mojo84 wrote:I sure hope none of my post came across that way. In my opinion Medicare in the VA are completely separate from the primary Health Care issue that Obamacare affected.8G26ster wrote:mojo84 wrote:I don't believe anyone in their right mind would really want to take away the benefit for which you or anyone has paid for over the years. There is an option to stop the program for the future before those that have not yet started paying into the system start.G26ster wrote:Oh, so it's OK to plan for your retirement knowing that you paid into Medicare all your working life, and then after you retire banking on those benefits, you get them taken away and have squat to live on. Yeah, that's real fair. All you have to do is push the "reverse button" go back in time, and tell yourself you need to have a higher yield on your savings/investments because Medicare won't be there. Where did I put my time machine. Can't find it. And BTW, people on Medicare pay income taxes too. At least we do.Lambda Force wrote:Republicans should repeal them all or admit they're socialists and push single payer for everybody.
It's crazy to have "free" or subsidized healthcare for everybody except the people who work and pay taxes. Or should I say, the suckers who work and pay taxes.
Say, brother, where do I get me one of those Obamaphones?
Whether some of the programs are intentionally and systematically phased out, they will implode on their own and people will lose what they've paid for and the economy will take a devastating hit.
This isn't a young against old deal. The system is unsustainable.
Mojo: I agree that SS & Medicare need to be reformed for future recipients, AND the current system is unsustainable. But when you spice an opinion with phrases like, "It's crazy to have "free" or subsidized healthcare for everybody except the people who work and pay taxes. Or should I say, the suckers who work and pay taxes," after you've said get rid of Medicare, it implies that recipients of SS & Medicare are freeloaders who pay no taxes. That simply is untrue, and it can make the reader feel like it IS a young vs. old situation, and folks on Medicare are deadbeats.
Mojo: My last post was mainly in response to another member who said in one post to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, then in a subsequent post made the statement I quoted. Sorry for the confusion.