Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by jmorris »

Reports say he was dead when LEOs entered room.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by OneGun »

jmorris wrote:Reports say he was dead when LEOs entered room.
He took the coward's way out!
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Middle Age Russ »

Our prayers go out to the victims, their families and loved ones. I cannot fathom what would cause a person to perpetrate such an act beyond the influence of evil.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by treadlightly »

What a horror, and some people will blame freedom for the works of insanity and evil.

If you could turn everyone on earth into bouncy little Mousekateers by banning guns and "common sense" idiocy, it would still be a bad plan.

With enough restrictions, like proactive solitary confinement for all, I guess you could prevent crime. Save me from that much safety, please.

Better a strong world than a vulnerable one. Better to live with risk than to sacrifice freedom for safety.

Now there's talk in the media of xray searches and metal detectors in hotels. I'd rather sleep in a pup tent.

Prayers to the victims and all affected by this madness.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Jnazee »

Lifting all those involved in prayer. :cry:
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Beiruty »

I am really concerned for copy cat. Stay safe. Plan for "What to do, if this happened..." Escape route, loved ones, help if possible. Go home, if you have anything else to do
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Liberty »

The Security kept people fenced and locked up. They couldn't escape. Was literally like shooting fish in a barrel.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by philip964 »

50 Dead 400 injured. 10 rifles. Built a platform inside the room, broke 2 windows, had a corner room. Had a camera system, so he could tell when the police were at his room. He had been in the room since Thursday. Apparently well planned. The shooter is being reported as Stephen Paddock, 64. His family has no idea why he did this. No political affiliations. He lived in Mesquite, Nevada near Las Vegas.

No immediate obvious answers to why he did this.

Words cannot express the tragedy of this event and the utter senselessness of this horror.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by dlh »

Reports they turned the lights on at the concert grounds when the shooting started...Think about it...:(
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by SQLGeek »

I know this will come out in time but I wonder how many casualties are a result of gunfire as opposed to being trampled. It doesn't change anything at all, just an idle curiosity on my end.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by crazy2medic »

Reading he's a left wing lunatic, huge fan of Rachel madcow, so far no mention of this on MSM!
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by C-dub »

crazy2medic wrote:Reading he's a left wing lunatic, huge fan of Rachel madcow, so far no mention of this on MSM!
Any links to where you are getting this?
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Maxwell »

Reading a lot of different things. Remember, the media will report ANYTHING they hear or think they heard.
We will not have many of the facts for a while so let's not buy into the tin-foil conspiracies just yet.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Scott in Houston wrote:
cmgee67 wrote:Lord be with the family’s affected by this horrible event and be with the ones who are in the hospital.

I am glad police were able to stop the shooter. This is a good reminder that anything can happen anywhere and at any time. This a prime example on why we should carry at all times if possible. Carrying a gun isn’t always comfortable but it’s a comfortable thought even though having a gun doesn’t make us invincible or an automatic survivor it at least gives us a fighting chance.
I agree with this sentiment but this also made me realize that sometimes, we're purely at the mercy of pure evil.
Carrying at this concert would have done nothing for any of the victims. He was shooting from an elevated position out of a window. You'd have to be carrying a very nice rifle...

Anyway, prayers for the victims and our country. The new 'discussion' that is about to begin is not going to be enjoyable.
A rifle would not have helped. This is not Ramadi and none of us is Chris Kyle. Cover was limited, the size of the crowd and the area enclosed by walls and fencing made running extremely difficult. Best training you could have is in emergency treating for gunshot wounds and best thing you could carry would be a trauma / blowout kit.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Bitter Clinger »

philip964 wrote:50 Dead 400 injured. 10 rifles. Built a platform inside the room, broke out the window. Had a camera system, so he could tell when the police were at his room. He had been in the room since Thursday. Apparently well planned. The shooter is being reported as Stephen Paddock, 64. His family has no idea why he did this. No political affiliations. He lived in Nevada near Las Vegas.

No immediate obvious answers to why he did this.

Words cannot express the tragedy of this event and the utter senselessness of this horror.
Right. So its not like he carried all that up in his backpack in one trip just before it started. How did the hotel miss this? Somebody either screwed up big time or was bought off. This is bigger than this one guy.
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