My Leftist Son....! ? !

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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by Lynyrd »

“Show me a young conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”
- Winston Churchill
Although attributing this to Churchill is somewhat disputed, it still can be true.

My daughter was liberal politically when she graduated college. Now she is 40 and a staunch conservative. My sons didn't go to college, they went into the military. So the liberal professors didn't get a chance to influence them. Be patient, in a few years he may understand.
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by DocV »

Give the kid the opportunity to pay his own bills for a while - four or five years. Meanwhile, convert his room to your gun room. :biggrinjester:
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by Maxwell »

" Son, I love you anyway... Now go get a job. You owe me about $500K and I want it back!"
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by warnmar10 »

EastTexasRancher wrote:...
Anybody else have a kid like this? Just what the heck are you supposed to do? I'm truly heartbroken.

I have four children. I've decided 3 out of 4 isn't so bad.

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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Lynyrd wrote:
“Show me a young conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”
- Winston Churchill
Although attributing this to Churchill is somewhat disputed, it still can be true.

My daughter was liberal politically when she graduated college. Now she is 40 and a staunch conservative. My sons didn't go to college, they went into the military. So the liberal professors didn't get a chance to influence them. Be patient, in a few years he may understand.
I was going to post the same quote. I was a liberal when I was in high school. Then I spent 4 years in the Army, where I was held fully accountable for my decisions, and my mistakes. By the time my enlistment ended, I was a conservative.

My oldest is a senior in high school. She is in an AP Government class which has given us an excuse to discuss the writings of Locke and how the influenced the founders of our country, etc. Personally, I am fine with her having opinions that differ from mine. My only hope is that she has the ability to base her arguments in logic instead of emotion.

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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by TreyHouston »

I went into the military after high school the. To college after that. I was middle of the road leaning liberal for most of my 20’s into some of my 30’s. Then I woke up after I got married and had to be responsible!
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by circumspice_tuebor »

Sigh. Yes, one out of two for me, and I have had to refrain from looking at their/their spouse's social media posts to prevent a cerebral aneurysm. And yes, they have firearms in my safe, just not the "evil" kind. Come to think of it, I am prevented from finishing two "evil black rifle" builds b/c I don't have room in my own safe.
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by RPBrown »

Fortunately, all 5 of my kids are conservative. However, my oldest grand daughter seems to be leaning a little left lately. I suspect its due to her teachings at school or her mother saying things because her dad sure isn't a leftist. Only time will tell if we can turn her around or cut off funding.
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by strogg »

This brings me back to my high school and college days. For pretty much all of high school, I was a super duper staunch liberal thanks to a few indoctrinating teachers. I end up going to college where they made my high school look very conservative. I just fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Halfway into it, I snapped. College professors were teaching students that copying copyrighted music and giving it to friends was legal. I stood up in class and pointed out the obvious that it's not. Everyone thought I was a crazed lunatic. There were protests galore trying to stifle any other viewpoint from being heard than their own. Those protests include people saying how irrelevant the constitution is nowadays. People there were incredibly self-entitled, thinking they are better than everyone else and above the law because of that. It was a bastion of illogical lemmings thought. The entire college town was alike an utter nuthouse. The worst part was the racism. I found (and my friends agree) that liberals are way more racist than conservatives. How? I would be a heretic if I didn't act like my physical skin color. Last I checked, I'm an American, born in America, living on American soil. I shall live my personal life the way I would like to live it, not by the ways others dictate it. I ended up graduating insanely hard right of center (relatively speaking). After that, it was a matter of time before I escaped the nuthouse that is California. Fortunately, I was able to. :txflag:
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by puma guy »

There's hope. I had friends back in.the 60's and 70's that went to.the dark side. Some even jojned SDS. By the 80'S they were all good capitalists and one of the most radical leftists is so far right now he can't see Attila The Hun. He ran for congress on the Constitutional Party. Prayers you and your son will work it out.
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by Oldgringo »

Guns/NRA really has little, if anything, to do with it but I do know your paternal angst.

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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by bdgyeah »

I'm taking an Ethics course right now as a requirement for a degree because I'm changing careers. I'm struggling to go to it because so far my professor has stated that, "one reason for the birth of philosophy is because of slavery. And that because of slavery, rich white people were allowed to sit around and think." Therefore, Socrates and Plato, etc. only deserve partial credit. Also that she recognizes that she is white and that she has certain privileges that comes with whiteness, but hates that she is white. Every assignment I'm turning in is written as a liberal. I find it very difficult to do for many reasons. The main reason is I think I'm being a bit cowardly. However, I want to pass the class and my professor is so far gone from reality that even if I wrote what I really believe, it would have no impact on influencing her beliefs. That and I do believe that honesty on my part would result in bias and a lower grade. I fear the day my children go to college.
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by puma guy »

rotor wrote:This is a phase of youth and hopefully with age comes wisdom. Even I was a liberal when I was at that age. Don't give up.
Thus the saying, "At 25 if you're not a liberal you don't have a heart; at 35 if you're not a conservative you don't have a brain."
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by GreenMan0352 »

I hope this isn’t taken offensively but the biggest problem with parenting is parents not letting their children live their own lives at a young age and deciding their own path and discovering who they are. I was raised by a pastor and grew up to become an atheist. I’m Christian now but my parents never let me learn things I was always taight what to believe. I’m not saying this is you but what I am saying is that is a huge problem I see. I was never given any role in the church or reaponsibility. I was never allowed to ask the questions and ponser the answers on my own. When I got older I was lost because I didn’t have a firm foundation in my beliefs. I had someone elses foundation keeping me grounded. It wasn’t til a few years ago that I pulled my head out.
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Re: My Leftist Son....! ? !


Post by RoyGBiv »

rotor wrote:This is a phase of youth and hopefully with age comes wisdom. Even I was a liberal when I was at that age. Don't give up.
I was about to post exactly this.

My oldest is in college currently. There was a couple years in HS when I felt the same way as the OP (love, not like), but things are better now than ever. As the changes in the relationship create distance, be sure to keep the lines of communication open. Don't push him away. Just let him have his distance. I didn't really recover from college liberalism until I got my first professional job and saw how much I was paying to run the government and pay for other people who didn't work. And pay for social security that I expect never to see.

Spend time with your spouse and others that bring you joy, but remain open to whatever communication he wants to have, as long as it's not just looking for cash.. :mrgreen:
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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