Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07

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Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by Papa_Tiger »

I had an appointment with my dentist today and was surprised when I drove up to see that they had both 30.06 and 30.07 signs posted when there had been none previously. I spoke with the office manager and was informed that because they receive federal money through Medicaid, their MCNA agent told them that they must post a gun policy as of September 1 as part of their passing compliance. The office manager specifically stated that there wasn't anything in writing from MCNA, but it was verbal notification that their gun policy needed to be in place. When asked if they had to have a prohibition on handguns, the office manager stated that they didn't have to ban, they just had to have a policy, even if it was a sign stating they have no prohibition and she stated that the practice owners took their cues from other medical facilities (hospitals, dentist offices) nearby and decided to post both 30.06 and 30.07 signs. The office manager made a couple of excuses as to why they should have the signs including "we have medications here" and "every other dentist/hospital has the same policy". I presented some of the facts that it only stops law abiding citizens and that those with LTCs in the State of Texas are more law abiding than the general population and even police officers. There was assent that the sign doesn't stop anyone who doesn't care. I politely informed them that this would likely be my last visit and my family's last visit if the 30.06 sign was not removed, but we would be happy to continue coming if it was taken down. They said they would note it in my file and talk with the owners.

I felt that it was a very good and productive conversation and that the points I made were understood.

What I would like to know is what MCNA's relationship with the Federal Government is and where this policy came from. I asked if I could see in writing where the "you must display your gun policy" rule was but they didn't have anything in writing.

This feels like a federal overreach if it is being forced "Because they accept federal funds (i.e. Medicaid)".
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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by ScottDLS »

Papa_Tiger wrote:I had an appointment with my dentist today and was surprised when I drove up to see that they had both 30.06 and 30.07 signs posted when there had been none previously. I spoke with the office manager and was informed that because they receive federal money through Medicaid, their MCNA agent told them that they must post a gun policy as of September 1 as part of their passing compliance. The office manager specifically stated that there wasn't anything in writing from MCNA, but it was verbal notification that their gun policy needed to be in place. When asked if they had to have a prohibition on handguns, the office manager stated that they didn't have to ban, they just had to have a policy, even if it was a sign stating they have no prohibition and she stated that the practice owners took their cues from other medical facilities (hospitals, dentist offices) nearby and decided to post both 30.06 and 30.07 signs. The office manager made a couple of excuses as to why they should have the signs including "we have medications here" and "every other dentist/hospital has the same policy". I presented some of the facts that it only stops law abiding citizens and that those with LTCs in the State of Texas are more law abiding than the general population and even police officers. There was assent that the sign doesn't stop anyone who doesn't care. I politely informed them that this would likely be my last visit and my family's last visit if the 30.06 sign was not removed, but we would be happy to continue coming if it was taken down. They said they would note it in my file and talk with the owners.

I felt that it was a very good and productive conversation and that the points I made were understood.

What I would like to know is what MCNA's relationship with the Federal Government is and where this policy came from. I asked if I could see in writing where the "you must display your gun policy" rule was but they didn't have anything in writing.

This feels like a federal overreach if it is being forced "Because they accept federal funds (i.e. Medicaid)".
MCNA is a private benefits management company that provides claims services for interacting with the state/federal bureaucracy. Seems like the latest version of the old "my insurance company made me do it", which suspiciously never seems to be in writing. I'll add to the collection for your entertainment.

- You can't carry at a bank either because it's federal property, they don't even need to post 30.06, but they just do it to inform you.
- The dentist's office is a school because they treat children during the school day, so you can't carry there anyway.
- Why do you want to carry weapons of war to your dental care provider's office. You must be a "gun nut".
- By bringing this up with the office manager you are giving the 2nd amendment a "bad name", hence rendering it invalid in the next session of the city council.

"rlol" "rlol" "rlol"
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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by rotor »

Find a new dentist. They didn't have to post 30.06/07 but they did anyway. They make a lot of money off of you and they lose money seeing Medicaid. One less paying family will be at their doors.
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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by Jusme »

rotor wrote:Find a new dentist. They didn't have to post 30.06/07 but they did anyway. They make a lot of money off of you and they lose money seeing Medicaid. One less paying family will be at their doors.


This, they even told you that their policy could have been "no prohibitions", but they chose to go the other way. They have tried to rationalize their decision by claiming other medical facilities have the same policy. There are too many dentists available, and I'm sure that some here on the forum, can recommend those that don't have such a "policy"
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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by Abraham »

Politely, let them know why you're going elsewhere.

My Dentist has no such signs. I always CC when I go there. Plus, they know what I'm CCing...I let it slip once to one of her dental hygienists who I'd been friends with for quite some time. She wanted to know more about getting an LTC as she and her husband were very interested...

Of course, I pay my Dentist who as far as I know doesn't accept government subsidies.

She is a superb Dentist and her patients aren't on Obama care.

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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by baileyrace »

Some of my patients enter the treatment room, disarm for comfort, and ask me where I want their weapon. We just say right in there beside me. I am not sure how they first figured out that I do not care.

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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by Waco1959 »

My dentist likes to talk about CC guns and ammo when I visit. He had just switched to a 9mm before my last visit so he and his wife are carrying the same guns.
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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by Dragonfighter »

Waco1959 wrote:My dentist likes to talk about CC guns and ammo when I visit. He had just switched to a 9mm before my last visit so he and his wife are carrying the same guns.
OT, carrying the same gun makes sense in a lot of ways. Interchangeability of ammo, familiarity of use should one spouse need to use the other's weapon, etc.

I don't know where you live Papa_Tiger but 6 Day in Roanoke has no such postings. I have carried there multiple times though they have never asked and I never have brought it up. The last appointment was very painful and I don't know but I bet at least part of the holster was exposed with all of the squirming.
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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by Papa_Tiger »

The thing that bothers me about it is the claim of "we had to post a policy as mandated by our insurance rep" and "we chose to do what the other medical providers in the area did".

This shows a "don't think for yourself" and "its not my responsibility" attitude. This is exactly the source of so many of our issues today as a country. People are being oppressed by government (if the story is true) and don't bother to do the research and be informed and just take the path of least resistance.

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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by baileyrace »

Here is a survey of over 700 dentists. 71% did not think that dental offices should be posted. ... id=1581239

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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by glazer1972 »

I managed to get my eye doctor to at least take down the 30.06 sign. I told them that that one was stupid cause I had been carrying guns in his building for at least ten years and he didn't even know it.

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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by 338winmag »

rotor wrote:Find a new dentist. They didn't have to post 30.06/07 but they did anyway. They make a lot of money off of you and they lose money seeing Medicaid. One less paying family will be at their doors.
When you leave, make sure you tell them why.

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Re: Dentist Office Posting 30.06 and 30.07


Post by rentz »

Last time I saw my general practitioner I noticed his office was posted 06 and 07, now I usually don't carry at the dr anyway because I don't want to deal with it in the exam room and have my weight show higher than it is :biggrinjester:

But I know my dr has a ltc and rifles such as an ar and enjoys shooting so I found it odd but they are owned by a large medical group. So when we chit chat I asked and he didn't know what I meant and I explained and he got this "oh bother" type face and cursed the medical group and said it was probably their stupid policy and must be new but he doesn't know because it's not on the back entrance and said ...who would want to leave a gun in the car anyway

If I wanted to push it I'm sure I could get verbal or written permission from him to carry but I didn't feel like pushing since it wasn't a huge deal to me as I don't usually carry in the clinic

But now I think I better check my dentists eye dr office posted Jan 1 but it was the medical building posting not them and I Think they moved it to just 07 afterward
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