Walked out of Academy Last Night

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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by Abraham »

Personal information for giving you my business...?


I give you money for a widget and you expect more than my money?


For quite some time A. used to ask for my zip code.

I'd often respond with: Make one up or 123456789 - The clerks aren't stupid, they know personal question irk some customers...

I'm not and you're not obligated by some straw man kind of policy to accommodate them and their 'store policy' questions.

I'm only following orders, sir, didn't work at Nuremberg either....
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by RoyGBiv »

bblhd672 wrote:My standard response is 4/1/69 when asked at a check out register for my birth date.

Use the same date for websites, etc that have no real need for my actual birth date.
I do similar. I use a consistent not-my-real phone number too.
It's just easier to comply with fake information. And I get a last-laugh sort of kick out of it instead of getting annoyed.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by txglock21 »

RoyGBiv wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:My standard response is 4/1/69 when asked at a check out register for my birth date.

Use the same date for websites, etc that have no real need for my actual birth date.
I do similar. I use a consistent not-my-real phone number too.
It's just easier to comply with fake information. And I get a last-laugh sort of kick out of it instead of getting annoyed.
Now my phone number, address, SS#, etc. is a different story. I rarely give my real phone number out, mainly because I don't want to be bothered with annoying phone calls. Birthday, what are they going to do with that information? I fully understand those who don't feel it necessary and refuse to do it, but there are probably a billion people with the same birthday as me. If it gets me out of line quicker for them to know my birthday, so be it. :coolgleamA:
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by jmorris »

Abraham wrote:...
For quite some time A. used to ask for my zip code.
This I'll do for any store. Might get one built closer to me.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by rotor »

The issue is the law that requires the store not to sell ammo to under age people. How they document compliance with that law is up to them but asking for your birthday is a good way and that's what the software does. Fight the law not the store. You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. If you don't want to give them your birthday make one up. No big deal. Harbor Freight when you give your phone number will email you the receipt of your purchase as well as a million coupons. Not bad. When I buy gas the machine asks for my billing zip code. Not bad. There are lot's of issues to get freaked out about but this is not one of them in my opinion.

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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by rentz »

most every store that sells age restricted items does this, usually they look at me and then enter some bogus date that meets the requirement.
sometimes it says i was born in 1900...im not THAT old!

i used to refuse to give my phone number when stores asked, but i get so much spam phone calls anyway i just stopped caring.

they can put whatever checks they want in the system but theres always a way around it.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by AF-Odin »

No issue with Zip Code when paying by CC as that is verifying the same Zip Code on the CC, get this at gas pumps, Academy, and a couple of other places. As for birthday I give 1 January and the correct year. Around where I live you usually get asked for birthday when buying ammunition, spray paint, some glues and alcohol. I get asked frequently and as a balding, gray haired 65+ year old, I really don't think I could be mistaken for under age for any of those products. If they want to see ID and record info, that is another matter and not gonna happen.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by rentz »

jmorris wrote:
Abraham wrote:...
For quite some time A. used to ask for my zip code.
This I'll do for any store. Might get one built closer to me.
the clerks have told me before that their marketing teams use the data to see the zipcodes of the customers to determine where to build new stores.
seems legitimate, who knows. I usually just give it because unless i'm paying with cash they're getting my info anyway
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by Oldgringo »

Don't they do that with wine and beer purchases at Wal-Mart?

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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by Bruin98 »

I got asked on Wednesday. Caught me off guard. Since she didn't ask for my ID, I lied about the actual date.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by rtschl »

The problem with a fake phone number is they end up calling someone who didn't want to be called. I think that has happened with my number because I get debt collection and spam calls not intended for me and I've had this number for years.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by Liberty »

rtschl wrote:The problem with a fake phone number is they end up calling someone who didn't want to be called. I think that has happened with my number because I get debt collection and spam calls not intended for me and I've had this number for years.
That's why I leave this number:
(713) 541-5372

Planned Parenthood. I suppose one could use Mad Mommy's or a favorite Democratic Legislator.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by WTR »

rtschl wrote:The problem with a fake phone number is they end up calling someone who didn't want to be called. I think that has happened with my number because I get debt collection and spam calls not intended for me and I've had this number for years.
:iagree: I was harassed by debt collectors, bounty hunters, and family members looking for a young lady. The bounty hunters also revered my phone number and obtained my address. This continued for about two years.

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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by mrvmax »

skeathley wrote:As a retired programmer, I can tell you why they do that. They probably don't store that date, as the system doesn't know who you are until you pay, sometimes not then. They do it for liability protection. You have to be over 18, and they want that verified by computer math, not some clerk. Otherwise, that clerk might let underage friends buy ammo. Yes, those friends could lie, but that lets the store off the hook. It's all about CYA.

I once asked a clerk at Cabelas if he couldn't tell I was way over 18, and he said, "yes, but my terminal can't."

This is the world we live in.

Trying to prevent their employees from having to think. Since I am an FFL I do not know what it is like to buy from places like Academy and Cabelas. But, Cabelas had the Ruger #1 rifle on sale for $250 less than my wholesale price so I ordered one online and went to pick it up in the League City Cabelas. The transaction tool about 30 minutes including about 5 minutes of waiting for an employee to help me. Their process is slow and redundant, using an IPAD like device and writing info by hand. I asked the employee some questions and it was apparent he had no idea how the 4473's are approved (he did not know if they still ran a NICS check with an LTC). I started off at the gun counter, went to another gun checkout area and filled out info at both places.
It's a good thing I didn't take my FFL and try to get them to do a transfer to me, it would have blown their minds. I specifically did not try that since I knew it would be a fiasco when they tried to figure out how to do it.
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Re: Walked out of Academy Last Night


Post by RoyGBiv »

Liberty wrote:
rtschl wrote:The problem with a fake phone number is they end up calling someone who didn't want to be called. I think that has happened with my number because I get debt collection and spam calls not intended for me and I've had this number for years.
That's why I leave this number:
(713) 541-5372

Planned Parenthood. I suppose one could use Mad Mommy's or a favorite Democratic Legislator.
That's awesome! :thumbs2:
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