GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?

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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by bubba84 »

He's not a breeder but I bet dollars to pesos he can line you up with one.

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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by SewTexas »

vjallen75 wrote:
jkurtz wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Just be ready to sweep and vacuum often and regularly. LOL
I ended up buying a Roomba.
My Malinois stays outside because he constantly sheds. My wife hates it.

Only time he comes inside is if it's below freezing and he's in a kennel.

:???: she doesn't know shedding.....I have 2 corgis....that's shedding! They are my babies though.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by majorr »

I purchased a GSD from the Texas Ranger stationed in our area. This pup is wonderful. She is coming 7 months old and already quite the protector. They do however dump a lot of hair. I too bought a Roomba and it was some of the best money I have ever spent. I gave it to my wife for Christmas. The ladies at work said I was nuts for buying my wife a vacuum cleaner for a gift. I told my wife to look at it as a maid and not a vacuum. I can't believe how much the roomba picks up on a daily basis.

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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by jkurtz »

mojo84 wrote:
jkurtz wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Just be ready to sweep and vacuum often and regularly. LOL
I ended up buying a Roomba.
I'm looking at them. Are you happy with it?

The trouble is well it.
Extremely happy. I run it every night as I am going to sleep and it does a really good job at getting all the dog hair. Before the Roomba, we would get tumbleweeds of dog hair if we didn't vacuum daily.

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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by MeMelYup »

You can cut down the shedding tremendously if you use one of these on your dog a couple times a week.
I can't get the picture to appear so I will describe it. It's called a Furminator. The steel comb is horizontal while the handle is vertical. It has close teeth like a lice comb and a button to push the hair out of the teeth. Places like PetSmart and other pet supply stores sell them. I brush my dogs (shepherd mix) a couple times a week and the amount of hair is unbelievable. Just glad it's not in the house.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by C-dub »

karder wrote:Both GSDs and BMs are fantastic dogs. They are quite different in their behaviors however. I buddy of mine who is a K9 officer and works a Belgian Malinois, describes BMs as a German Shepherd after chugging a case of Red Bull!. BMs are fantastic working dogs for police or military because they have so much energy and drive but the downside of that is they need to be working or at least heavily exercised and mentally stimulated. Shepherds are also high energy and need lots of exercise and attention, but they are down a couple of notches from the Belgian Malinois. I love German Shepherds (I have two) but I don't think I have the energy to wear out a Belgian Malinois anymore!
I will echo what Mr. Cotton said. Please consider visiting your local shelter. There are some special pups there who would sure appreciate a permanent home. Often times purebred shepherds are available at the shelter, left there by someone who did not understand that puppies grow up. Good luck with your search! :tiphat:
:iagree: This is a very accurate description with one small exception. Mellow and calm GSDs can be found. I'm not so sure about the Maligators. That nickname has been earned. I trained both breeds and others for Schutzhund and a couple different Ring Sports for many years before finally getting burned out. Find a reputable working dog breeder and ask if they have "pet" quality pups or young dogs. These will usually be lower drive and much more tolerable to someone that is not planning on working them. Even a Mal with medium drive levels can be more than most are prepared for.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by DocV »

We have a rescued BM that is probably mixed with something else. The pup phase was a lot of fun but some Mals go through a "Maligator" phase where the pup will latch onto your pants leg for a free ride. Mals are active learners and will amaze you with their intelligence. Pup school is a must. Have a look at Quail Creek Kennel in Robinson ( ) for general Mal advice and to check to see if they have any pups.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by Oldgringo »

Whether it's a GSD, BM or even a cat, if the animal is not family, you neither deserve nor need them.

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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by WTR »

I recommend a YouTube search comparing the two and decide.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by Beiruty »

My Laika female GS dog, loves me so much, she thinks, I am her dad, her son, her family, and her playmate. I am also her food and treat provider.
She goes crazy when she sees me. BTW, That Baggin stuff is like magic dust for her.
Laika is well trained. She loves my 2-yrs son and all our family. In her 1st year she tore a lot of my garage stuff. Anything that she thinks look like chewy thing, she just.... chew it. Good thing not any more.

As for her duties: It is all bark, no bite. Best Alarm in the neighborhood.

Presenting Laika:
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by mojo84 »

Beautiful GSD, Beiruty.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by Skiprr »

Thanks, Beiruty. Gave me a smile for the morning.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by RPBrown »

Beautiful pup
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by Lena »

Had both and still have shepherds along time, worked with both the GSD and maligators as we called them, the BM can run faster, turn faster be more stubborn and take more time to train but if your willing to invest the time are great, for me it is the GSD as mine is with me now.
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Re: GSD or Belgian Malinois Breeders?


Post by mojo84 »

Here's our boy, Max. He about 105 lbs. of companionship.



Speaking of companion, here he is laying on my feet at the ranch.
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