Above is a quote from me in another thread. Terry never said anything about court or other external problems. There are some houses being built about 2 miles NW of the range. Terry said that he basically got tired of it. 80 - 90 hours a week to operate and maintain the range. Insurance fees going through the roof. But the worst of it was that there were too many unruly spray and pray shooters shooting full AR/Ak mags in a few seconds with few rounds being on target.Re: Jacobia Plain Shooting range (1k yards)
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Postby 2farnorth » Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:41 am
Wow. Sure going to miss the Top Gun Range that was close to me here in Leonard. Had a chat with Terry (owner) of what was Top Gun and he had some very valid reasons for shutting it down. Some of those reasons would be a "shame on us" as shooters. A few undisciplined shooters do make life worse for the rest of us. With what he said I can understand why Jacobs Plain would have such high membership fees and not open to the public.
Terry is a professional photographer and is doing well. The range was a hobby that grew into an over bearing business.