Natchez Shooters Supplies/Caldwell 6"-9" Bipod

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Natchez Shooters Supplies/Caldwell 6"-9" Bipod


Post by Abraham »

On sale for $16.99, I called Natchez, but being Sunday,they're not open, so I'm unable to find out the additional cost of freight/handling. Plus, inputting on the internet to find out the frt cost, etc, turned out they far to much/various information I'm not willing to part with...

That said, the reviews I've read on this bipod came across as a mediocre quality bipod, but for someone who will only use it occasionally use it (me) and it's sale price, it may fit the bill.

My biggest concern is the reviews on Natchez are highly mixed, as in some who'd never do business with them again, to they're a dependable, first rate supplier.

So, what say you about 1. the bipod 2. Natchez OK / Not OK?


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Re: Natchez Shooters Supplies/Caldwell 6"-9" Bipod


Post by Chemist45 »

I've dealt with Natchez many times and have had no issues at all.
Caldwell is a good name and the bipod sounds ok from the description.
I used the estimate shipping feature and it says $12.32 via FedEx or US Mail.
So if you buy nothing else, the bipod wil run you around $29.

From the looks of things, the same bipod will run you $36 from Amazon.

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Re: Natchez Shooters Supplies/Caldwell 6"-9" Bipod


Post by Revet »

I think I first bought from Natchez back in '06 or '08. Mostly it has been ammo, but I've jumped for a few of their sales on other items. They often have a brand of range ammo I like, and they had limited, but available, stocks of 22LR back when it was scarce. I can't recall ever having had a problem. I vaguely remember one return and it was satisfactory. They aren't fast--which usually doesn't matter a lot to me. And I recall some of their handgun ammo prices rising to near gouging levels during the worst of the shortage. But I have also gotten deals on harder-to-find ammo like 6.8 SPC that no one else has beaten.

Regarding bipods: Can't help you with the Caldwell. I have much of their gear, shooting rests, Deadshot, etc, all very satisfactory. I know you're looking at a sale deal. But just FWIW let me mention UTG as a bargain bipod. I have two, a Tactical OP, and a Super Duty w/QD Lever Mount. One was about $20, the other about $40 at time of purchase. I usually avoid cheap Chinese knock-offs, but these, especially the "Super Duty," have really served me well.
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Re: Natchez Shooters Supplies/Caldwell 6"-9" Bipod


Post by Abraham »

Thanks guys!

Your help is mucho appreciated!!
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