Where are all of the "printers"?

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Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by RossA »

After carrying for over 20 years, teaching for awhile, and generally always trying to be aware of people and my surroundings, I have still never seen anyone carrying who was "printing" or otherwise alerted me to the fact that he was trying to conceal a gun. I hope I am not that oblivious to what's around me, but I always hear some guys say how they "made" someone who didn't conceal properly, and how easy it is to spot some "printers."
Is it just me, or do others notice that concealed really means concealed, and that there isn't a lot of printing going on?
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by John Galt »

:iagree: I don't see it.

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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I am pretty good at spotting folks who are printing, but my wife is much better than I am. She will frequently call to my attention that someone is carrying, and sure enough after looking closer I can see it as well. For me, it starts by doing a bit of profiling. I notice people (usually men) who are exhibiting good SA (aware of their surroundings and nit just staring at their phones, etc). I then look at their right waist band closely, and if there is no bulge at all, will check their watch hand to see if they are left handed, etc. It is MUCH easier to spot a bulge if they are seated, especially if they are facing away from me on a stool.

That said, I have not seen anyone who was obviously printing.

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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by flechero »

Like you, I'm always looking to see if I can spot them. I have seen a few but a lot fewer than I expected. "Most" people can conceal a gun with little effort and that's why we usually don't see them.

I have to twist just right in the mirror to see my own and I'm looking for it every time I leave the house... When you find a good belt/holster combo and dress appropriately, you can go about your daily life with little worry of being made. (save and except to some odd circumstance, but realizing those happen you can work around them too)
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Jusme »

I have spotted quite a few, either I just notice more, or I go places where people aren't as worried about printing. I got in the habit, of "scanning" people, when I was a LEO, so it's kind of second nature. Some people, are less obvious than others, and I'm sure that I have not "spotted" all concealed carriers, I have encountered. I know that if I have to go somewhere, posted 30.07, I'll untuck my shirt, but don't go to great lengths to conceal.
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by parabelum »

You can usually spot easily if you look when someone exits their vehicle, person carrying will usually do an obligatory "safety check"/adjust pants.

You can find printers though at Staples, at a good price! :mrgreen:
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

When discussing this topic, it's hard to get on the same page because there is no widely understood definition of "printing." I'm often asked by students if "printing" is unlawful. "Printing" has no official definition, but for decades it was understood to mean something more than a bulge. A person was "printing" if their cover garment was either so tight, or so transparent, that one could clearly and easily see that a person was carrying a handgun. With that definition, I cannot recall seeing anyone "printing," other than at some IDPA matches were people used a too-tight shirt rather than a vest for concealment.

I'm pretty good at identifying people carrying a handgun. There are common things to look for, but I'm not going into that here or anywhere publicly. I'm also pretty good at knowing what I don't know; i.e. that a bulge does not mean a gun is under a person's shirt or jacket.

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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Beiruty »

Does not matter anymore as for as CC in Texas
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by aero10 »

Holster choice has a lot to do with it. I print a lot more using an OWB than with an IWB, but I carry OWB mostly with untucked shirt because most people are oblivious.
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by oljames3 »

Based on the definition that Charles posted, I'm not quite a "printer", but almost! On those rare occasions in Texas that I do conceal, anyone can tell that something is tenting my suit coat at 3:15 on my waist. Otherwise, it is hard to miss the 5inch S&W M&P Mod 2.0 9mm in flat dark earth on my hip. On the other side at 9:00, folks could be excused for assuming I am carrying four multi-tools rather than three spare magazines and a tourniquet.
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by crazy2medic »

aero10 wrote:Holster choice has a lot to do with it. I print a lot more using an OWB than with an IWB, but I carry OWB mostly with untucked shirt because most people are oblivious.
:iagree: I open carry but I always wear an XL T-shirt for those places wear conceal carry is a necessity, I have spotted those that conceal carry it usually their shirt no moving the same on both sides, I have been clued in by a spare mag when the gun it's self was completely covered, but all said and done with open carry now legal, printing is a mute point
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Jusme »

crazy2medic wrote:
aero10 wrote:Holster choice has a lot to do with it. I print a lot more using an OWB than with an IWB, but I carry OWB mostly with untucked shirt because most people are oblivious.
:iagree: I open carry but I always wear an XL T-shirt for those places wear conceal carry is a necessity, I have spotted those that conceal carry it usually their shirt no moving the same on both sides, I have been clued in by a spare mag when the gun it's self was completely covered, but all said and done with open carry now legal, printing is a mute point

If I print, I print quietly. I guess you could say it's mute. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by crazy2medic »

Lol "rlol"
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Beiruty wrote:Does not matter anymore as for as CC in Texas
Legally, you are correct, but there are situations where I might desire to keep the presence of my legally carried concealed weapon secret. In those cases, I will take care to carry a smaller weapon, use IWB or pocket carry, or wear a larger shirt.
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Re: Where are all of the "printers"?


Post by Beiruty »

Of a more concern for anti-guns folks? Where is the shootout at the each other intersection? Where is the rivers of blood? Where is the Mad Max when you need him? :biggrinjester: :biggrinjester:
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