Which gun is it for you?
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
My 2 favorites are a Remington Targetmaster my dad bought for my Sister and it got passed down to me. Long barrel, bolt action 22, iron sights. Serial number 49. The second is a Ruger MKII. When I turned 16 I traded my first rifle, a youth model 22, and $16 dollars for it at a pawn shop. Many a rabbit has fallen to both and I have had the Ruger for 50 years now.
"Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would." John Adams
Re: Which gun is it for you?
Colt Python dad left me
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
SA 1911A1, had lots of work on it, it's not pretty, but is my favorite, probably because I trust it and am confident with it.
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
cmgee67 wrote:What gun is your favorite gun? Did it cost a lot of money and you just admire the quality and looks? Was it given to you by someone? Was it one you always wanted and you finally got it? Did you build it?
My favorite gun hands down is my AK-47. It came from a Romanian parts kit from 1976 except the receiver and barrel which are US made. My dad and I built it together and that makes it priceless to me. She shoots like a dream and I trust my life to it. The stories those old parts could tell if they could talk would be something. All the holes we drilled and pressing we did and all of the rivers we set each have a certain memory and moment connected to each of them that I will always carry with me. It's not the prettiest gun out there but to me it's beautiful and nothing could ever touch it in my opinion.
Such an awesome post.
I cling my life to my Glock 33. Not much to it but night sights and the extended magazine but i'll trust my life to with its defense any day. Alot of folks despise the the .357 sig and i have never owned one up until a few months back, having said that i will never get rid of her. Snappy, hot little round ready to do its job. The ammo is hard to find unless online, but i will maintain it and carry until i find something that takes my interests further.
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
Re: Which gun is it for you?
Alaska2texas wrote:cmgee67 wrote:What gun is your favorite gun? Did it cost a lot of money and you just admire the quality and looks? Was it given to you by someone? Was it one you always wanted and you finally got it? Did you build it?
My favorite gun hands down is my AK-47. It came from a Romanian parts kit from 1976 except the receiver and barrel which are US made. My dad and I built it together and that makes it priceless to me. She shoots like a dream and I trust my life to it. The stories those old parts could tell if they could talk would be something. All the holes we drilled and pressing we did and all of the rivers we set each have a certain memory and moment connected to each of them that I will always carry with me. It's not the prettiest gun out there but to me it's beautiful and nothing could ever touch it in my opinion.
Such an awesome post.
I cling my life to my Glock 33. Not much to it but night sights and the extended magazine but i'll trust my life to with its defense any day. Alot of folks despise the the .357 sig and i have never owned one up until a few months back, having said that i will never get rid of her. Snappy, hot little round ready to do its job. The ammo is hard to find unless online, but i will maintain it and carry until i find something that takes my interests further.
Can't go wrong with a glock or 357 sig! Carry on my friend!
Re: Which gun is it for you?
For me, it would be my CZC P-01 SDP. No other pistol in my collection feels as nice or shoots as well. It is built on my favorite platform, and quite frankly is simple and pretty. I simply love the way it shoots and carries. For me, it is the perfect pistol.

The SDP along with the other P-01s in the family. "The good, the bad, and the ugly."

The SDP along with the other P-01s in the family. "The good, the bad, and the ugly."

Re: Which gun is it for you?
Those are beautiful!
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
For me, its is my suppressed AR-9 SBR. I purpose-built it for home defense, and I built the suppressor as well. I love the way it shoots, the way it handles, and the way it (doesn't) sound. I love that it is small enough to inconspicuously take in a bag when I am travelling, and I love that it shares mags with my usual carry pistol.

Re: Which gun is it for you?
What holster is that you have for your CZ?
What holster is that you have for your CZ?
Re: Which gun is it for you?
That is an OWB style 3 from http://sandsleatherworks.com. I ordered a matching belt with it too.J Wilson wrote:ZOTex,
What holster is that you have for your CZ?

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Re: Which gun is it for you?
It looks very similar to a Tucker HF-1
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
My favorite is the .357 Colt Python with 2.5" barrel I got from my Dad. That one will be passed down to the next generation.
“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” ― Samuel Adams
Re: Which gun is it for you?
I have a Coonan 1911 in 357 Mag. It is a lot of fun to shoot.
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
My fav would be my Benelli Nova 12g. Was my first gun purchase. My 2nd would be my sig 2022 which I EDC.
Another month or two I am getting either a Kimber or a STI 1911 .45. Prob the latter.
Another month or two I am getting either a Kimber or a STI 1911 .45. Prob the latter.
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Re: Which gun is it for you?
My favorite gun is my dad's Mossberg 930 SPX Blackwater. It's on the top of my "I've gotta get me one of these" list. 

"I can see it's dangerous for you, but if the government trusts me, maybe you could."
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