First, I put the 1911 in there because so many of you seem to have an affinity for the 1911s, I certainly do, my father taught me how to shoot a handgun with that ugly brute. I still have a scar on the web of my right had when that hammer caught me. That's a lesson that's stayed with me for life!
It’s a true 1911, 5 digit serial number made in 1913. My father started out in the Arkansas National Guard and this was the side arm he was given when he was commissioned. When the ANG was federalized he took it into the army with him and carried it throughout WWII as an infantry officer in the Pacific.
When he was demobilized he just kept it since no one asked for it; so now, it’s mine.
My main carry is the Kahr CW-40. I just carry one mag with the first three rounds of Glaser Safety Slugs. I became familiar with them in the early 70’s when the USAF began putting cops on planes when the Sky Marshal program was starting up. Then In 1988-89, I conducted a murder investigation in which the victim, a U.S.A.F. NCO, was shot in the right chest at a relatively close range, 8 feet, with one of these rounds. The projectile completely fragmented and dispersed inside the body with little outward sign of trauma, except the entry wound. The victim bled less than a cup of blood and death was almost instantaneous, rare for a thoracic wound. Without several detailed X-rays taken during the autopsy, it was impossible to determine what had killed him since there was no big radiological "shadow" of a normal round. On the X-ray it looked like his chest was full of small metal shavings, something not normally considered fatal.
The two wheelies are a blued S&W Mdl 36, .38 special and a stainless Tarus. I taught my wife to shoot with the S&W and she can still hit center mass at 15 feet; the only measure of marksmanship that I care about.
A question. I use a Kangaroo holster for maximum concealment under my shirt under my left armpit. I’ll never set any quick draw records but it’s damn hard to see. Anyone else use that holster?
Glad I found this board. I plan to be a frequent visitor