on FB if you'd be willing to share info or pm me...sounds like fun!!!!
Me too
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by SewTexas »

Yes, I'm on FB.
1. I have a little bitty jewelry business that I would like to get....started and growing, Facebook and Instagram are necessities because that's where the buyers are, I won't use Etsy.
2. I have family and friends all over the place and FB helps me keep up with them
3. yeh, I like to argue with anti-gunners a bit. I have been blocked by a few people, I have never blocked anyone because of their views, in fact I've only blocked one person, my sister-in-law...that's a whole other story.

4. Andy C....I'd love to be FB friends with you.

(I've never been under any illusion that anything I've ever posted was private...ever....since the 80's, it's fun doing a google search on my name, lol)
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by Liberty »

I am on face book, It is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I also subscribe to a gun group and a couple of community groups. I refuse to get sucked into drawn out arguments with the antis, however I will correct misinformation often ranted by these raging antics. My goal is not to convert the ranting moms, but to present reasonable facts supporting 2nd amendments, maybe pulling those who are in the middle further toward our side. Countering claims of "no one needs an assault weapon" or that "no one is trying to take all your guns away". I find that being non confrontational, and logical is very effective against the outraged rantings of an emotional banner.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by Abraham »

Rotor summed it up beautifully,

"FB may be a tool but everything you do on FB is making them money to deprive you of your rights. Just like shopping in a store with a 30.06 when you could have gone elsewhere to shop. That photo on FB is loaded with gps info on where and when it was taken. There is no limit on what they know about you and yours from your account. It wouldn't be so bad if they cared about the constitution but they don't. You are helping the devil. Next you may want to subscribe to Bloomberg News. Just my opinion."

For those of you who post forth your continued reasoning for using FB, see the above.

The above is true and you know it, but some insist: I just have to us FB because, ah, ah, ah, sure go ahead, support your enemy. It's your choice to make.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by mojo84 »

Abraham wrote:Rotor summed it up beautifully,

"FB may be a tool but everything you do on FB is making them money to deprive you of your rights. Just like shopping in a store with a 30.06 when you could have gone elsewhere to shop. That photo on FB is loaded with gps info on where and when it was taken. There is no limit on what they know about you and yours from your account. It wouldn't be so bad if they cared about the constitution but they don't. You are helping the devil. Next you may want to subscribe to Bloomberg News. Just my opinion."

For those of you who post forth your continued reasoning for using FB, see the above.

The above is true and you know it, but some insist: I just have to us FB because, ah, ah, ah, sure go ahead, support your enemy. It's your choice to make.
Why are you still supporting the liberal progressive company, Yahoo while worrying about others?
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by brhalltx »

If you use FaceBook...

Don't post personal information.

Delete the FaceBook app and Messenger app from your phone.

Block ads (Adblock Plus).

Delete old posts; there's a Chrome plugin that helps the process: Social Book Post Manager.

Use one web browser for FaceBook, and/or use a cookie deletion tool to clear out anything FaceBook leaves behind.

And, if you want to know what it's really doing behind your back, use a firewall that monitors outgoing connections.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by rtschl »

brhalltx wrote:If you use FaceBook...

Don't post personal information.

Delete the FaceBook app and Messenger app from your phone.

Block ads (Adblock Plus).

Delete old posts; there's a Chrome plugin that helps the process: Social Book Post Manager.

Use one web browser for FaceBook, and/or use a cookie deletion tool to clear out anything FaceBook leaves behind.

And, if you want to know what it's really doing behind your back, use a firewall that monitors outgoing connections.
There is now an extension in Firefox that will keep Facebook from tracking your browsing activity on other sites. It puts Facebook in a container and doesn't let it track you: ... dd-on.html
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by Abraham »

brhalltx & rtschl ,

Good work guys!
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by bblhd672 » ... le-collect
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by Abraham »


I'm going to guess, even with your thoughtful link, some will continue to argue that FB for them is a good thing because.......blah,.....blah, .......blah.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by TexasFlash »

Abraham wrote:bblhd672,

I'm going to guess, even with your thoughtful link, some will continue to argue that FB for them is a good thing because.......blah,.....blah, .......blah.
Hmmm. 3-5 million people liking/following various NRA sites on FB ....I know; blah blah blah. You know what’s best for everyone.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by mojo84 »

Abraham wrote:bblhd672,

I'm going to guess, even with your thoughtful link, some will continue to argue that FB for them is a good thing because.......blah,.....blah, .......blah.
I'm still waiting for your response regarding your continued support of leftist Yahoo.
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by Abraham »


You poor darling...not getting enough attention?
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Re: Knowing Now Are You Still Participating in Face Book?


Post by mojo84 »

Abraham wrote:mojo84

You poor darling...not getting enough attention?
:lol: Just wondering why you continue to call out others when you do not live up to your own standard. Why continue with the insults and aspersions instead of answering the question?
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