striker55, I absolutely understand your frustration, but given the complete lack of character displayed by both her, her boyfriend, and her father, do you think another law would have deterred her behavior. I submit it would not have:striker55 wrote:I had purchased a car and not even a week I got rear-ended at a traffic light. The person hitting me was texting, I could see her looking down when she hit me. I motioned to her to pull into a parking lot across the street to exchange info. I went ahead and she made an immediate right and drove down Fry Rd. I chased her for about 2 miles, my brother saw her pull into a gas station and park behind a bush. I pulled in and blocked her car, I then called for a sheriff. Sheriff arrives and I explain what happened, also informed him I was carrying, no problem. He couldn't do anything because she hit me in Harris County and we were now in Ft. Bend. He told us to go back to the scene and he would follow to make sure she didn't take off again. Harris County handled the paperwork, she was a young, cute, female driving on a suspended license and the car was uninsured. I wanted her arrested but they let her go with a ticket and her boyfriend showed up to drive her home. In the end her father paid for the damage in cash.
- Driving on a suspended license.
- Hit and run.
- Boyfriend and father both enabling her behavior.

I became a pessimist about human behavior because it disappoints me less often.