The perfect "truck gun"

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The perfect "truck gun"


Post by jailbird »

I'm looking for a truck gun, and there are so many possibilities that I'm looking for advice. I think I've narrowed it down to 3:

- Sig MPX Pistol - 9mm piston-driven, no "stock", but you can attach a Sig brace, 17" long, 5 lbs ( )
- V SEVEN 6.5" 2055 Enlightened Pistol - .300 AAC Blackout, standard AR pistol buffer tube that you can slip a brace on, DI, 20.7" long, 3.7125 lbs ( ... out-pistol )
- Sig MCX Rattler SBR - .300 AAC Blackout, piston-driven, 23.5" long, 5.7 lbs. ( )

The V SEVEN is obviously the lightest, I'm not a big fan of the buffer tube sticking out, so would probably have to put a brace on it. It's .300 Blackout, so would suppress well. The MPX Pistol is the shortest, so easiest to draw while belted in a seat, and doesn't have a buffer tube sticking out, but it's "only" 9mm. The SBR is longer and heavier than both, but still packs .300 Blackout and is also classified as a rifle vs a pistol. Since it's a pistol, if I understand the laws right, I don't have to worry about it being accidentally seen from outside the vehicle, as pistols have to be completely concealed.

So two choices: type and caliber


- No NFA tax stamp needed (not a big deal)
- No need to tell the BATFE if you're going on a cross-country trip
- Shorter, easier to "draw" seated
- No stock, or useless stock

- Classified as a rifle, so more relaxed carry-in-vehicle laws
- A real stock!


- Designed to perform well out a short barrel
- Less recoil

.300 AAC Blackout
- More effective round, much higher energy levels
- Designed for suppressed use

Opinions? Please feel free to include other weapons to those 3. I even thought of maybe a SBRd PS90, since I do have a soft spot for 5.7x28mm!

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by MaduroBU »

Have you looked at the M17S from K&M? You can get a full size rifle (barrels are 17.5" for .223 or .300 BLK and 16" or 20" for .300 Win) that's 26" long so no stamp. The .300 BLK version is still coming soon (has been that way for a year, so take with a grain of salt), but that looks like a nearly perfect gun for an easily handled weapon meant for <200 yards.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by bmwrdr »

MaduroBU wrote:Have you looked at the M17S from K&M? You can get a full size rifle (barrels are 17.5" for .223 or .300 BLK and 16" or 20" for .300 Win) that's 26" long so no stamp. The .300 BLK version is still coming soon (has been that way for a year, so take with a grain of salt), but that looks like a nearly perfect gun for an easily handled weapon meant for <200 yards.
:iagree: Greay choice and there are bulpup guns available in 9 mm, .300 blackout and .23 from IWI with conversion kits.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Excaliber »

In the typical truck gun role, it is extremely unlikely that many rounds of rapid fire would be needed.

A standard lever action 30-30 with a 16 inch barrel makes a very fine gun for that role with a much better price point.

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by maverick2076 »

AK Pistol with or without brace.

Kel-tec Sub2000 carbine.

What are your goals for your truck gun? Cost? reliability? Simplicity? At what range do you want to be able to engage targets? What kind of targets are you potentially going to be engaging? Those questions make a big difference in what I would suggest. Knowing the role is important for selecting the right tool. At various times, I've had my Sub2K, my AR-9 suppressed SBR, an 18" scoped 5.56 AR, or just an extra pistol as a "truck gun" depending on my perceived use.

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by dlh »

I do not believe a "perfect" truck gun exists. There is an old navy seal adage: targets dictate weapons! So, what do you think your targets would be? If you are a rancher your most likely targets will be feral hogs and rattlesnakes. If you have to drive quite a bit in a part of town that has a high crime rate then that triggers (excuse the pun) other considerations. You also have to decide among pistols, shotguns, and rifles. How easy is it to conceal and maneuver inside your vehicle? My WASR AK47 is shorter than a yardstick with a small stock--it might work in some situations. I hear the Taurus Judge and Smith and Wesson Governor pistol shotguns are popular against carjackers who confront you at your driver's window. Some folks are buying those Mossberg Shockwave Shotguns and you might check into those. Good luck and tell us what you decide on!
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by BBYC »

I agree with the two posters above. The best tool depends on the job. A 5.56mm AR might be good for rural 'yotes and urban yutes, but the best setup (barrel length, optics) are probably different. I always have a pistol on me when I'm driving so my trunk gun is a 30-06 to better punch through obstacles.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Here are a couple considerations for you:

Calico M950 - 100 round magazine capacity, good accuracy out to 25+ yards, but you need to crank the magazine spring before using, so not that speedy on deployment.

AK-47 pistol - 30 round mag capacity, 7.62 round, decent accuracy, smaller than an AR style pistol.

Mossberg Shockwave - Not accurate at distance, but a powerful people stopper. Accuracy can be improved significantly with the addition of a laser.

Bullpup rifle (Tavor, etc) - Good accuracy, a bit bigger than the above options

Kel-Tec KSG - Slightly smaller than a Tavor, but a decent shell capacity. Range limited.

CZ Scorpion pistol - Similar to the AK pistol option, but more accurate.

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by rotor »

I tend to think perfect means "I don't care if it gets stolen".

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by jailbird »

These are all good points (and suggestions!). I guess I should have said "The best compromise for an all-around truck gun" :).

While I do have a ranch in East Texas, that's not my primary residence, and when I do go out there, I normally reserve the .458 SOCOM AR-15 and/or the Sig P220 10mm for the hogs! So I guess I'm looking for something more useful in a (sub)urban environment. So probably fairly close up, not too far, and mostly 2-legged combatants!

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

jailbird wrote:These are all good points (and suggestions!). I guess I should have said "The best compromise for an all-around truck gun" :).

While I do have a ranch in East Texas, that's not my primary residence, and when I do go out there, I normally reserve the .458 SOCOM AR-15 and/or the Sig P220 10mm for the hogs! So I guess I'm looking for something more useful in a (sub)urban environment. So probably fairly close up, not too far, and mostly 2-legged combatants!
A Shockwave could definitely fit that role, IMHO.

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by ninjabread »

This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by jailbird »

ninjabread wrote:Image
I think we have a winner! :lol:

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by jailbird »

I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Captain Matt »

I hope you don't plan on leaving it in your truck.
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