Bum banging on my door.

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Bum banging on my door.


Post by bmwrdr »

At around 2:15 pm today while I was in my garage loading laundry in my washer I heard somebody banging on my door, ringing the bell non-stop and keeps banging even harder. While it took a minute to get to the door the individual kept banging on my door even harder and to an extent where I thought I have to call police instaed opening the door. At the point when I got there it was quiet and I noticed one person standing there so I opened the door and asked him if he has a problem, my voice was moderate loud at that point and he surely was surprised to be confronted. He explained that he is delivering flowers in the neighborhood and was curious if I am interested. At this point I answered with a clear “no” and pointed him to the "No Soliciting" sign right under my doorbell. At this point he started cursing and tried to come up with some arguments which caused me to tell him to leave now or I call Police. He left while still cursing and dropping the F-bomb.
I walked inside when he left but still monitoring my front yards for a while to see if he comes back and a 911 call would be necessary. No sign for about 10 minutes and I continued my chores.
About 20 minutes later my doorbell was ringing again, a LEO of the Lewisville PD. I opened the door and the officer asked me if I had a confrontation with a person on my door. I briefly explained what happened and the officer stated following: The individual at my door called 911 and told them I was threatening to shoot him and he was running for his live.
At this point I assured the officer I did neither threaten the person on my door to shoot him nor did I threaten him elsewise. The only implied threat could be the fact I told him I'll call police if I see him again on my property.
The police officer explained he figures my version is more likely to be the true story and advised me to call 911 right away if a scenario like this happens again.
I am really glad the Lewisville PD is on top of issues like that.

Update 07/24/2017 at 5:30 pm:
I did not carry open or concealed when this happened.
There was no flower delivery or any other vehicle parked near my property nor on any of my next door neighbors property.
It was >100 deg. outside, the individual did not have flowers in his hands and he left on foot.

I am sharing this story only to make my fellows on this forum aware of the situation I faced today.
Last edited by bmwrdr on Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by bblhd672 »

I'm relieved to hear that you didn't get visited by a SWAT team instead of a polite officer asking the right questions and believing the story of a law abiding homeowner.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by steveincowtown »

bmwrdr wrote: At this point I answered with a clear “no” and pointed him to the "No Soliciting" sign right under my doorbell. At this point he started cursing and tried to come up with some arguments which caused me to tell him to leave now or I call Police.
I probably wouldn't have answered the door for either. When folks knock on our door and we are not interested I simply politely say it from the other side of the door. "In the middle of dinner, not interested, good luck...." or the old "I would open it, but I can trust my dog, sorry"... I guess I would have answered for the LEO.

Glad no one was hurt and that you were home to prevent whatever he was about to do!
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by bmwrdr »

bblhd672 wrote:I'm relieved to hear that you didn't get visited by a SWAT team instead of a polite officer asking the right questions and believing the story of a law abiding homeowner.
Sure thing, Lewisville PD is professional. Besides that they surely know I am not a criminal and hold a valid LTC. Bute yes, the SWAT team situation crossed my mind too when the officer left.
On the other hand there are criminals out there trying to find out if somebody is at home before they gain entrance even during daytime.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by bmwrdr »

steveincowtown wrote:
bmwrdr wrote: At this point I answered with a clear “no” and pointed him to the "No Soliciting" sign right under my doorbell. At this point he started cursing and tried to come up with some arguments which caused me to tell him to leave now or I call Police.
I probably wouldn't have answered the door for either. When folks knock on our door and we are not interested I simply politely say it from the other side of the door. "In the middle of dinner, not interested, good luck...." or the old "I would open it, but I can trust my dog, sorry"... I guess I would have answered for the LEO.

Glad no one was hurt and that you were home to prevent whatever he was about to do!
True that but he kept banging and probably heard my radio was on. I saw one person was there from a side window. But next time I will follow the officers advise and call 911 right away.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by OneGun »

Were you OC'ing a gun you when you were talking to Flowerman? Why make-up the story about threatening to shoot him, if he did not know you have a gun.

Glad the Lewisville PD are not startled easily.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by bmwrdr »

OneGun wrote:Were you OC'ing a gun you when you were talking to Flowerman? Why make-up the story about threatening to shoot him, if he did not know you have a gun.

Glad the Lewisville PD are not startled easily.
I did not have a gun on me nor did I threaten to shoot him. I said I will call police if he comes back after he kept banging on my door for at least a minute and after he cursed me out. I asked him if he has a problem and pointed him to the "No Soliciting" sign next to my doorbell. He left, still cursing and swearing at me.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by treadlightly »

A good friend of our family, along with his wife and younger brother, was held at gunpoint in North Richland Hills a few years back. The perpetrator had gotten into a couple of confrontations with police, swiped a car, and ended up finally fleeing his last police encounter on foot.

