No, it's not just you.C-dub wrote:Does the fact that both of those guys point their muzzles up in the air while reloading bother only me? When I do a tactical reload I keep my muzzle pointed down range and on or mostly on target. I can't recall if I'm over the top, sling shot, or if I work the slide release lever. It's been too long since I've been to the range to shoot with my handguns and even practice tactical reloads.
Pointing up while reloading you are violating both Cooper Rule #4 and Cooper Rule #2. If you're engaged in competition, you're losing time because you're moving the muzzle off target and then moving it back. You're also coming closer to a DQ for breaking the 180, or getting booted from the facility for a safety violation if you have an ND where your bullet leaves range property. If you're engaged in a social situation, you're risking a lot more than time.....Keep the muzzle oriented on a legitimate target or backstop.