He appeared at our friend's front door at about 3 AM, completely at random, begging for help. Once inside he pulled his gun and eventually left on foot with the younger brother, promising the kill the younger brother if police showed up.

The younger brother got away and returned, at which time they called the police. The police didn't want to believe the assailant was gone, so they fired tear gas through the windows, ran a robot through the house, and then searched it with a swat team.

The most telling news quote I saw was from the older brother, "I didn't have anything in the house for protection."

Everybody was uninjured, but the house was a wreck and our friend, his bride, and his younger brother had to endure a few hours in handcuffs.

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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by Jusme »

I live in the country, with an average of 20 minute delay before a county deputy would show up. I have the Sheriff on speed dial because he is a friend of mine, but even that won't guarantee much speedier response due to possible distance.
Anyone knocking on my door, ringing my bell etc, that I don't recognize will be greeted with me or one of my family members being armed, it may be held behind me until I ascertain their motives, also, if more than one family member is home, the other(s) will be just out of sight holding either a shotgun or handgun, in case they get past me.
Glad nothing more, than having to listen to an idiot swearing at you, happend, but for all of the reasons listed by others, I am constantly armed, unless I'm in the shower or asleep, and, even then there is a gun within reach.
I don't concern myself with someone complaining about being greeted by an armed homeowner, but it is my home. They were not invited, and should expect no more courtesy, than they gave me, by showing up uninvited. All family members, and friends, have no issues knowing that I will be armed, and are usually glad to know it. JMHO
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by oljames3 »

Jusme wrote:...
Anyone knocking on my door, ringing my bell etc, that I don't recognize will be greeted with me or one of my family members being armed ...
Glad nothing more, than having to listen to an idiot swearing at you, happend, but for all of the reasons listed by others, I am constantly armed, unless I'm in the shower or asleep, and, even then there is a gun within reach.
I don't concern myself with someone complaining about being greeted by an armed homeowner, but it is my home. They were not invited, and should expect no more courtesy, than they gave me, by showing up uninvited. All family members, and friends, have no issues knowing that I will be armed, and are usually glad to know it. JMHO
:iagree: with being armed. I always answer the door with my M&P, 16+1, on my hip. It is there now as I watch Hulu with my wife.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by Glockster »

This is a good example of why I have security cameras/alarms at all my doors, each automatically recording video/audio from my house down to the street. I installed them after having my own problem with solicitors. Very glad that I have them.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by strogg »

Glockster wrote:This is a good example of why I have security cameras/alarms at all my doors, each automatically recording video/audio from my house down to the street. I installed them after having my own problem with solicitors. Very glad that I have them.

+1. As an added bonus, all of my cameras are hardwired, and my entire setup is on backup power.

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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by magillapd »

I have a zero tolerance when it comes to anyone soliciting. I have my no solicitor sign up. Any legit solicitor has a city permit & knows to skip my house. Many would be burgulars use "selling something" as a cover story if someone answers the door.

One day I told a guy to get off my property. His reply "I hope satan blesses you" a quick phone call to police & he was out of the neighborhood.

I would make a suggestion that you know the non-emergency number for your local police/sheriff department. Yes 911 will get help, but it's best to leave those lines available for emergencies.
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by Glockster »

strogg wrote:
Glockster wrote:This is a good example of why I have security cameras/alarms at all my doors, each automatically recording video/audio from my house down to the street. I installed them after having my own problem with solicitors. Very glad that I have them.

+1. As an added bonus, all of my cameras are hardwired, and my entire setup is on backup power.

Yupper, same here. Mine are Kuna, and are also built into the lights. And the light wiring runs to backup power. My only problem that I have is that some of our bugs are big enough that I get false triggers. :shock:
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Re: Bum banging on my door.


Post by bmwrdr »

Glockster wrote:
strogg wrote:
Glockster wrote:This is a good example of why I have security cameras/alarms at all my doors, each automatically recording video/audio from my house down to the street. I installed them after having my own problem with solicitors. Very glad that I have them.

+1. As an added bonus, all of my cameras are hardwired, and my entire setup is on backup power.

Yupper, same here. Mine are Kuna, and are also built into the lights. And the light wiring runs to backup power. My only problem that I have is that some of our bugs are big enough that I get false triggers. :shock:
I already have an indoor camera for the entry area and one for the patio door. For outdoors I guess I'll try one of those with an integrated IR lamp using the PoE power source.
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